Fancy Dress All Week!
Tel: 07531344549 or email
Monster Monday 24th / Terrifying Tuesday 25th / Wicked Wednesday 26th / Blood-thirsty Thursday 27th / Fiendish Friday 28th
We open at 8:00am
9:30am / Milk Carton Ghosts
/ Menacing Masks / Sickly Sweets
Made with no-sugar jelly! / Pumpkin Carving
The older children will be given the opportunity to design, name and re-create their chill out area!
10:30am / Putrid Playdough Making / NERF Shoot Out
/ Possessed Props / Spooky Sensory Boxes / Coloured Hairstyles
LUNCH! / Please pack your child a heathy lunch box with ice pack.
A free snack of fruit/veg and energy snacks will be served at around 10:30am and 2:30pm /
12pm Party Lunch
£2.50 per child
Catch Your Pudding Game!
Plus Devilish Disco with Pumpkin Disco Ball Making!
1:00pm / Frightening Face painting
/ Awesome Apple Bobbing
/ Cookery Time
Work as a team to make some terrible treats.
Winning team will receve a putrid prize! / Fashion Designs
2:30pm /
Mummy Game
/ Sandpit Spider Hunt
We close at 6:00pm / Bone Rattling Book Marks
/ Witches Hat Hoopla
/ Wink Murder
A fun circle game ideal for all ages!
Also this week – An amazing selection of free choice activities on offer and more grown-up activities aimed at our over 8’s: Batty Bowling, Terrifying Ring Toss,
Scary stories, A-Z of Hallowe’en Challenge, Hallowe’en Bingo, Terrific Transfers, Search the Light, Pin the Wart on the Witch Game and lots more!
October Holiday Club Programme 2016
DatePlease tick your selected sessions / Morning Session
£13.50 / Tick here for morning sessions / Afternoon Session
£13.50 / Tick here for afternoon sessions / All Day Care
£21.00 / Tick here for all day care
Mon 24th October
Tues 25th / Party: Lunch & Disco £2.50 / Party: Lunch & Disco £2.50
Weds 26th
Thurs 27th
Fri 28th
We welcome suggestions for competitively priced trips and visitors to continue to keep fees low.
By booking with us, you are giving your consent for Wild About Play staff to take your child/children off Club premises, to travel on foot or by mini-bus, to the stated trip destination or take part in a particular activity. If you do not wish your child to take part in face painting please state this on the day. Some last minute local outings may be arranged depending on weather, numbers of children and transport.
Name/s of Children: / Age/s during the October Holiday:
Name of Parent/Carer: / Telephone number:
Home Address:
(House number & Post-code if we already have your Membership form)
Email Address: / School:
Please circle or tick payment type: / BACS / Childcare Vouchers / Cash (exact amount) / Cheque
Signature: / Date:
The Booking Process
After receiving your Membership form and booking form your child will be added to our Holiday registers. Your booking will be confirmed via an emailed invoice (PDF format). It will have a due date which will need to be adhered to otherwise your child’s place can be given to someone wanting a place.
Payment can be made by exact amount of cash at Club during our opening times, a cheque made out to ‘Wild About Play’, by bank transfer (our bank details will be sent on your invoice) or by childcare vouchers.
The Booking Deadline is Friday 14th October
All booked care should be paid for in advance and by the invoice due date–
Non-attendance will not hold any credits therefore payment will need to be made.
Thank you!
Welcome!We are thrilled to report that we had a very successful first Summer Holiday Club.
Staff feedback revealed that we need to ensure an engaging variety of activities for our over 8’s whilst continuing to improve our support to our early years children.
We very much value your feedback and would like you to let us know – what can we do better?
Please remember that we open 8am-6pm and you will need to provide the following items for your child:
- Medical itemssuch as epi-pens and asthma inhalers (A paediatric first aider will be on site at all times)
- A warm rain jacket or winter coatdepending on the weather forecast – if you can provide wellies too that would be fab!
- Healthy packed lunch box plus ice pack
- Sensible shoes (fit for changing weather, running and park play)
- Suitable play clothing that may get dirty and wet along with a change of clothes
Wild About Play is now solely owned by Sian Pumford, we have been re-registered with Ofsted and have a new Ofsted registration number: RP537586.
Apart from that – absolutely nothing has changed!
You will receive the same quality care for a very competitive price! / Early Years Foundation Stage
What is it?
It’s a Framework that your child’s Nursery and Reception Class teacher will be following. Out of School providers are required to compliment this framework and communicate with parents and carers how they intend to do this.
Who is it for?
At Wild About Play it is for the Early Years children – those children due to attend school or attending the Reception Class.
What does WAP do about it?
WAP staff are all aware of the extra care and attention that our youngest children need. Staff are being continually trained with the Early Years Foundation Stage which covers child development. We have Play & Learning Diaries to share information with yourselves and Reception Class teachers.
How does this help my child?
Your child will have a keyperson who will observe, assess and plan for your child’s needs with your vital input. They will share information with the rest of the team so that your child is offered opportunities in all of the seven areas of learning and development. They will support your child in their next steps, for example – scissor skills, sharing, phonic sounds or creative experiences.
How Can I help?
Take your child’s diary home and complete the information pages all about their likes and abilities etc. Talk to us! Share with us how your child is coping at school and at home. Are they sleeping well? Do they struggle with holding their pencil correctly? Can we help with showing them how to zip up their coat or count to thirty?
We can help to give them the best start to school life!
Staff News:
We are very proud to announce that three of our staff will be starting NVQ level 3’s in various subjects.
Sian is also completing her NVQ level 3 in Business Admin after achieving her Level 3 in Management over the last year.
We are a staff team committed to improvement and we look forward to gaining further skills and knowledge which can be put to good use at WAP!
The Ridgewood Community Centre,
244 Station Road, Yate, BS37 4AF.
Tel: 07531 344 549
Ofsted Registration: RP537586