Tania Casado & Alessandra Quishida
University of São Paulo
Case Objectives and Use
The purpose of this teaching case is to present and discuss the key issues for a career decision, in terms of individual aspects. The self-knowledge process - reflection on personal values, one's life history and evaluation of personality traits - is presented as an essential factor in the search for a solution to the dilemma over a career change. And, especially for undergraduate students, the case also aims offering an opportunity to undergraduate students think about their own doubts about their choices.
The elements presented in the case also suggest the influence of social values held by the individual's family and the importance of other persons in his or her social developmental network as aids in the process of reflection and self-knowledge.
The case recounts the story of a recently admitted consultant, Vanessa Honda, in her first job after she got the bachelor degree. The case provides an opportunity to examine several fundamental concepts in career development and personality assessment such as self knowledge, mentoring, psychological types, values and job satisfaction. It can be used in undergraduate courses and in programs to develop career counselors where concepts in organizational behavior, psychology traits and career development are required.
Case Synopsis
This case tells the story of Vanessa Honda, a young graduate in business administration and consultant for one of the world's largest consultancy companies. Vanessa is in a professional crisis. Although she has a job in her field and is professionally successful in the eyes of those around her, she is dissatisfied. She carries out all her assignments carefully and obtains good results, but she is constantly thinking about new directions for her career. One day she looks up a former teacher for a conversation, and there they recall Vanessa's diagnostics in self-knowledge during classroom activities carried out a couple of years before. With the help of her former teacher, Vanessa reengages in her process of self-knowledge and finally decides what direction to go in terms of her career.
The authors developed the case for class discussion rather than to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of the situation. The case, instructor’s manual, and synopsis were anonymously peer reviewed and accepted by the North American Case Research Association (NACRA) for its annual meeting, October 19-21, 2006, San Diego, CA. All rights are reserved to the authors and NACRA. © 2006 by Tania Casado and Alessandra Quishida. Contact person: Tania Casado, School of Economics, Management, and Accounting, University of São Paulo, R. Dr. Gabriel dos Santos, 356 / 101, Higienópolis, CEP 01231-010 São Paulo SP, Brazil, (55) 11- 3662-5677, .