WEDNESDAY, MAY 5, 2010 6:30 P.M.
1. Call to Order – Ms. Beaubien
Ms. Beaubien called the May 5th, 2010 Deerfield Community School Board meeting to order at 6:35 pm.
2. Pledge of Allegiance – Ms. Beaubien
Ms. Beaubien led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Minutes of Previous Meeting – April 7, 2010
A motion was made by Kevin Barry to approve the April 7, 2010 minutes as written, seconded by Don Gorman.
All In Favor
Motion Carried
Minutes were accepted as corrected
4. Immediate Business
A. Agenda Review
+ B1 Honeywell (to be placed after Citizens Comments)
+ B2 Kindergarten (to be placed after Financial Report)
B. Citizens’/Staff Comments
Mr. Gorman inquired and wanted to clarify the board nominations that were determined at the April 7th’s school board meeting. In particular he wanted it determined if he had been nominated for the negotiation team. Ms. Beaubien stated that he had not been nominated and that it would be placed on June’s agenda. Mr. Barry suggested that it be discussed in non-public.
A motion was made by Don Gorman to select Don Gorman as a member of the negotiation team, seconded by Maryann Clark.
Motion Carried
Mr. Walt Hooker spoke to the members of the board about the proposed contract with Honeywell, which would continue the work that has been done with the heating system. Mr. Hooker noted that he did not see that the District sent this item out to bid.
Mr. Hooker also stated that the Board of Selectmen were waiting for the school district to see if they would be going out to bid for oil together.
Lee Drapeau a parent encouraged the board members to support full day kindergarten. Mrs. Drapeau stated that she has a child currently in full day and that she has observed first hand the importance and impact that full day has on education.
There were several parents who came forth with their support of full day.
Mr. O’Connell (a member of the Energy Committee) spoke to the board concerning the Honeywell proposal. He noted that if the air quality exchange is poor it might mean more oil consumption.
Mr. Peter Menard (a member of the MBC) informed the board that he had been chosen by the MBC to bring information concerning the Deerfield Community School back to the MBC.
The representative’s from Honeywell spoke to the members of the board about the scope of the heating needs of DCS. It was noted that last year Honeywell replaced the furnaces that were not working last year. It was discussed that continuing the work the reliability of the system would be improved, fuel savings would be improved, and air quality would improve.
C. Financial Report – Mr. Aubrey
· Oil Purchase Update
· Trust Funds Update
· Catastrophic Aid Update
Mr. Aubrey informed the board that the district could end the year returning to the town $558,000.00.
Trust Funds / Exp Trust / Exp Trust / Totals
Fiscal Year 03/04
Transfer to / 75,000.00 / - / 75,000.00
Interest Earned / (897.07) / - / (897.07)
As of 6/30/04 / 74,102.93 / - / 74,102.93
Fiscal Year 04/05
Transfer to / 25,000.00 / 40,000.00 / 65,000.00
Interest Earned / 2,651.25 / 692.02 / 3,343.27
Total as of 6/30/05 / 101,754.18 / 40,692.02 / 142,446.20
Fiscal Year 05/06
Transfer to / 20,000.00 / 20,000.00 / 40,000.00
Interest Earned / 110.45 / 246.18 / 356.63
Total as of 6/30/06 / 121,864.63 / 60,938.20 / 182,802.83
Fiscal Year 06/07
Transfers to / 10,000.00 / 30,000.00 / 40,000.00
Interest Earned / 6,459.29 / 3,126.54 / 9,585.83
Total as of 6/30/07 / 138,323.92 / 94,064.74 / 232,388.66
Fiscal Year 07/08
Transfers to / 10,000.00 / 10,000.00 / 20,000.00
Interest Earned / 11,069.21 / 7,528.81 / 18,598.02
Total as of 6/30/08 / 159,393.13 / 111,593.55 / 270,986.68
Fiscal Year 08/09
Transfers to / 20,000.00 / 20,000.00
Interest Earned / 13,933.33 / 11,038.47 / 24,971.80
Total as of 6/30/09 / 173,326.46 / 142,632.02 / 315,958.48
Mr. Aubrey reviewed with the board members past oil purchases. Mr. Aubrey informed the board that there have been several occasions that he has been able to purchase oil for the schools in the district for less than what the town of Deerfield was able to purchase heating oil for. Mr. Aubrey also stated that the school has used less fuel for heating this year. The board also noted that fuel costs for heat have not leveled off and may not for sometime due to speculation and the oil platform that caught on fire off the coast of Louisiana.
A motion was made by Greg Williams to have the town include DCS when they go out to bid for fuel, seconded by Kevin Barry.
All In Favor
Motion Carried
Kindergarten Programming
Mr. Yergeau informed the members of the board that currently there are 52 students enrolled in the 10-11-kindergarten program. The parent survey showed that all but 2 families requested full day. Mr. Yergeau stated that space is available for a 3rd full day kindergarten. The school board will need to consider an additional ½ time teaching position and ½ time teaching assistant.
Mrs. Clark noted that full day kindergarten would impact Integrated Arts. Mr. Yergeau stated that with the re-structuring of 6th, 7th, and 8th it should not be an issue. Mr. Gorman asked if there was any data that showed DCS students who went to full day were better in testing scores, etc?
Dr. Paludi stated that national research supports the benefits of full day kindergarten. Mr. Yergeau noted that the state now has specific benchmarks for students in kindergarten. The board discussed the additional costs. Mr. Gorman also asked about class size. He also noted that the board has discussed the advantages and disadvantages but that he was still concerned that the budget and teachers’ contract that did not pass again this year and adding a full day kindergarten
could do more harm to future budgets. It’s a matter of timing not benefit.
Ms. Beaubien stated that with earlier interventions, costs that were incurred later during a child’s education might be negated, or other services used less.
Mr. Williams noted that if the community invested early there would be savings later.
A motion was made by Kevin Barry to add an additional full day kindergarten for the 10-11 school year, seconded by Greg Williams.
In Favor-4
Motion Carried
D. Principal’s Report – Mr. Yergeau
Mr. Yergeau informed the board that Garde Burgess has been diligently working on retrofitting the intercom.
The school board was also informed that the school would have 10.5 interns for the 10-11 school year.
The 09-10 Talent Show was very popular again this year. Since Mrs. Swanson was unavailable this year to organize it so she handed it off to Mr. Boisvert who did a great job making sure it went on as planned.
Mr. Yergeau also informed members of the board that the DARE graduation was tonight for the 5th grade students.
Mr. Yergeau informed the board that an OT had accepted a position at the Deerfield Community School. Margaret Flintock will fill a .6 position or 3 day.
A motion was made by Don Gorman to accept Margaret Flintock nomination for the position of OT (.6/3 day), seconded by Kevin Barry.
All In Favor
Motion Carried
Mr. Yergeau informed the board that a staff member who was requesting that the board
review her request for maternity leave.
A motion was made to accept the staff member’s request for maternity leave, seconded by Greg Williams.
All In Favor
Motion Carried
E. Honeywell Project Proposal – Mr. Gorman, Mr. Thibeault
A motion was made by Kevin Barry to place out to bid the energy efficiency needs for DCS, seconded by Maryann Clark.
Mr. Gorman stated that he would oppose it stating that monies should be returned to the taxpayers. Mr. Williams stated that going out to bid did not mean that the monies would not be returned.
All In Favor
Motion Carried
F. Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant - Ms. O’Donnell, Mr. Warburton
Mrs. O’Donnell explained to the board the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant that the town/school received. Mrs.O’Donnell stated that it would allow the town to build on the school grounds a greenhouse and swap shop. The students will be learning composting, gardening, recycling etc. Mrs. O’Donnell stated that she hoped the work would be completed for next year but it would be a huge endeavor. Mrs. O’Donnell stated that the town accepted the funds and that she needed to have the school do the same.
A motion was made by Kevin Barry to accept the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant monies, seconded by Don Gorman.
All In Favor
Motion Carried
Ms. Beaubien and the members of the board thanked the Energy committee for their time.
5. Old/Unfinished Business
A. Special Ed. Task Force – Ms. Clark
Not discussed
B. Length of School Day Committee – Ms. Beaubien
Ms. Beaubien and Mr. Yergeau will meet in the near future.
C. 2010-2011 School Calendar – Mr. Yergeau, Mr. Warburton
A motion was made by Kevin Barry to accept the 2010-11-school calendar as presented, seconded by Don Gorman.
All In Favor
Motion Carried
D. Middle School Reorganization Update – Mr. Yergeau
Mr. Yergeau informed the members of the board that progress is being made in this area. Currently the school staff is looking at 2 teams that would include or combine 6,7 and 7,8. Homerooms have not been finalized.
Scheduling is currently being set up for the 2010-11 school year.
Mr. Yergeau shared with the board the building re-organization/placement of grade levels and it appears that by moving music to the modular and the decrease in some grade levels students can be brought into the building for homerooms. More information will be forthcoming on each of these issues next month.
Mrs. Clark noted that she was pleased to hear that classrooms were coming into the building.
E. Plowing – Mr. Barry
The board received a letter from Alex Cote concerning the plowing of the parking lot and the lifting of gravel onto the lawn area from the parking lot.
The board discussed the concerns and Mr. Williams stated that he would come down with his tractor and assist in moving the rocks off.
Mr. Gorman spoke about placing large boulders near the grass strip to prevent further deterioration of the area.
6. New Business
The school board had requested from Supt Warburton a breakdown of high schools within a reasonable distance from the town of Deerfield and to bring back to them information concerning driving distance.
The following is Supt. Warburton’s report:
Times and Distances from DCS 66 North Rd, DeerfieldTown / Address / Time / Distance
Bow / 32 White Rock Hill Road / 39 Minutes / 25.3 Miles
Coe-Brown / 951 First NH Turnpike / 14 Minutes / 9 Miles
Concord / 170 Warren Street / 36 Minutes / 22 Miles
Goffstown / 27 Wallace Road / 48 Minutes / 31 Miles
Raymond / 45 Harriman Hill Road / 10 Minutes / 17 Miles
Bedford / 47 Nashua Road / 38 Minutes / 26 Miles
Manchester (W) / 9 Notre Dame Ave / 37 Minutes / 21 Miles
Chester / 22 Murphy Drive / 34 Minutes / 19 Miles
Dover / 25 Alummi Drive / 33 Minutes / 23 Miles
Rochester / 130 Wakefield / 33 Minutes / 20 Miles
Durham / 55 Coe Drive / 28 Minutes / 20 Miles
New Market / 213 South Main Street / 33 Minutes / 22 Miles
Exeter / 1 Blue Hawk Drive / 32 Minutes / 21 Miles
Somersworth / 51 West High Street / 43 Minutes / 27.5 Miles
Contoocook / 297 Park Ave / 51 Minutes / 36 Miles
Epping / 21 Academy Street / 27 Minutes / 16 Miles
The board will be looking at academics, sports, etc. at these schools at future meetings.
7. Informational Items
A. Citizens’/Staff Comments
Mr. Hooker spoke to the board about publishing their draft minutes.
Mr. Daley (a member of the MBC) spoke about the kindergarten enrollment. He noted that the numbers are much higher than the boards’ recommended numbers and that it was his opinion if Kindergarten could handle higher-class sizes the other grades could also do so.
At 9:50 P.M., a motion to enter non-public session under RSA 91-A:3II(c) was made by Kevin Barry, seconded by Greg Williams.
Roll Call
Don Gorman –Yes
Greg Williams-Yes
Maryann Clark-Yes
Bonnie Beaubien-Yes
Kevin Barry-Yes
All In Favor
Motion Carried
Non-public: A personnel matter was discussed.
Gregg Williams left the meeting at 9:50 P.M.
A motion was made by Don Gorman and seconded by Kevin Barry to come out of non-public session.
Roll Call
Don Gorman –Yes
Maryann Clark-Yes
Bonnie Beaubien-Yes
Kevin Barry-Yes
All In Favor
Motion Carried
Mr. Warburton nominated Sue Laskowsky as the additional .5 kindergarten teacher.