Spanish 2 Week 1 January 2-6
Upcoming Assessments
- January 6 Pre-assessment
- January 9 Pre-assessment of Chapters 1-4
- January 13 Lección 1 assessment
jueves, el 5 de enero
Present the Communicative Goals forLección 1. Go over the contents of each section
I will be able to:
- Learn and pronounce the sounds of the alphabet
- Write sounds of the alphabet
- Listen and identify the alphabet
- Greet people in Spanish
- Say goodbye
- Identify myself and others
- Talk about the time of day
Review of Administrative & Classroom procedures:
- The Blog accessing information such as syllabus, homework, extra resources. Parent/Student Signature Form
- Accessing VHL Central
- Computer lab policy
- Cell phone, computers, recorders policy
- Monthly ficha sheets as speaking grade
- Food-Drink-Bathroom Policy
- Name learning – Name Plate
- 3-ring binder: 3 in. Notebook (for Spanish only) and loose-leaf paper kept in binder with dividers labeled
- Vocabulary
- Grammar notes and handouts
- Culture notes
- Assessments (All 4 skills)
- How to use your textbook & How to use a dictionary
- Warm-up by chatting with the class, using previously learned vocabulary, phrases, and structures.
- Generate a list of these known words
Present / Practice / Communicate
- [Audio]Present the alphabet sounds
- [Speaking] Repeat the alphabet you hear
- [Listening] Determine the letter heard
- [Speaking] Greet and Introduce yourself and others.
- [Writing] Ask and Answer questions about where the person is from, where person lives & age.
- [Writing] Write down the letters you hear to spell a word
- [Audio & Writing] Review spelling of countries and capitals spelling as dictated
Vocabulary list: Write the Spanish word three times and the English translation once. Say these words out loud as you write for deeper understanding.
Click here: El abecedarioenespanol Audio y visualIf you had difficulty with the pronunciation and comprehension, listen again to the alphabet in Spanish repeating the letters as you hear them.
Now write the letter you hear with the Spanish word associated with each letter. Example: you hear “be” and write bandera (flag)
- Preview this video for tomorrow:
Viernes, el 6 de enero
- El Mono Sílabo - VideosXlickhere: Silabas ma me mi mo mu.
- [Listen] Write the monosyllabic you hear & review success
- [Listen] Write the letters or syllabus Sra. is dictating [speaking] Check work
- [Listening] Practice learning and saying greetings Rockalingua Song What is your name
- [Speaking] With partners practice asking each other’s name. Meet five new students. Write their names down and where they live.
- [Reading] Lc.1 vocab sheet. Write the Spanish words 3 times and the English 1x.
- Pre-test Spanish II Reading
- Lección 1 Vocabulary. If you did not write the Spanish words three times and the English once, be sure to do so for practice.
- Self-evaluation using I can do statement sheet. Based on your performance in class today, rate your speaking/writing skills in percentages. Sra. will collect these for a homework grade.