Beach Park
7th Grade Building Vocabulary
Question #1:
Is this statement true or false?
There must be a vowel in every syllable.
- true
- false
Question #2:
Is this statement true or false?
In the dictionary, the stressed syllable receives a stronger pronunciation.
- true
- false
Question #3:
How many syllables are in this word?
batch (bach) n. Number or persons or things taken together: group
- 1
- 3
- 4
- 2
Question #4:
How many syllables are in this word?
trophy (trō fē) n. Cup, bowl, statuette on a pedestal, or other object for display, usually awarded for some achievement.
- 3
- 2
- 4
Question #5:
How many syllables are in this word?
commotion (kƏ mō’ shƏn) n. Noisy or turbulent disturbance, excitement, or disorder: agitation
- 2
- 3
- 4
Question #6:
How many syllables are in this word?
considerate (kƏn sid’ Ər it) adj. Characterized by a regard for others and their feelings.
- 4
- 3
- 1
- 2
Question #7:
How many syllables are in this word?
elope (I lōp’) v. To run away secretly with one’s lover, especially to get married
- 3
- 2
- 1
- 4
Question #8:
Use the dictionary to choose the correct answer.
Where is the stress mark placed in this word?
- a’
- no stress
- float’
Question #9:
Use the dictionary to choose the correct answer.
Where is the stress mark placed in this word?
- a’
- no stress
- ged’
Question #10:
Use the dictionary to choose the correct answer.
Where is the stress mark placed in this word?
- li’
- a’
- as’
Beach Park
7th Grade Building Vocabulary
Question #11:
Use the dictionary to choose the correct answer.
How many syllables does this word have?
- 2
- 3
- 4
Question #12:
Use the dictionary to choose the correct answer.
Which syllable in this word is NOT stressed?
- first syllable
- second syllable
Question #13:
How many syllables are in this word?
begrudge (bi gruj’) v. To envy
- 2
- 1
- 4
- 3
Question #14:
How many syllables are in this word?
jilt (jilt) v. To cast off or desert
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
Question #15:
How many syllables are in this word?
compete (kƏm pēt’) v. To contend with another or others as if for a prize; vie
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 1
Question #16:
Where is the stress mark placed in this word?
notable (nō’ tƏ bƏl) adj. Worthy of notice; noteworthy, remarkable
- no’
- ta’
- ble’
Question #17:
Which syllable has the primary stress in this word?
representation (rep’ ri zen tā shƏn) n. Account, statement, or description
- third syllable
- first syllable
- second syllable
- fourth syllable
Question #18:
Which syllable is stressed in this word?
reception (ri sep’ shƏn) n. Act of receiving or fact of being received
- second syllable
- third syllable
- first syllable
Question #19:
Use the dictionary to choose the correct answer
Which syllable in this word has the primary stress?
- second syllable
- first syllable
- fourth syllable
- third syllable
Question #20:
How many syllables are in this word?
barrier (bar’ ƏƏr) n. Something that blocks the way; a defensive barrier; a mountain barrier
- 2
- 4
- 3
- 1
Beach Park
7th Grade Building Vocabulary
Question #21:
Which syllable is stressed in this word?
baffle (baf’ Əl) v. To bewilder or puzzle greatly; perplex
- second syllable
- first syllable
Question #22:
How many syllables are in this word?
deputy (dep’ yƏ tē) n. Person appointed or authorized to represent or act for another or others
- 4
- 3
- 2
Question #23:
Which syllable is stressed in this word?
radiant (rā dēƏnt) adj. Shining brightly; beaming
- second syllable
- first syllable
- third syllable
Question #24:
Which syllable is stressed in this word?
violence (vī’ Ə lƏns) n. Great physical force used to injure or hurt
- third syllable
- first syllable
- second syllable
Question #25:
Where is the primary stress in this word?
elevate (el’ Ə vāt) v. To raise; lift up
- first syllable
- third syllable
- second syllable
Beach Park
7th Grade Building Vocabulary
Answer Key
1.A -true
2.A -true
3. A -1
4. B -2
5. B -3
6. A -4
7. B -2
8. C -float'
9. C -no stress
10. B -a'
11. B -3
12. B-second syllable
13. A -2
14. A -1
15. A -2
16. A-no'
17. D-fourth syllable
18. A -second syllable
19. D -third syllable
20. C-3
21.B -first syllable
22. B-3
23. B -first syllable
24. B -first syllable
25. A -first syllable