(DGR)Month of July 2013
Event/Activity Status Report - Forthnightly
For week ending MM/DD/YYYY
Planned Ministry of Finance Events/Activities for the Month of July 2013
Month/Qtr / Name/Titleof the Event / Brief Description / Lead Unit
(within MoF) / Level of Participation and/or Attendance
- Directorate (D)
- DG (DG)
- Ministry-wide (M)
- Government-wide (Gw)
- Country-wide (C)
- Regional (R)
- Global (Gl)
July - August / Production of MDG Report / Begin with drafting the report from the secretariat and then circulate to all relevant stakeholders for inputs and comments. / MDG Secretariat / MDG focal Point only + relevant D / In country
Jul/Aug / ESI Calculation / Update ESI Calculation and Petroleum Revenue Projection – in cooperation with IMF / Petroleum Fund / D, DG, M / Dili, Timor-Leste
July / Expenditure Review Report / Six month report on Expenditure Review / Budget / D / Dili – Timor Leste
July / Publication of documents / Publications 2013 Rectification Budget Books through Webside / Budget / D / Dili & All Districts Leste
July / APG 15th Annual Meeting / The purpose of Annual Meetings is to discuss the APG's strategic directions and work program. / Customs / DG/ND / China
July / Inauguration of four Regional Treasury offices / Inauguration of four Regional Treasury offices / DG Treasury / C / In country
July / Assign staff for Debt Management Unit / Assign staff for Debt Management Unit / DG Treasury / DG / In country
July / Design functional specification for Revenue accounting system software / Design functional specification for Revenue accounting system software / DG Treasury / DG / In country
July / Delegation of Payment Request lodgment by Line ministries in FMIS / Delegation of Payment Request lodgment by Line ministries in FMIS / DG Treasury / GW / In country
July / Conduct Training Program in Treasury/PFM concepts / Conduct Training Program in Treasury operations, regulatory framework, accounting and reporting and PFM concepts for Treasury staffs / DG Treasury / DG / In country
(Every 3 months) / Conduct Information Systems (IS) workshop / Information Systems awareness workshop to be conducted to raise awareness on the maximum usage of available IS at MoF / Information System Unit / M/GW / Dili
1.Status of the DG’s/Units’ Planned Event/s (as culled from the 2013 Events Calendar) during this Reporting Period/DNID
Event/Activity / Implementation Dates / Brief Description of Results/Achievements / Lessons Learned / If PLANNED Event/Activity is NOT implemented, please indicate whyConduct workshop on Withholding Tax and Wages Income Tax for local companies that dealt with construction activities at districts levels / June/July/August/September /
- Worshops has been delivered at Dili, Liquiça, Ermera and Aileu
This workshop is also as a medium to inform to taxpayers the existence of SERVE
The process of Sigtas Data Clean-up / Has been started /
- The process team working is progressing
2.Accomplished Events/Activities during this Reporting Period
Event/Activity/DG Office / Brief Description of ResultsAchieved / Has the Event/Activity been documented and sent to MoF website for uploading?Yes / No
Establishment of Appeal Tax and Customs Board / The TOR Guideline and Procedures has been sent to Arent Fox & Sahe for their comments / X
3.Coordination Issues for CCFM to Address
Issue / Status / Desired Action Requested from the CCFMThe process of Sigtas Data Clean-up / The process is in progressing / There is a need to prepare the facilities in order to enable the Data Clean-up implementation that will start soon when the process is concluded. ( Need to prepare place, computers, employees, intranet, etc.)
4.Events/Activities Planned for the next Reporting Period
Event/Activity / Planned Date of Implementation / Support and/or Coordination Needed from other MoF bodies (including logistics) / Does the Event/Activity require coverage to (for MoF website for uploading)?Yes / No
Workshop continuation for the rest of districts / On 10th July at Manatuto district and 12th July in Baucau district / The Domestic Revenue Directorate is delivering this activity.
1.Status of the DG’s/Units’ Planned Event/s (as culled from the 2013 Events Calendar) during this Reporting Period/DNIPM
Event/Activity / Implementation Dates / Brief Description of Results/Achievements / Lessons Learned / If PLANNED Event/Activity is NOT implemented, please indicate whyEITI Regional Workshop
Iha Oecusse / 28 de June 2013 / EITI Regional workshop / Halo desiminasaun relatorio ba III & IV.
2.Accomplished Events/Activities during this Reporting Period
Event/Activity / Brief Description of Results Achieved / Has the Event/Activity been documented and sent to MoF website for uploading?Yes / No
Asia tax Forum Seminar
Singapore dia 8-9 de Maio 2013 / Hodi hasae koinesemento kona tarnfer pricing Audit / No
3.Coordination Issues for CCFM to Address
Issue / Status / Desired Action Requested from the CCFM4.Events/Activities Planned for the next Reporting Period
Event/Activity / Planned Date of Implementation / Support and/or Coordination Needed from other MoF bodies (including logistics) / Does the Event/Activity require coverage to (for MoF website for uploading)?Yes / No
Monthly reconciliation ho Banco Central / 15 to 30 july 2013 / Halao rasik husi DN Ptroliferas e Minerais / no
Tax Payment reconciliation Report por cada tipo tax submete ba Fundo Petrolifero. / Prepara Monthly Payment reconciliation kada tipo tax submete ba Unidade Fundo Petroleo.
Submitted by DGR