Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion DG
Social Market Economy in Member States I: ESF
ESF and FEAD Policy and Legislation
ESF Informal Technical Working Group meeting
21-22 October 2015
Bedford Hotel, Brussels Belgium
Draft Agenda
Wednesday, 21 October from 14h00-18h30
0. Adoption of draft agenda...... For adoption
Manuela Geleng
1. Conclusions of the previous TWG ...... For approval
Manuela Geleng
Proposal for additional participants at the ESF TWG…………………..for discussion
Sónia de Melo Xavier
2. Update on Draft Implementing Acts and Delegated Acts
Presentation by the Commission followed by Q&A session...... For information
Ilse De Mecheleer
3. State of play of OP negotiations and OP implementation
Presentation by the Commission followed by Q&A session...... For information
Ilse De Mecheleer
4. Update on the implementation of ex ante conditionality action plans
Presentation by the Commission followed by Q&A session...... For information
Ilse De Mecheleer
5. Follow-up to the Ad-hoc meeting of ESF and FEAD Managing Authorities in response to the refugee crisis
Presentation by the Commission followed by Q&A session...... For information
Ilse De Mecheleer
Teresa Regio
Marie-Anne Paraskevas
Grzegorz Gajewski – DG HOME
6. Youth Employment Initiative: structured data reports
Presentation by the Commission followed by Q&A session...... For information
Teresa Regio
Costas Voyiatzis
Gabor Toth
7. Simplification: Simplified Cost Options
Discussion on the draft report on the use of SCO
Presentation by the Commission followed by Q&A session...... For information
Elsa Kmieck
Colin Byrne
8. Transnational Cooperation Commission update
Presentation by the Commission followed by Q&A session...... For discussion
Sónia de Melo Xavier
Marie-Anne Paraskevas
Toby Johnson – AEIDL – Team Leader of the TNC Platform
Thursday, 22 October from 09h30-18h00
9. ESF Management: state of play of ESF financial execution
Presentation by the Commission followed by Q&A session...... For information
Member States should be prepared for a tour de table on designation of authorities
Grazyna Meyers
10. New Skills Agenda
Presentation by the Commission followed by Q&A session...... For information
Ana Carla Pereira
11. Digital skills: Why funding of digital skills training is important
Presentation by the Commission followed by Q&A session...... For information
Lucilla Sioli DG CNECT
12. Financial Instruments
Presentation by the Commission followed by Q&A session...... For information
Jader Cané
13. Update on ESF and EURES
Presentation by the Commission followed by Q&A session...... For information
Doede Ackers
14. Categorisation and ESF secondary themes
Presentation by the Commission followed by Q&A session...... For information
Maeva Roulette
Lunch break 13:00-14:30
14. Simplified cost option
Workshop by the Commission followed by Q&A session...... For discussion
Elsa Kmiecik
Colin Byrne
Presentation of Member States experiences (France, Sweden Belgium and Czech Republic..……………………………………...... For information
The Transnational network on SCO's ...... For information
Luca Santin AEIDL - TNC platform…...... For information