”The Woman who Walked into Doors”
Sofia Kleban
”The Woman Who Walked into Doors” is a book about a woman in her late 30-ies. Her name is Paula Spencer. She married a man named Charles Spencer when she was about 21 years old. They were both very much in love with each other, but Charlo, as he was called, wasn’t always the man that Paula loved.During their marriage they got several children. They were married, and Paula was beaten by Charles for 17 years, until she threw him out.
The author of the book was a man, which amazes me due to his incredible way of seeing things through a woman’s eyes. Even thought I never found a specific part, or page, or a single sentence in the book, that showed how he understood a woman, I got the feeling that he really did. That made me understand why he could be such a great author as many people say he is, even though I personally didn’t like the book. That was because I didn’t like his way of telling the story. He always told me what would happen, and then he could talk about ten different things, and suddenly write a whole chapter about what I already knew was going to happen. Only this time, everything was written in detail. I didn’t like the waiting. I like to know things immediately, not having to read 20 pages before I get to the rest of the interesting information. However I enjoyed the book on account of its interesting story. It was educating to see the world through the eyes of a woman who was beaten, had several kids to look out for, and was also an alcoholic. And once again, I think it’s unbelievable that a man had written all of it.
The language was what I would call it, a “good language” for a book. It wasn’t hard to read at all, so I my eyes kept following the text, sentence after sentence, page after page. I liked that. Unfortunately
I would like to read a book that is a bit more difficult to read, since this book didn’t develop my language, so to speak. I didn’t learn anything new, when it comes to the language, and since I’ve already read a lot of English books, so I don’t think need to train my reading so much. This book was too close to my level of English, for me to feel that I learnt anything new from it. And that is what I am looking for in an English book; a little challenge to develop my language.