April Klinkerman / / 281-604-7555Jennifer Douglas / / 281-604-7557
Melanie Hinds / / 281-604-7562
Martha Guerra / / 281-604-7559
Boone Patterson / / 281-604-7566
* All Algebra teachers have a conference time of 9:51 – 10:36.
GOALS:Apply Algebraic concepts to the real world
Think through a problem to develop a solution strategy
Justify an answer verbally and in written form
Strengthen arithmetic and previous algebraic skills
Increase organizational skills
Improve study habits and testing skills
Increase mathematical awareness
TI-84 Plus calculators. These calculators will only be used for inclass work and cannot be checked out or taken home. It may be useful for you to obtain a calculator of your own for use onhomework at home. That calculator will be helpful in future math classes as well. Graphing calculators can also be found online.
Interactive Math Journal. Students will take notes on a daily basis in these journals so they must be brought to class each day.
Laptops. Each freshman will be issued a laptop by the school for use throughout the year. The students must follow all rules and procedures associated with those laptops. Algebra textbooks, as well as homework, are online so students must bring the laptop to school on a daily basis.
GRADING POLICY:Major Grades40%
(Unit Tests)
Daily Work50%
(Daily work can consist of class work, homework or quizzes. *Quizzes will be weighted more than anything in this category!)
Writing Component10%
(One of our campus initiatives is writing in ALL classes. We will be writing throughout the six weeks.)
SUPPLIES:One 3-Subject Spiral Notebook
Notebook Paper (separate from your spiral)
Pencils and Erasers
I. STUDY: If you want to be successful in Algebra, you must do your part! This means that you must attend class regularly, complete all assignments on time, study for each test, and come in for tutoring when you need help.
II. HOMEWORK: Classwork is assigned daily. Homework is generally any work not completed in class that day. Most homework assignments will be completed online and are due before class begins. You are responsible for making sure your homework is submitted. Late homework will be accepted based on the district’s late work policy. Occasionally, quizzes over the homework will be given. The completion of all homework assignments is crucial to your success in Algebra. Assignments as well as helpful videos will be posted daily on the Algebra web page.
III. SHOW YOUR WORK: In order to receive credit for your work, you must show how you arrived at you answers. I want to see the process that you use to solve the problems. The more work you show me the more partial credit I can give you on an incorrect answer.
IV. QUIZZES: Quizzes will be given and may or may not be announced.
V. TESTS AND RETESTS: All tests will be announced in advance. If you are absent the day before the test, you will still take the test as announced. If you are absent the day of the test, you need to make up the test within the required time.
VI. TARDIES: Be on time to class! When you arrive, come in and get the materials out you need for class, and be ready to start when the bell rings. See your handbook for the policy on tardies.
VII. ABSENCES/MAKE-UP WORK: If you are absent, you are responsible for getting all work that you missed and for turning in all assignments which were collected while you were gone. This must be done on the first day that you are back in class. If you need help with the missed assignment(s), come to tutoring. Make-up work is to be completed in the amount of time equal to the number of days missed.
VIII. CALCULATORS: I have a classroom set of TI84+ calculators for student use only in the classroom. Each student will be assigned a calculator to use in class, and you must provide a signed contract for that calculator. Calculators are checked for damage at the end of each class period. The replacement cost for a damaged calculator is around $90.
IX. TUTORING: Tutorials will be on Wednesday and Thursday after school until 3:45throughout the year. No afterschool activities can begin on Wednesday tutorial days until after 3:45 pm. Thursday tutorials will not have the afterschool activities restriction. When needed, additional tutorial time can be pre-arranged.
X. DISCIPLINE: I expect all students to conduct themselves appropriately in order to maximize learning and treat one another with the utmost respect and understanding. School rules will be enforced at all times in my classroom! This specifically includes cell phones, electronic devices and dress code. Please follow the policy at all times!