World History Extra Credit Assignment
The following assignments are due on Thursday Novemeber 20th and will be worth extra credit in classwork, homework, or projects. (Points will go where they are most needed!) NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED!!!
To complete this assignment the work must meet the prerequisites of the assignment.
-Incomplete assignments will receive a 0.
All assignments must follow the correct format:
Written papers
1st pg.- Title pg.
2nd pg. /- Content
3rd pg.- Sources
Choose one or more from the following options:
1) Research and write a one pg paper on 5 events you would like to witness 1st person. (Explain each event and why you would like to witness these events 1st person)
Events should focus on World History!!!!
2) Research and write a one pg. paper on 5 people you would like to meet from world history. Explain why you would like to meet them/ what questions would you like to ask each person.
3) Top 5 moments in World History. Create a list of the 5 most important/ influential moments in world history. The List should be in chronological order and explain why each moment made your list. ( BE CAREFUL- The whole paper should be in complete sentences- DON’T SPACE OUT YOUR LIST!!!!)
4) Time travel tour guide AROUND THE WORLD- Choose 5 historical monuments that you would like to visit in the world. ( The 5 monuments have to be from different continents) Explain characteristics and the history of each monument.