PrMBIHI Jean is born at Foréké-Dschang (Cameroun) in 1960. He obtained the Advanced Level in Sciences at the GHS of Dschang in 1980, then the DIPLET in Electrical engineering at ENSET of the University Center of Douala (UD)in 1985, and the Master Degree in Electrical Engineeringat ENSET of Tunis (Tunisia) in 1987. He obtained also the Msc. A. in Electrical and Computer Engineering in 1992, and the PhD in Flexible AutomatedProduction Systems in 1999 at Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal (Quebec, Canada).

He has recruited as Lecturer at ENSET of Douala in 1985, then promoted as Senior Lecturer in 1998, and Associate Professor in 2009, at ENSET of the university of Douala, where he has been coordinator of the TCI (Textile and Clothing Industry) department since 2004/2005, and Head of this TCI department since 2010. He is also Coordinator of the research laboratory of Computer science Engineering and Automation of the Doctorate training Unit of Engineering Science of the University of Douala since 2017.

In Master II Research training program in Engineering and applied science, he has been taught the following courses: Experimental Methods in engineering and applied sciences, Advanced Programming of Automated systems, and Optimal stochastic Control. In the 2nd cycle, he taught: Computed aided Control of automated systems (level 5), Industrial robotics (Level V), Windows programming (level 5), Web and multimediaprogramming (level 5), artificial Intelligence Expert systems (level 5), signal processing (level 4), multimediaprocessing and production (level 5), CAM (Level 5), Advanced Operationresearch using Matlab, (level 4), Advanced manufacturing analysis (Level 4), Advance production management(level 4), Process Engineering in Textile and clothing industry(level 5).

For scientific productions, Pr MBIHI Jean is author/co-author of books related to computer Science and Automation engineering, published at Publibook Editions (Paris, 2006) and at EllipsesEditions (Paris, 2012). He is also author/co-author of more than thirty articles, published in scientific journal with reviewing committee. In addition, he has created and implemented many virtual and experimental platforms,for didactic purpose in Industrial computer Sciences and Automation engineering.

For the contributions in national comities of academic development projects, Pr MBIHI has been :

Creator and head of the research group of Industrial Computer Science and Automation Engineering, since 2002.

Memberof the national comity of the creation of the 1ecycle of TCI, opened in 2004 at ENSET/Douala.

Member of the national comityof the creation of BTS-ITH, opened in 2008/2009 at ENSET of Douala.

Member of the creation comity of 2e cycle of TCI, opened in 2010/2011 et ENSET of Douala.

 President of national comity of the harmonized training programof TCI of ENSETs of Cameroon.

About the participation to standard academic activities, he has been:

Head of the entrance competitive of ENSET/Douala, of the North province (from 2007 to 2012), and of the Northwest province (from 2013 to 2015).

Head of the workshop of the National de BTS - IH examination (Douala center)form 2009/2010 to 2014/2015.

Director of academic works for Doctorate/Ph.D. and Master-II Research in EEAin many universities including, university of Douala, university of Dschang and university of Ngaoundéré, and DIPET-II in EEA and TCI at ENSET of Douala.

Reporter of Defense jurys of Doctorate/Ph.D. in the universities of Dschang and Ngaoundéré.

Member of CCIU of Cameroon (sub-section EEA, section Engineering Sciences) from 2003 to 2010.

Pr MBIHI Jean is owner of prices and merits of the best Head of Department of ENSET/Douala for 2009/2010, 2010/2011 and 2011/ 2012), delivered by the Rector of the University of Douala.

Pr MBIHI Jean - ENSET de Douala - - 1

Pr MBIHI Jean has been and remainsan active member of many clever scientific societies, including :

  • WASET (World Academic of Science, Engineering and Technology);
  • IAENG (International Association of Engineers);
  • CCIU expert of Cameroon (Sub-Section EEA, Section Engineering) since 2003.
  • STD (Sciences, Technology and Development) Journal of the University of Douala.



  1. Jean MBIHI et Alexis MOTTO "Informatique Industrielle - Instrumentation virtuelle assistée par ordinateur: Principes et techniques, Cours et exercices corrigés", 240 pages, Editions Ellipses, collection TechnoSup, 23 Octobre 2012, France
  2. Jean MBIHI , "Informatique et Automation : Automatismes programmables contrôlés par ordinateur - 358 pages", Editions Publibook, 2006, Paris, France.
  3. Jean MBIHI et Roland MALHAME, "Travaux Pratiques de Circuits Electriques - Cours 3.352", Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal, 152 pages, 2000, ISBN 2553007981, Montréal, Canada.


Titre (Title): Commande et régulation assistée par ordinateur des processus dynamiques déterministes et


Disciplines : Ingénierie (Engineering), Informatique industrielle, (Industrial Informatics), Physique

appliquée ( Applied Physics)

Niveau (Level) : Master I, Master II, Doctorat/PhD


  1. JeanMBIHI, Charles H. KOM, Léandre NNEME NNEME, “A Suboptimal Nonlinear Duty-Cycle Modulation Scheme”, Journal of Electronic Design Technology, Vol 7, Issue 1, pp. 22-31, STM Journal, 2016.
  2. Felix PAUNE, Jean MBIHI, "A Novel Web-Based Laboratory for Remote Control of Power Lighting Processes", WSEAS Transactions on Advances in Engineering Education, Vol 13, pp. 7-19, 2016.
  3. Charles H. KOM, Lucien D. NDOUMBE, Serge R. DZONDE NAOUSSI, Jean MBIHI, “Qualité de l’énergie électrique: Propagation, transformation et identification de creux de tension dans les réseaux électriques”, Afrique Sciences, Vol 12, No 2, pp. 164-181, 2016.
  4. Jean Jacques Mandeng, Charles KOM et Jean MBIHI, “Modeling and simulation of an electric power transmission line under asymmetric compensation by dual inter-phase power controllers”, International Journal on Energy Conversion, Vol 3, No 4, pp. 11-119, July 2015.
  5. Jean MBIHI, "A Flexible Multimedia Platform for Digital Control of Input-Delay Servo Systems", Journal of Computer Science and Control Engineering, Vol. 8, No 2, pp. 35-40, October 2015.
  6. Bertrand LONLA MOFFO, Jean MBIHI, "A Novel Digital Duty-Cycle Modulation Scheme for FPGA-Based Digital-to-Analog Conversion ",IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II,Vol. 62, N°6, pp. 543-547, June 2015, USA.
  7. Jean MBIHI , "A PC-Based Workbench for Virtual Instrumentation and Automatic Control Using Matlab GUI/MEX-C++ Application", WSEAS Transactions on Advances in Engineering Education, Vol. 12, pp. 52-62, 2015.
  8. Félix Pauné, Jean MBIHI , Leandre NNEME NNEME, "A New Architectural Control Scheme for Power Lighting Systems ", Journal of Control Engineering and Technology - Issue 3, Vol.4, June 2014, pp. 174-182, American V-King Scientific Publishing, USA ,
  9. Léandre NNEME NNEME, Jean MBIHI , "Modeling and Simulation of a New Duty-Cycle Modulation Scheme for Signal Transmission System", American Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (AJEEE), Vol 2, N° 3, pp. 82-87, 2014, USA ,
  10. Bertand Lonla MOFFO, Jean MBIHI , Leandre Nneme Nneme, "A low cost and high quality duty-cycle modulation scheme and applications", International Journal of Electrical, Electronic Science and Engineering", Vol 8, N° 3, pp. 82-88, 2014.
  11. Léandre NNEME NNEME, Jean MBIHI , "A Novel Electronic Instrument for the Analog direct Synthesis of Arbitrary Waveforms and Wavelets ", International Journal of Engineering research and Applications, Vol. 4, Issue 3, pp. 106-110, March 2014, India,
  12. Jean MBIHI , Léandre NNEME NNEME, "A novel Control Scheme for Buck Power Converters using Duty-Cycle Modulation", International Journal of Power Electronics, Vol. 5, N°3/4, pp 185 - 199, October 2013.
  13. Bertrand LONLA MOFFO, Jean MBIHI, Léandre NNEME NNEME and Martin KOM, "A novel digital-to-analog conversion technique using duty-cycle modulation”, International Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal processing, Issue 1, Vol. 7, pp 42-49, May 2013.
  14. Léandre NNEME NNEME, Maarouf SAAD, Jean MBIHI , et al., "A Neural Network Based Level Predictor for Hydological Reservoirs", Asian Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, Issue 1, Vol. 3, March 2013.
  15. Jean MBIHI, François NDJALI BENG, Martin KOMet Léandre NNEME NNEME, "A Novel Analog-to-digital conversion Technique using nonlinear duty-cycle modulation", International Journal of Electronics and Computer Science Engineering, Volume 1, Number 3, pp 818-825, 2012, India.
  16. Jean MBIHI & Léandre NNEME NNEME, "A Multi-Channel Analog-To-Digital Conversion Technique Using Parallel Duty-Cycle Modulation", International Journal of Electronics and Computer Science Engineering, Volume 1, Number 3, pp 826-833, 2012 , India
  17. Jean MBIHI et al. "Contribution à l’étude et au prototypage d’un banc d’essais didactique flexible d’instrumentation virtuelle et d’asservissement par ordinateur", Journal sur l’Enseignement des sciences et des technologies de l’information et des systèmes, J3EA, Vol 9, N° 0001, 12 Pages, © EDP Sciences, Fev. 2010 , France .
  18. Jean MBIHI et al. "Etude et prototypage d’un générateur de signaux arbitraires à vocation didactique", Journal sur l’Enseignement des sciences et des technologies de l’information et des systèmes, J3EA, © EDP Sciences, 2010, France .
  19. Jean MBIHI et al., "Démarreur-testeur par ordinateur via le port USB d’un PC pour moteurs asynchrones 3 ~" Journal sur l’Enseignement des sciences et des technologies de l’information et des systèmes, J3EA, Vol. 7, No. 2, EDP Sciences, 2008, France .
  20. Jean MBIHI et al., “Didacticiel d’instrumentation virtuelle à coût réduit”, Journal sur l'Enseignement des Sciences et des technologies de l’information et des systèmes, J3EA, Vol . 7, No. 3, 2008, EDP Sciences, France .
  21. Jean MBIHI et al., "Modelling and simulation of a class of duty-cycle modulators for industrial instrumentation". Iranian Journal of Electrical and Computer engineering (IJECE), Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 121-128, 2005, Iran .
  22. Jean MBIHI et al., "Programmable Electrical Starters for Three Phase Induction Motors". Journal of Electrical Engineering (JEE), Vol. 1, No. 5, pp. 50-55, 2004, Polytechnica Publishing House, Romania .
  23. Jean MBIHI et al., "Simulation of discrete Markov processes using Matlab and application to Monte Carlo analysis of stochastic manufacturing systems". Revue Science, Technologie et Développement (STD), Vol 10, No 1, pp. 67–75, 2003, Université de Douala, Cameroon .
  24. Jean MBIHI et al., "Two Approximations as a Basis for the Optimization of Production in Unreliable Markovian Long Transfert Lines". Decision and Control in Management Science, Vol. 4, Chap. 15, pp. 275-299, 2001, Edited by Kluwer Academic Publishing, USA .
  25. Jean MBIHI , "A Two-Boundary Integrator for a Unified Study of a Class of Dynamic Systems with State- Space Constraints", International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education, Vol. 36, Issue 4, pp 342-349, 1999, Manchester University Press, England .
  26. Jean MBIHI et al., "Multivariable Input-Output Linearizing Control of an Autonomous Power System, Benelux Journal of Automatic Control(Journal A), Vol 36, No 2, 9-3, 1995, Belgium.
  27. Jean MBIHI, Andre Turgeon, "Modelling an Autonomous Power System at Variable Speed for Transient Simulation by Lagrange's Laws", Canadian Journal on Electrical and computer Engineering, Vol 3, No 3, 127-131, 1993, Canada


  1. Jean MBIHI, "Graphical Design and Virtual simulation of Deterministic and Stochastic of Optimal Control Systems", Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés (European Journal of Automation), ID : eja16001402, Lavoisier, Juillet 2016.
  2. Jean Jacques Mandeng, Jean MBIHI, Charles-Hubert Kom, “Design of an Automated Dual IPCs 240 System for Asymmetric Power Flow Compensation in an AC Electric Network”, Transactions on electrical engineering, August 2016.
  3. DANGWE SOUNSOUMOU, HAMAN DJALO, MBIHI Jean, EFFA J. Yves, "Modélisation et simulation virtuelle d’un nouveau schéma de réglage des hacheurs Boost à commande rapprochée

par modulation en rapport cyclique", Journal Afrique Science, 2016.