MINUTES of theMEETING of SILKSTONE PARISH COUNCIL held on Monday4 July2011at 6.45pm at Silkstone Sports Pavilion.


Chairman: Cllr D Liddell

Councillors: R Brocklehurst, J Charlesworth, Mrs P Gallamore, R LeechMrs M Liddell and
P Smith

In attendance: 3residentsand the Parish Clerk.


The Stocks, High street, Silkstone – Jim Ritchie from the Roggins Local History Society updated the Parish Council on proposed improvement works to the Stocks area. It is intended to replace the planters with stone planters so the timber planters need not be replaced or repaired as planned by the Parish Council handyman. It is now intended to tie the project in with the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee to create a Diamond Jubilee Garden.

Stone Walling will be used and will give the opportunity for 2 people to receive training in this craft. The Clerk agreed to speak to Barnsley MBC regarding the possibility of replacing the lampstandard with one similar to those installed recently in Cawthorne.

The proposed improvements will include art work from local artists and a plaque to highlight the history of the site.

Mr Ritchie also advised that the Waggonway is currently under the Roggins constitution, the wagon way will transfer to the new Heritage Silkstone group.

Cllr Gallamore asked what the total cost of the scheme is likely to be, Mr Ritchie advised that the scheme would be in the region of £3,000 although more up to date quotations will now be required.

A resident advised that the Silkstone Band Contest has been cancelled due to a combination of lack of band members and another contest taking place elsewhere offering larger prize funds. Cllr Liddell as link Councillor agreed to speak to the band about how the Parish Council could help to ensure that the contest goes ahead next year.

A resident has asked Cllr Gallamore to pass on her comments regarding Barnsley MBC operatives weed killing the footpaths at Manor Park and killing plants in the residents garden. It was agreed that the Clerk will ask Barnsey MBC to ask their operatives to take care when weed killing pavements especially on windy days when the spray can easily travel into residents gardens.


RESOLVED to accept apologies from Cllr P Handley who is ill and Cllr R Stier who will join the meeting later.


RESOLVED to note Cllr Charlesworth’s declaration of a prejudicial interest in the planning application 2011/0650.

11-047 MINUTES

Silkstone Parish Council- RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Monday 6 June11 as a true and accurate record.

Silkstone Playing Fields Committee – RESOLVED to note the minutes of the Silkstone Playing Fields Committee meeting held on Monday 13 June 11.

Matters arising from the minutes not covered on the agenda :

Rockin the Rec – Cllr Leech reported that the event had been a sell out with 500 people attending. There had been no trouble involving the police with just one person being asked to leave the event. The licence was until 1am but all stage bands had finished by 12.20pm.

RESOLVED that the Clerk will write to the Rockin the Rec Committee to congratulate them on the organisation of the event. The Clerk will also request the donation for Pavilion consumables and electric consumption.

FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk will seek information from the Rockin the Rec organisers regarding the electricity supply for the event and safety inspection.



Cllr Charlesworth left the meeting having declared a prejudicial interest in the Broad Close Farm planning application 2011/0650 earlier in the meeting.

RESOLVED that the following comments be made on planning applications as detailed below

(3 June 11) / Change of Use of Storage and preparation room to Farm shop Cafe
No comment / Broad Close Farm Shop
Cone Lane

Cllr Charlesworth rejoined the meeting.

RESOLVED that a Planning Committee meeting will be held on 8 August 11 if required to make decisions on any planning applications received up to that date.

RESOLVED that the Clerk will e-mail Silkstone Parish Council’s support to Leiston-cum-Sizewell Council’s proposal for an amendment to The Sustainable Communities Acts 2007 and 2010 to include the wording :

  • That any applicant or representatives of any applicant who submits such an application that will have a significant effect on an area must, if requested by the Town or Parish Council attend a meeting of

(i)that Council to answer questions from elected councillors; and a Town Meeting, should one be duly called, to answer questions from all electors.

That any applicant who submits such an application that will have a significant effect on an area must, if requested by the Town or Parish Council, or a Town Meeting, pay for the Council or Meeting to get an independent assessment carried out as to how the proposed development will affect the sustainability of the local communities.

RESOLVED that this proposal will ensure that large developers consult with Parish Council’s as a requirement in law rather than a courtesy.



RESOLVED that all Councillors present signed their Declarations of Acceptance of Office before the Clerk who then signed all declarations. Cllr Stier handed his declaration to the Clerk later in the meeting. The Clerk will arrange to collect Cllr Handley’s declaration.


RESOLVED that since the Parish Council meet all the criteria for use of the Power of Well Being that this power continue to be used.


RESOLVED to approve the Internal Audit Review document.


RESOLVED to note the Clerks report on training and budget remaining.

RESOLVED that Cllr Charlesworth will attend a Councillor training session and will check his diary and advise the Clerk of a convenient date.


RESOLVED that a new Parish Plan will be progressed since the last plan dates back to 2004.

RESOLVED that Cllr Brocklehurst will chair this Community led Parish Plan and will liaise with the Clerk to agree the way forward.

Cllr Stier joined the meeting.



RESOLVED to approve the amendments made by the Clerk at the instruction of the External Auditor to the Annual Statement of Accounts 10/11.

FURTHER RESOLVED that the e-mail from YLCA relating to the external auditors instruction for the Clerk to initial the changes rather than seeking Parish Council approval be copied to BDO Stoy Hayward, the Parish Council’s external auditor.


RESOLVED to approve the updated asset register.

FURTHER RESOLVED to note the NPS Barnsley report on Silkstone Parish Council’s land assets which are now incorporated into the asset register.


RESOLVED to approve the invoices for payment schedules dated 4 July 11 totalling£18,628.09as shown below. Full details available from the Clerk.

Payee / Net / Vat / Total / Cheque
In between meetings : / number
Glasdon UK Ltd / 77.67 / 15.53 / 93.20 / 300229
Newsletter deliverer / 62.00 / 0 / 62.00 / 300233
Paid on 4 July 11 :
Silkstone in Bloom / 300.00 / 0 / 300.00 / 300230
Silkstone Lodge Bowling Club / 260.00 / 0 / 260.00 / 300231
Rural Action Yorkshire / 35.00 / 0 / 35.00 / 300232
Parish Clerk / 45.40 / 0 / 45.40 / 300234
SPIN Print Solutions / 526.00 / 0 / 526.00 / 300235
J S Mitchell / 1414.00 / 0 / 1414.00 / 300236
J H Mower Services / 35.00 / 0 / 35.00 / 300237
Pugh Lewis Ltd / 3,100.00 / 320.00 / 3,720.00 / 300238
Parish Clerk / 900.00 / 0 / 900.00 / DD
Parish Clerk / 116.38 / 0 / 116.38 / 300239
H M Revenue & Customs / 236.45 / 0 / 236.45 / 300240
SY Pensions Authority / 211.81 / 0 / 211.81 / 300241
North Notts Landscapes / 7,019.00 / 1403.80 / 8,422.80 / 300242
Edmundson Waterhouse / 184.96 / 36.99 / 221.95 / 300243
Barnsley Timber Merchants / 43.00 / 8.60 / 51.60 / 300244
Handy man / 1326.50 / 0 / 1326.50 / 300245
Groundsman / 650.00 / 0 / 650.00 / 300246
Totals / 16,543.17 / 1,784.92 / 18,628.09

RESOLVED that the Clerk will analyse the Handy man’s timesheet to pick out the extra cost of the works for the In Bloom group. The Clerk will also ask Barnsley MBC to quote for hanging baskets for next year.



RESOLVED to note that the disabled access works are now complete and that the Clerk has issued the completion statement to the War Memorials Trust.

Upon receipt of the completed lease papers from the Council’s solicitor it is:

RESOLVED that the Clerk’s report on proposed improvements to the soft landscaping area be approved to include top dressing, seeding and weed and feed treatments to the grassed area by the handyman as required. The Clerk will obtain a quotation for red planting areas either side of the War Memorial. The Clerk will also obtain quotations for replacement benches on the war memorial site and will write a newsletter article inviting sponsors for memorial benches. A quotation will also be obtained for repairs to be carried out to the war memorial.


RESOLVED to note the crime figures for June 11 as Silkstone 11, Silkstone Common 0.

Cllr Brocklehurst left the meeting



RESOLVED to note the Clerk’s report on the progress of the Localism Bill.


Cllr Charlesworth attended the Scout Hut meeting and advised that the recent car boot sale to raise funds for the proposed new building raised £800. Donation envelopes have been delivered to every home in Silkstone and Silkstone Common with the Parish Newsletter. The group have been offered a modular steel building at a reduced rate which the chair of the committee is to view this week.
Cllr Gallamore has attended an event held by the Ladies Choir at Silkstone Common, the Annual parade of the Guides and Brownies and will be attending the next meeting of the Silkstone Common WI all in her role as Link Councillor to these groups.
Cllr Smith advised that the Arts & Craft event at the Silkstone Parish Church will be held in November.
Cllr Stier attended the Crime and Safety Sub Group meeting, Penistone Paramount meeting and Silkstone Common Good Companions trip to Scarborough.
Cllr Liddell attended the Finance and General Purposes Committee meeting of the YLCA and a NALC Council meeting.
The Clerk attended a meeting with the Parish Council’s solicitor to discuss the terms of the proposed lease for the war memorial area. The wall to the rear of the memorial is included in the lease so photographs have been taken and forwarded to the solicitor who will now progress the lease with BMBC.


  • Silkstone Pavilion Alarm and Payphone

RESOLVED that this item be considered in private session at the end of the meeting since it includes items of a contractual nature. In private session it was RESOLVED to update the alarm -system to meet the Parish Council’s requirements at a cost of £60 plus £55 annually excl Vat.

  • Football Field Drainage

RESOLVED to note that the new drain has been installed adjacent to the football touchline. The drain line will need additional topsoil once it has settled to level the ground.

  • Health & Safety

RESOLVED that the Clerk will contact the organisers of Rock in the Rec to discuss the electrical problems encountered on the day of the Rock in the Rec event. 9 fridges in the changing room caused the circuit to overload and trip. The organisers will be asked to explain how they ensured public safety whilst using mains supply outside, they will be asked to consider using only 110V power outside along with generators for next year’s event.


RESOLVED to note the following correspondence

Minutes of the last Crime and Safety Group meeting – Noted
Notice of meeting of the West Area Rural Transport Partnership at 9.30am on 5 July 11 – Cllr Stier will attend.
Bus changes service 92 & 92A will be transferred from Stagecoach to Tates Travel from 24 July 11
Silkstone in Bloom thank you letter for grant and information relating to proposed works by handyman at The Roses site in Silkstone Common
Community Buildings Your say – noted
YLCA Annual Meeting notice on 23 July 11 – noted and response slip to be returned stating that Cllr Liddell will attend
Copy conveyance from 1961 for War Memorial Area received from solicitor – noted
Copy e-mails relating to Notice board policy from Cllrs Smith & Liddell – RESOLVED to be discussed in private session. It was RESOLVED in private session that no businesses should advertise in the village notice boards and any such adverts will be removed from Silkstone and Silkstone Common boards.


RESOLVED to note that the next meeting of Silkstone Parish Council will beon Monday

5 September 2011 at 6.45pm at Silkstone Sports Pavilion.



RESOLVED in terms of Schedule 12, Local Government Act 1972, the following items will be likely to disclose exempt information relating to Contractual matters and it is therefore RESOLVED that pursuant to the provisions of the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act, 1960, the press and public be excluded.

  • Silkstone Pavilion Alarm and Payphone
  • Noticeboard advertisement policy

The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.30pm.

Chairman’s Signature / Date




RESOLVED that the Clerk will contact Minder Alarms to ask that they adapt the system to option 1 of their quotation dated 23 June 11 which is to reconfigure the existing intruder alarm control panel to be reconfigured to an audible only system for the sum of £60 + Vat and for 1 service visit per year for £55 + Vat. The system will be recommissioned and site and office data altered to reflect the change. The new works will be covered by a twelve month warranty for parts and labour. In addition Minder to be asked to fit a high pitch siren internally in the garage to discourage a thief.

FURTHER RESOLVED that should the alarm be activated at night time under the current system before the new system is up and running, the handyman who is a Pavilion key holder must not attend site on a call out.


RESOLVED that business adverts are not permitted in the village notice boards which are for Parish Council notices, local groups’ notices and public notices such as dates of Police or Barnsley MBC public meetings.
Since the Silkstone Common notice board is on the wall of The Station Inn pub, pub events notices may be displayed if there is room available.

SPC Minutes 4 July 11