1. GENERAL. Tactical Training for the Individual Soldier (TTIS) is normally the first stage in a Commando’s qualification (although it is not a requirement for CQC). It is designed test the Candidates commitment, discipline, and motivation. Only those who successfully complete TTIS will be authorized to wear the Commando black beret. Completion of TTIS along with CQC is required to earn the Commando Tab.

2. eligibility. Any active member of the Commando Squadron may participate in TTIS and attempt to earn the Commando black beret at the discretion of the Commander and SGM.

3. EXECUTION. TTIS consists of a series of tests administered consecutively throughout the course.

a. Events.

(1) Physical Conditioning. Physical strenght and stamina are an important part of a members ability to serve in the Commando Squadron. TTIS will begin with a “light” physical training session lead by the Squadron SGM.

(2) Road March. A Commando must be able to move on the battlefield carrying his equipment and the road march with full gear will demonstrate the candidate’s ability.

(3) Rappelling. The ASU Mountaineer Commandos must be able to operate in all environments, to include conducting operations in mountainous terrain. Each candidate will demonstrate his ability to safely conduct a rappel.

(4) Poncho raft. Like rappelling, often time there will be many obstacles between the Commando and his objective. It is imperative that each candidate demonstrate his ability to successfully negotiate a water obstacle with his equipment.

(5) Rope Bridges. Not all water obstacles can be crossed with a poncho raft. Candidates must also be proficient at crossing such obstacles using a one and two-rope bridge.

(6) Individual Movement Techniques. Once the Commando has arrived at the objective, he must use individual techniques to close with the enemy. After mastering each technique, the candidates combine forces for a final assault.

4. COMPLETION. Candidates must participate in each even to the best of their ability in each event. Candidates may withdraw from the training at anytime by clearly stating they wish to terminate their participation. Once terminated, the Candidate may NOT re-enter the training exercise and will be unable to successfully complete TTIS. Candidates terminating their participation of TTIS may continue to participate as a Candidate in the Squadron but will not be able to attempt re-qualification until the next scheduled TTIS.

5. SAFETY. A risk assessment will be developed for the conduct of CQC and the Commando Advisors and Commando Leaders will strictly enforce risk reduction control measures. Not less than TWO ROTC Cadre will be present at all CQC events. Any Commando or Candidate may stop training at any time for safety reasons.
