Dixon Y Flash Soccer Parents Group Meeting

August 26, 2013

Team / Parent Representation at this meeting / Coach Present
Strikers (Boys)
Sparks / Steve Heck, Alan Toomsen, Sowmya Hombal
Fury / Sheila Hogensen
Strikers (Girls)
Executive / Kathy Fox& Keesha Blumhoff, Carol Jimenez
YMCA / Christine Hoyle
Keesha called meeting to order at 6:04pm.
Advisor’s Report:
Christine /
  • Bathroom keys Randy to make more.
  • Christine looking for a new way to process uniforms. Also need 2-3 people to seek bids for new screen printing company.
  • Sundays after Labor Day the park district has football, will need to replace goals.

Field Coordinator’s Report: Erik /
  • Concession stand to shut down at the end of October weather permitting. Please let Christine know if there are any problems

Committee Reports:
Old Business: /
  • Kids Fun Run. Will need volunteers during the race, all families are needed to participate to make this a success. Please mark your calendars.
  • Ford Skills Challenge- Check presentation on August 29 at 5:30 at the Soccer Fields. Next year will plan on doing on the same day that soccer starts for better attendance.
  • KC’S Kick –a-thon- Wednesday September 11 for ages 10-14 at the south end of field 9. Cost is free. Registration to start at 5:00pm.
  • Mandatory Team Meetings- All have been done.

New Business: /
  • Concession Schedule- Has been done and sent to Coaches.
  • Coaches need to let Keesha know who Team Managers are.
  • Ball Boy/ Girl- Kristen Carlson has received the schedule from the High School and will need someone to schedule this.
  • Window Clings- Christine to send out information.
  • Apparel-Keesha will get in touch with the vendor and get the information needed so participants can order their own.

Announcements /
  • Posting of schedules-Concession and Flash schedules will be posted on the Flash Website and the Rec schedules will be posted on the Y website.

Questions/ Comments
  • The meeting was adjourned at 6:35 pm.

Next Meeting /
  • Next Meeting will be Monday, September30that 6:00pm at the Concession Stand. Any parent of a Dixon Y Flash Player, club or recreation, is welcome to join the Dixon Flash Soccer Parents Group. Meetings are held the last Monday of every month. Reminder, there should be a parent from each Club Team attending a meeting.

Respectfully Submitted,

Carol Jimenez

DFSPG Secretary

From the Parent/Player Contract…

Parents Group

The Parent’s Group was established to guide and develop the program as it continues to grow. The success of the program relies heavily on the involvement of the parents and volunteers. Each team is required to have representation at these meetings. The Parents Group has meetings the last Monday of every month at 6:00pm.

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