Mentoring & Leadership Development Program

2015 Cohort Information


Thank you for your interest in the NOVA SHRM and Dulles SHRM Mentoring & Leadership Development Program. Our program is based on a collaborative peer-learning model which received a SHRM Pinnacle Award for Excellence in 2003. Our program is aligned with the new SHRM Elements for HR Success competency model® which provides participants with up to 18 re-certification credits. We are proud to report that participation in our program has resulted in enhanced peer networking and career enrichment for 100 percent of our alumni. Within two years of program graduation, over 75 percent of our alumni achieve vertical or lateral career movement. Approximately 85 percent of our alumni have served in a leadership role within one of the local SHRM chapters.


You must be an active member of NOVA SHRM or Dulles SHRM to participate in the program. The curriculum is designed for individuals with at least 3 years of professional HR management or development experience who want to gain a career advantage, build leadership presence, and maximize learning opportunities. Our program is suited for individuals with a variety of professional development objectives, such as: building a strong professional network, enhancing HR and business competencies, managing a career transition, or gaining experience in group mentoring and leadership development.


Participation in the program provides you with exposure to many new ideas and opportunities to learn from colleagues in a safe and supportive environment. Learning partners include: your peer mentor, your assigned mentoring liaison, other program participants, as well as coaches, executives and seasoned mentoring alumni who will provide advice and subject matter expertise during our group mentoring discussions (also known as mentoring circles) or via online chat sessions or email discussions. Group mentoring discussions may include topics such as: aligning HR with business strategy, managing conflict, acquiring and retaining talent, facilitating diversity and inclusion, managing total rewards, leading employee engagement efforts, and building personal leadership and coaching skills.

With a peer mentoring model, mentoring match-making is based on experience level, professional interests, developmental goals, and personal attributes. This means that you will serve as both a mentor and a mentee in your relationship. You are expected to proactively support your partner in making progress towards his or her career goals. Guidance on being an effective peer mentor will be shared at the program kickoff meeting.


Our program will help you to focus on developing your leadership presence; understanding what it means to be your most authentic self in order to improve the way you influence and engage with others. By becoming more self-aware and developing your emotional intelligence skills, you will gain a greater measure of control over how you interact with clients and colleagues. You will have an opportunity to work on a leadership capstone project and receive a complimentary one-hour coaching session.


The time commitment required for the program is approximately five hours per month, which includes participation in monthly group mentoring meetings, learning and self-reflection activities (including downloading assignments posted in our learning management system), and regular interaction (i.e. phone, e-mail, Skype, in-person) with your peer mentor and mentoring advisor.

There will be a total of 11 group meetings throughout the year. We will meet on the second Wednesday of the month (except for November 4 and December 2 meetings) from 5:45 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. starting with our kick-off program on March 11, 2015. Our meeting location is in Tyson’s Corner, Virginia.

Meeting Dates:

March 11, 2015 * April 8, 2015 * May 13, 2015 * June 10, 2015 * July 8, 2015 * August 12, 2015

September 19, 2015 * October 14, 2015 * November 4, 2015 * December 2, 2015 * January 13, 2016

Copyright 2014 NOVA SHRM and Dulles SHRM Mentoring & Leadership Development Program


Copyright 2014 NOVA SHRM and Dulles SHRM Mentoring & Leadership Development Program


We expect that you will make every effort to participate in all group mentoring meetings. If an unexpected business trip or family emergency arises, please communicate this conflict to the program director, your mentoring advisor, and your peer mentor.

If you choose to discontinue your affiliation with the mentoring program for a reason other than a personal emergency (i.e., serious illness, spouse job relocation) then the Program Advisory Team reserves the right not to reconsider you for participation in the future.

=> Your application indicates that you understand the commitment required to the program.


We will sponsor approximately 14 participants for the 2015 calendar year. While we would like to accept everyone who applies for the mentoring program, we believe that limiting the number of participants allows for more involved and meaningful group interaction. You must be a member in good standing with NOVA SHRM or Dulles SHRM. If you are currently an at-large SHRM member (without local chapter affiliation), you may apply for NOVA or Dulles membership concurrently with this application. Please make a note of this on your completed application so that we may confirm your membership status.

Our objective is to have a diverse group of mentoring participants. Considerations for selection include:

· Years of professional HR experience

· Depth and breadth of HR experience

· Education and professional certifications

· Professional development goals

· Leadership experience/potential

· Complete and thoughtful responses to questions

· Ability to make a time commitment to program activities

· Availability of an appropriate peer mentor “match” in our applicant pool

Information gathered during the application process will remain strictly confidential and is used solely for the purpose of the NOVA SHRM and Dulles SHRM Mentoring & Leadership Development Program.

All applications must be received ON OR BEFORE midnight on Saturday, January 31, 2015.


For specific questions, please contact Mary Kitson, Program Director, at (Tel) 703-975-0331, or E-mail: and with the subject line “SHRM Mentoring Program”.

Thank you for your interest in the NOVA SHRM and Dulles SHRM

Mentoring & Leadership Development Program!

2015 NOVA SHRM and Dulles SHRM
Mentoring & Leadership Development Program Application

Instructions: Please complete all questions on the application and attach a copy of your current resume after the last page. The application should be typed using word processing software (no handwritten applications please).



Job Title:


Organization size (# employees):

Business Market Sector (e.g., government, non-profit, healthcare, financial services):



Address (include suite # or mailcode):

City, State, Zip:

Work Phone:

Work E-mail:



City, State, Zip:

Home Phone:

Mobile Phone:


Preferred Email Contact (for regular program communication):

Copyright 2014 NOVA SHRM and Dulles SHRM Mentoring & Leadership Development Program


Home Email

Work Email

Copyright 2014 NOVA SHRM and Dulles SHRM Mentoring & Leadership Development Program



A. HR Experience (years): Other Professional Work Experience (years):

B. Please indicate functional specialization by noting the number of years in each of the following:

HR Generalist

Total Rewards

Performance Management

Employee/Labor Relations

Training/Organizational Development

Talent Management




C. Briefly describe the major responsibilities in your current position:


A. How long have you been a SHRM member? Local chapter member?

B. What is your primary chapter designation (NOVA or Dulles)?

C. Please list any committee or board leadership roles you have held with your SHRM chapter:

D. Please list any professional accreditations and/or awards you have received:

E. Please indicate any other professional associations and/or civic activities with which you are affiliated:


F. What professional challenges are you facing right now, and how might participation in the mentoring program help you to tackle these issues?

G. How do you, as an HR Professional, add value to your organization?

H. What is the most rewarding part of your job?

I. Describe a “great” personal moment in the last twelve months at work. What made this moment great?

J. Describe a “bad” personal moment in the last twelve months at work. What made this moment bad?

K. What is the best career advice you have ever received? What action did you take as a result?

L. What type of activities do you focus on in your free time (this can be personal or professional)?

M. Please describe three measurable professional development goals that you want to make progress towards in the next year:

Goal 1 –

Goal 2 –

Goal 3 -

N. What competencies do you want to enhance via participation in the mentoring program?

O. What specialized knowledge or lessons learned would you be uniquely suited to share with others during a group mentoring meeting?

P. Please describe your experience in any formal or informal mentoring relationship.

Q. Please describe any experience you have had with coaching.

R. What are your top three priorities, in descending order, for being matched with a peer mentor?

Similar professional interests

Live/work in similar geographic area

Experience in a similar business market sector

Experience in a competency area I want to build skills in

S. In the attributes listed below, I would rate myself predominantly: (please check one option in each row below)

1. Analytical or Intuitive

2. Extrovert or Introvert

3. Risk-taking or Cautious

4. Decisive or Methodical

5. Plans ahead or Spur-of-the-moment

T. How did you learn about the Mentoring & Leadership Development Program?

Chapter Meeting/Information Session

Chapter Newsletter

LinkedIn Announcement

Email Announcement

Mentoring Alumni Referral

Other (please describe)

U. What time management strategies will you use to meet the minimum five-hour per month time commitment required for the program?

V. Have you previously applied for the mentoring program?

Yes No

SUBMISSION Instructions

Thank you for taking the time to complete the NOVA SHRM and Dulles SHRM Mentoring & Leadership Development Program application. Please remember to attach a copy of your current resume. Please email your completed application package to and courtesy copy with subject line “SHRM Mentoring Application” or send via US mail to:

Attn: Mary Kitson

SHRM Mentoring Program

P.O. Box 3236

Merrifield, VA 22116

The Selection & Matching Committee, which is comprised of both NOVA SHRM and Dulles SHRM volunteer leaders, will review your application and contact you via telephone with a decision in late February. Your application must be received ON OR BEFORE midnight on January 31, 2015 in order to be considered for the program.

Information gathered during the application process will remain strictly confidential and will be used solely for the purpose of the NOVA SHRM and Dulles SHRM Mentoring & Leadership Development Program.

Copyright 2014 NOVA SHRM and Dulles SHRM Mentoring & Leadership Development Program 6