Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. | Detroit Alumnae Chapter


Arts and Letters: Serves as an advocate for the arts that project the black experience, such as the inclusion of black women on cultural boards and entities, and support for artists. The Art Auction, a key fundraiser, is used to raise funds to support scholarships and further the enrichment of fine and performing arts students.

Budget and Finance: Manages all aspects of the chapter's finances, including the budget and financial processes, policies, and procedures.

Choir: Provides musical entertainment at sorority functions.

Collegiate Task Force: Facilitates interaction between DAC and collegiate chapters in order to build relationships, strengthen sisterhood, and help sorors transition from collegiate to alumnae chapters.

Delta Dears: Organizes the special needs, programs, and activities of our retired Delta members to ensure their active involvement, care, and well-being.

Delta GEMS (Growing and Empowering Myself Successfully): Promotes the academic, mental, and social enrichment of young women in grades 9-12 through many cultural and community service activities.

Dr. Betty Shabazz Delta Academy: Coordinates mental, physical, emotional, social, and academic enrichment programs for “at-risk” young ladies in grades 6-8.

Domestic/Sexual Violence Initiative: Raises awareness about domestic violence and sexual assault prevention and provides resources to address these issues.

Elections: Coordinates the election of officers.

EMBODI (Empowering Males to Build Opportunities for Developing Independence): Examines challenges facing black males and provides enrichment activities.

Emergency Response Team: Helps the chapter and sorors make the best and most informed decisions possible to stay safe and to thrive during and after challenging events such as natural or man-made disasters.

Event Planning: Reviews contracts and arrangements with venues at which the chapter hosts its events and programs.

Founders Day: Plans, develops, and executes all of the activities for the celebration of the 22 Founders and the founding of the sorority.

Heritage and Archives: Compiles and organizes chapter information and historical materials.

Homeless and Community Outreach: Addresses needs and concerns of homeless people in our community. Coordinates programs and volunteer services to lessen the effects of homelessness.

Hospitality: Provides encouragement and support to DAC members who are experiencing some difficulties in their lives because of illness or death. Serves as a constant reminder to the chapter that we remain aware of sorors during all phases of their lives.

Housing and Properties: Manages the operation of the headquarters. Schedules meetings, reserves rooms, and allocates resources. Ensures security is engaged to maintain safety during chapter programs and activities. Orders supplies and maintains inventory.

Internal Audit: Reviews the chapter’s financial records, reports any material weaknesses, and proposes internal controls.

IMPACT Day: Oversees the coordination of the chapter's IMPACT Day public service efforts.

Jabberwock: Raises funds for the chapter’s scholarship and other programs with a showcase of talent and cultural expressions.

LEAPS (Living Every Day Alert and Physically Sound): Keeps the chapter and the public informed about health care concerns and makes resources available to address these issues. Organizes healthy lifestyle programs for members, families, and the community.

May Week: Emphasizes the rededication of our commitment to sisterhood and service to the community through several enriching activities for DAC members.

Membership Services: Assists in the administration of the membership intake process. Organizes programs and services to assist in the reclamation and retention of Delta members.

Newsletter: Prepares a bulletin that provides information for DAC members and the community under the leadership of the chapter journalist.

Program Planning and Development: Recommends and develops chapter projects that are consistent with the aims and purposes of the sorority.

Protocol: Provides hospitality to visiting sorors as directed by sorority protocol.

Public Relations: Oversees the image and branding of the chapter. Manages the internal and external communication networks that support DAC’s events and activities. Promotes sorority programs and events through the media.

Regional Conference/National Convention: Provides information about conference and/or convention activities to Delta members.

Rituals and Ceremonies: Coordinates rituals and ceremonies. Ensures DAC is in compliance with National guidelines.

Round Up: Plans, organizes, and executes this Delta only activity aimed at celebrating sisterhood and retaining and reclaiming members.

Rules of Order and Policies and Procedures (ROPP): Reviews DAC rules, policies, and procedures. Oversees process to revise rules as needed.

Scholarship: Awards college scholarships to graduating high school seniors in metro Detroit schools.

Sister Circles: Connects sorors living in the same area and provides additional opportunities for active participation in Delta.

Social Action: Educates chapter members about and engages them in critical and pertinent social and political issues affecting our community.

Special Services: Provides appropriate services to honor our deceased Delta members.

Technology: Maintains the chapter’s website and social media accounts. Coordinates workshops and other activities to educate members about technology. Provides tech support to chapter officers and committees.

Ways and Means: Plans and manages fundraising activities that enable the chapter to carry out its programs.