Minutes of the Management Committee Meeting

held on Monday 6th April 2009


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Mr Rob Lucas, President

Mr Mike Trout, Vice Captain

Mr Nigel Williams, Immediate Past Captain

Mrs Mary Geddes, Ladies Captain

Mr Ted Hedger, Seniors Captain

Mrs Christine Williams, Secretary

Mr Nigel Wright, Treasurer

Mr Dave Marlow, Junior Organiser

Mr L Colegate, Handicaps

Mr Steve Kitcher, Friendlies

Mr Tony Sloat, Handicaps

Mr Dave Williams, Website

Mr Martin Aldrich, Committee Member


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Apologies for absence:

John Humphries, Richard Fox

Martin Aldrich was missed off those attending the last Committee Meeting.
Minutes Proposed by: Nigel Williams Seconded by: Ted Hedger
Competition Winners:
Stableford Cup Round 2: Winner – A Cox 41 pts
Overall Winner of the Stableford Cup 2009 was R Hudson with 80 overall pts for the two rounds.
Batson Bowl was won by Trevor Pease with 37 pts
March Medal Div 1: J Turner with a nett 68
March Medal Div 2: Stephen Pease with a nett 66
Mid Week Medal: Won by John Ross with a Nett 64 on count back.
April Medal Div 1: Won by R Hudson with a nett 66
April Medal Div 2: Won by Harry Brady with a Nett 68
The next round of the Alford Cup will take place on Saturday 18th April.
The following round after that is pencilled in for Sat 16th May.
The May Medal will be the Men’s EGU Qualifier.
The June Medal will be the Men’s PGA Pro Am Qualifier (The winner accompanies Richard Fox at Royal Ashdown Forest on 27th July)
Secretary’s Report Proposed by: Dave Williams Seconded by: Les Colegate
Accounts bought up to date as of last Friday. Net worth of the Club has risen to just over £20,000.00. Revenue is healthy. Expenditure is about £2,600.00 at the moment.
Membership at the moment is just over 200 paid up members compared with a final membership at the end of last year of 290. We are 88 behind last years total - the majority being in the male category which is 56 behind. It might be worth just taking a look at the list of who has actually rejoined and who hasn’t. By the end of May we will have a full picture.
Treasurer’s Report Proposed by: Tony Sloat Seconded by: Dave Marlow


Captain’s Report:
Nothing to report as Captain on holiday.
Vice Captain’s Report:
Thank goodness for the change in weather over the last two weeks. We can see both an increase in grass growth and the course had dried well with the constant winds helping. The overall state of the course being unrecognisable from 4/5 weeks ago.
With very little else in the way of matches or competitions this early in the season there is very little to add, however, I have had a number of very unpleasant reports and letters with regards to the behaviour and etiquette of our junior and youth membership. This problem seems to be in the headlines every week, month and year and is showing no signs of declining. I have personally spoken to a member (who will remain unnamed) in a quiet and unofficial manner and I hope this will end the matter. It can’t go on and discipline of ALL members must be maintained for the good of themselves and the Club. GOLF IS A GAME FOR GENTLEMEN / LADIES. As a footnote it was very encouraging to see a course held for juniors organised by Ben Pemble over 5/6 weeks which included rules and etiquette as one of the lessons, the senior members might like to be careful, the tide my turn.
Lady Captains Report (Mary Geddes)
Ladies Stableford Cup Round 1 – won by Ursula Lawrence with 36 pts
Ladies Stableford Cup Round 2 – won by Pam Aldrich with 37 pts
Overall Winner of the Ladies Stableford Cup: Pam Aldrich with 71 pts
Ladies April Medal - won by Carol Springer with a Nett 72
March Extra Day Medal - won by Ursula Lawrence with a Nett 73
Senior Captains Report (Ted Hedger)
Competition results for March:
Ladies/Vets Texas Scramble – won by Teresa Harwood, George Boyd, Jack Alldis and Derek Smith.
The Invicta League match vs Fawkham Valley played on 31st March 09 (home) was won by Deangate 2-1.
The Friendly vs Chelsfield Lakes played on 3rd April (Away) – Deangate lost 4-2.
Junior Organiser (Dave Marlow)
Competition Results:
March Junior Medal: won by Liam Seymour with a Nett 61.
Only 14 juniors have paid their membership so far. Will chase up others.
Council Liaison (Nigel Williams)
·  Driving Range – upgrade now with the developer who is trying to get planning permission/environmental clearance.
·  Pitch and Putt – Council still thinking about what to do with is now that Golf Cross has gone bust. Possibility of a pitch and putt into existing nets. There is no scope for normal greens but may have a winter greens scenario over there.
·  Notice board has been cleared – i.e. a large board for posting member information etc.
·  Revised Local Rules (as set out by Dave Marlow) will be incorporated into the next card purchase. There is no more room on the cards for any other local rules i.e. GPS. He has no problem with any of the local winter rules i.e. pick and place and no tending to protect fairways and greens administered by the Club.
·  Mens changing rooms are currently being upgraded with the mens’ toilets next on the list.
·  Loads of people have approached Lee reference Captain working as a marshal. Lee does not have a problem with this.
·  Bunker on 10th – in the interim period this should be “ground under repair”.
·  There is no bell on the 5th. Nigel will get one.
Social Report
A kids Easter Egg hunt has been organised by Kath and the bar staff for Easter Monday at 11:00 am.
Friendlies & Outside Competitions
Friendly is organised for Saturday 18th April vs Braeside. All tee times/meals have been booked.
Handicap Committee (Dave Marlow)
I have reviewed the CONGU 2008 -11 handbook on the Unified Handicap System and below is a summary for interest only: CONGU is the union of EGU/EWGU together with Wales, Ireland and Scottish Unions.
Competition play conditions state if a course is reduced by more than 100 yards the course should not be used for handicap purposes. In 2008 a new clause “supplementary scores” was introduced which allows players not entering enough qualifying competitions (6 or less) for whatever reason can put in extra cards (max 1 per week – max 10 per year) for handicap purposes. In an “Open Competition” with more than 20 players Away players CSS is calculated for home and away players alike.
Note by Secretary: All of the above is covered in the Club ‘2000 licensed handicap software which is updated by Club 2000 as and when new decisions are made on the handicapping system by CONGU - regular software updates are supplied to Clubs as and when rules are changed.
Clause 19 in previous handicap system is replaced with Clause 23 (Review of Handicaps)
·  The Handicap Committee is required to carry out an annual review of the handicaps of all members
(Our software produces this report).
·  In 2008 monthly reviews of handicaps was replaced by “in exceptional circumstances the Handicap Committee may adjust the handicap of a player --- i.e. that his exact handicap does not reflect is current playing ability”.
·  It is recommended that an annual review should be arranged between 31st October and 1st March each year.
·  It is recognised that the majority of players that have entered competitions will have appropriate handicaps.
·  Increases and reductions of handicaps should not be less than 1 stroke.
·  Isolated scores (i.e. 5 shots under) should not on its own afford a handicap review. Patterns over time are the norm.
Team Selection
Nothing to report.
Matchplay Report (Mike Trout)
Both Single and Double events have been drawn and will be displayed shortly.
Entries seem very poor.
As per previous couple of years delays/cancellations will not be allowed and any problems must be reported to the Secretary at the earliest opportunity and NOT when there are only a few days left before the final date. This will not only help in an agreed settlement but will also ensure that a traditionally awkward competition runs smoothly. This also might increase support for an event that at most other clubs is seen as a major scalp for the winner. The scratch match play entry sheet will be posted this week.
Diary/Website (Dave Williams)
Next round of Alford Cup will be played on 18th April.
Mike Trout
Ladies Section
First of all there should be no “Thursday Ladies” and no “Sunday Ladies” – they are all members of Deangate Ridge Golf Club. These just happen to be the days on which they play as members in their own competitions. They should all have the opportunity to play in the major and other ladies competitions as members of the Club.
With regard to their four major competitions – it seems they used to be held on Thursdays only until this was changed a few years ago at a Ladies AGM to Thursdays and Sundays (the scores aggregated to get a winner – the same method as the ELGU medals). However now some ladies want them put back to being played on one day.
The Lady Captain was tasked at the last meeting to put this to all the lady members and get their views.
The Club Captain has since written to all lady members and posted a notice on the ladies notice board regarding this subject asking for each lady to reply in writing to him exactly what they want in regard to this matter.
As far as the Ladies Club Championship is concerned we are all agreed that this should be held on the same day as it is 36 holes stroke play in the same format as the men’s club championship.
The Committee sees several options here:
1.  Leave as it is (play on Thursdays and Sundays and aggregate scores which means everyone gets to play).
2.  Have all major competitions on Thursdays which is traditionally the ladies main day of play.
3.  Have two major competitions played on Sundays and two on Thursdays.
4.  Have all major competitions played on Sundays.
Note: Several letters by lady members to the Committee are concerned with the fact that their main objection to having major competitions played on Sundays is that they would have to pay an additional £21.00 weekend rate green fee on top of their £4.00 competition entry fee to enter these because their 5-day season tickets are not valid for weekends. Therefore they would not enter majors if they were to be played on Sundays.
The Committee agreed this was a valid point. Question is how do the Sunday Ladies pay? Do they have a 7 day season ticket or pay and play?
After much discussion the Committee voted on items above.
1.  Leave as it is with scores aggregated - 8 votes
2.  Thursdays Only – 3 votes
3.  Two on Sundays/Two on Thursdays – 0 votes
Note: All 4 on Sundays was discounted due to the above green fee payment issues.
Therefore the ladies competitions should be left as it is i.e. scores aggregated and everyone can enter whichever day they play on.
Nigel Williams
I have decided, with regret, to resign from the Management Committee for reasons of ill health.
I saw a Consultant in London during the week who told me in no uncertain terms that although my immediate problems had been resolved I have other issues and am not out of the woods yet as far as my health is concerned. He advised me to relax, avoid stress at all costs and slow down considerably to avoid further problems. I am happy to assist the Club in any way and will finish the photo boards etc and help Mike Trout with organising trophy engraving etc. I have enjoyed my time on the Committee over the last few years.
Rob Lucas thanked Nigel for all he has done for the Club said that, as a concerned friend, he must relax and get his health in order.
Dave Marlow
Who is going to do Council liaison?
The Council Liaison officer has to be a senior member of the Committee.
(This is down to the Club Captain)
Tony Sloat
Competition ball sweeps - why can’t the ball sweep entry money be added to the competition entry fee and paid altogether when entering competitions?
(Competition fees are voted on at the AGM and ball sweeps are optional so it is really better left as is at the moment).
Rob Lucas
·  Martin Aldrich has resigned from the Committee. He is a well respected member of the Club but he has made his decision and we must respect his wishes.
·  Dave Joyce has complained about the loss of facilities at Deangate. i.e. driving range being closed for long periods of time, the pitch and putt etc. He has made some very valid points.
·  Don Baldwin has raised the following points:
Summer Rules: Ruts on fairways – pick and place. (This was discussed at length but the answer was no).
Will we ever go back to the 7:00 am start for club competitions on Saturdays: Answer was no because ordinary members of the public must be allowed the option of early tee times. In any case reduced competition numbers mean the competition tee times still only go to roughly 10:30 am as they always have despite the 8:00am tee time start).
Bunker on Second Hole: As discussed earlier this can be designated “ground under repair” in which case you can get a free drop of the ball in the other bunker next to it (no nearer the hole) and play it from there.
Minutes Approved: ……………………………………(Signed: Club Captain)
Meeting closed at 9.37 pm
Date of Next Meeting: Monday 11th April at 8:00 pm
(Mike Trout apologised in advance as he will be on holiday for the next meeting).


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