Grade 8 Dance Course Outline


Miss Mason

Approx. 35 classes

Welcome to Dance!!!!

I am very excited for the year to come and I hope you are too! This year in dance we will be exploring a number of different styles including: jazz, ballet, lyrical, hip-hop, West African, and modern. The class will begin with the basics of dance, such as warm-up, and students will be expected to understand the importance of warm-up and contribute their own exercises. We will then study and practice different techniques and learn choreography that corresponds to each style. The class will be working towards 1or 2 performance opportunities. As well, students will be assigned a research project to further their knowledge of the dance world. The students will also be given an opportunity to create their own choreography. We have a very busy year ahead of us!

Daily Routines and Classroom Expectations:

What to wear:

Students will be given the first 5 minutes to change into appropriate dance attire, this includes dance pants, sweat pants, tank tops, t-shirts etc. However, I do not expect students to buy Lululemon pants, whatever they have at home should be suitable. It is unacceptable to wear jeans, skirts, short shorts, and obstructive jewelry. Students are reminded to change quickly as class time is limited.


If students own dance shoes they should wear them, however, it is also acceptable to wear bare feet or socks. Outdoor shoes are not permitted in the dance studio at anytime.

Lates and Absences:

Students are expected to be in class on time; unexcused absences and frequent lates will affect the students’ grades. If you are sick or will be missing class for a valid reason, you must get your parents to phone the school or bring in a note. If you must miss a class it is your responsibility to catch up on anything you may have missed. Make sure you have a buddy in the class that can help you. If you are late for class, come in quietly and make sure you do not disrupt the class while entering the studio.


Participation makes up the greatest percentage of your mark. You are expected to participate in each class, if you are unable to participate due to an illness or injury you must bring in a note from home.

Dance Studio Equipment:

It is important to respect the equipment in the dance studio. There is absolutely no food or drink (except water) allowed in the dance studio. Please keep hands off of the mirrors and do not hang on the ballet barres. At no time are students allowed to touch the stereo system.


Behaviour expectations are clearly outlined in the students’ agenda. Respect is key in the dance studio; students are expected to respect one another, the dance studio and myself. If students show inappropriate behaviour they will be asked to sit out until there is an appropriate time for a one-on-one discussion. Depending on the nature of the behaviour students will be asked to fill out an in-class statement and parents/guardians will be contacted. If the behaviour is severe students will be sent to the office and an office case statement will be completed.


Percentage Breakdown:

Participation 40%

Skill Improvement 10%

Warm-up exercise 10%

Research project 15%

Group choreography 15%

Performance 10%

Students will be given a mark each day out of five for participation. This mark will be based on attitude, effort and class preparedness. Students will be given clear expectations for each assignment in advance. If students are in class and willing to participate each day, they should have no problem succeeding in Dance.

I’m looking forward to a great year!