Questions for discussion

Preferential voting

  1. What was the main point of the story?
  2. What is the `First past the post’ voting system?
  3. When people go to the polls to vote, they number each candidate in order of ______.
  4. What percentage of votes does a politician need to get to win their seat?
  5. In your own words, describe preferential voting.
  6. Minor parties often do deals with major parties to give them ______.
  7. Why do political parties hand out how to vote cards?
  8. Why are elections an important part of democracy?
  9. Do you think it is important for young people to understand the voting system? Why or why not?
  10. What do you understand more clearly since watching the BtN story?

Choose a country and investigate the voting system in that country. Present your research findings to the class.

Fromelles burial

1.  What does the Fromelles burial story mainly explain?

2.  When did the battle take place?

3.  Why was it described as the worst 24 hours in Australia’s entire history?

4.  Retell Harold Bourke’s story.

5.  How were the remains of the soldiers discovered?

6.  How is science being used to identify the soldiers’ remains?

7.  Which parts of the body is DNA taken from?

8.  How is the DNA matched?

9.  Why do you think it is important for the soldiers’ remains to be identified?

10.  How did this story make you feel?

Test your knowledge in the online quiz.

Oil rescue

  1. Briefly summarise the Oil rescue story.
  2. What percentage of baby turtles make it to adulthood?
  3. How will the spill affect the turtle hatchlings?
  4. What are wildlife rescuers doing to help the turtles?
  5. What can happen to animals if they swallow the oil?
  6. Describe the effect that oil can have on birds’ feathers?
  7. What are rescuers doing to save the birds?
  8. How are kids getting involved in the clean-up?
  9. The BtN story is an example of

a)  Narrative

b)  Procedure

c)  Report

d)  Argument

  1. Illustrate an aspect of the story.

Write a message about the Oil rescue story and post it on the BtN guestbook

Young chefs

  1. Discuss the Young chefs story with another student.
  2. Why do you think cooking shows like Masterchef are so popular?
  3. What skills are needed to be an executive chef?
  4. Explain how the cost of a meal is worked out.
  5. Name some of the costs involved in running a restaurant.
  6. Why do you think cooking courses for kids are so popular?
  7. What skills and techniques do the kids learn at cooking school?
  8. Describe what you think it would be like to work in a commercial kitchen.
  9. What was surprising about this story?
  10. How has your thinking changed since watching the BtN story?

Create a plus, minus and interesting chart about a career as a chef.

Go-Go music

  1. Give some reasons why people listen to music.
  2. Name three styles of music.
  3. What sorts of things can music influence?
  4. What is Go-Go music?
  5. Where did it originate?
  6. Why is Go-Go music controversial?
  7. What do supporters of Go-Go music say about it?
  8. What are they hoping Barack Obama will do?
  9. Do you think music can be used as a tool to stop violence? Explain your answer.
  10. How do different styles of music make you feel?

Create an A-Z of music styles/genres. Illustrate some of the styles of music in the list.

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