Reports relating to the General meeting of the Parish Council of Moulton held on 3rd March 2015
Clerk’s Report
1. The Speed Indicator Device (SID) has now been installed in Moulton Seas End.
2. The clerk has met with Chris Dawson, the newly appointed grounds maintenance contractor and inspected all sites in the parish. All relevant documentation has been provided including public & private liability insurance, employers liability insurance, risk assessment, method statement, COSHH assessment, accident procedure and health & safety policy.
3. The additional Insurance premium for the Speed Indicator Device will be £9.51 but this has been waived until the next renewal date as a revised schedule was not required.
4. East Midlands Ambulance Service have agreed to present an awareness course for the defibrillator use. The course will take approximately 2 hours and will be held on Tuesday 21st April 2015 at 6.30 pm in the village hall at Moulton Seas End. Anyone is welcome to attend.
5. The land owners of the site behind the war memorial in Moulton Seas End are not prepared to allow any planting of trees or shrubs as they may wish to seek planning on the site in the future. They may also seek permission for the war memorial to be moved slightly to allow access although there is nothing affirmative at this stage.
6. The title deeds for Moulton Community Association building have been forwarded from Roythornes to Maples.
7. Permission has now been granted for the SID to be sited on the requested lamp post along Fengate in Moulton Chapel. Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership are still waiting for a final decision on Post & Sockets as an alternative to lamp posts.
8. LRSP have confirmed that the lamp post at the junction of Roman Bank & Seas End Road is not suitable for displaying the SID as it may draw the drivers’ attention away from the need to focus on emerging vehicles at the junctions.
9. Kathy Kearns has agreed to attend the Citizen of the Year Presentation evening on 7th April. There have been two nominations for the award to date.
Police Report
1. The next Community Policing Panel meeting will be held on Wednesday 11th March at Weston Hills.
Cemetery & Churchyard Report
1. Request for Interment of Ashes for Edward Ernest Dent on 9th February.
2. Request for additional memorial inscription for Eva Readshaw.
3. Request for memorial for Mary Cooley.
4. Request for additional inscription for Dorothy Marriott.
5. Request for additional inscription for Dorothy Rate.
Highways Report
1. Road sign to Daws Gate in Moulton Chapel has become detached from the posts and has been reported to Highways.
2. Temporary road closure for essential maintenance on Church Lane, Moulton during the period 16/3/2015 & 27/3/15 for 3 days. Pot holes in Church Lane, Moulton have been reported under reference number 1312081.
3. Update of street signs within the district has been ongoing for several years and is due for completion in 2017. The format is white lettering on a green background, the objective being to make locations easier for emergency services.
4. Poor road surface with loose chippings along Broad Lane, near the village green and up to West Cobgate in Moulton have been reported under reference number 1312086.
5. Temporary road closure to all vehicular traffic at Engine Bank, Moulton on 5th & 6th March
6. Drainage issues along the footpath in Moulton churchyard have been reported to Highways. An inspection had previously been carried out in June 2013 under reference 1201067.
7. LCC Highways have asked the Highways Maintenance Efficiency Programme (HMEP) to carry out a peer review on 3rd & 4th March and have asked that Moulton PC give their views on the service. The interview will be conducted over the phone.
General Correspondence
1. RSN Newsletters
2. South Holland Open Arts exhibition to be held at the South Holland Centre from Thursday 5th to Thursday 12th March.
3. Lincoln’s Magna Carta Anniversary – See the following for a full events programme.