AT 7.00pm

PRESENT:Mandy Harding, Nigel Hartmann, Tanya Simes, Mark Kuhn, Lia Kuhn, Robyn Phillis, Graham Phillis, Di Patrick Ron Matthews, Dave Murray, John Thwaites, Jim Higgins, Sylvia Webb, Barry Pruess, Steve Norman, Archie Fabian, Barry Brooks, Brian Smith

Mark welcomed everyone and thanked all present for attending.

APOLOGIES:Andrew Favotti, Wayne Patrick, Rob Simes, Peter Jackson, Marg Jackson, Tracy Murray, Mark Habel, Andrew Braithwaite.


February Entry Forms

March Entry Forms

Coates Account

AGL Clubroom Account

Office National Account

SMS Account

Track Lease

Veolia Account

Trophy Shop Account

Australia Post Account

ADRA Track License

ANDRA Club Affiliation


Meeting Reminders

Account Payments

Previous Minutes

February Entry Forms

ANDRA Affiliation

Working Bee reminders

March Entry Forms


As per presented at meeting

All reports passed as true and correct

Moved:John ThwaitesSeconded:Archie Fabian


All reports passed as true and correct

Moved:Jim Higgins

Seconded:John Thwaites



Mark & Lia Kuhn has turned the loan of $105,998.74 from being a loan to long term sponsorship for Steel City Drag Club. This is an amazing and generous sponsorship offer and the club sincerely would like to thank Mark and Lia.

Track wash on Tuesday 16th Feb 4.00pmm onwards. All hands on deck needed.

Mandy spoke about the 2 day event that we are planning with Burnouts, Race your mates, Power Skids & Go to Whoa and cruise the track. The date that we have locked in is May 14th & 15th. Mandy has been speaking and working with Slim Limburg in regards to this event. We still have many things to work out such as spectator and competitor entry fee. We have worked out an approximate layout but this is still to be fine tuned. To follow is a rough plan as to what will happen, all qualifying will be done on Saturday with all finals to be run on Sunday:


Cruise the track for this will include being allowed to have passengers also low speed limited burnouts.

Race your mates.

Power Skids

Go to Whoa

Burn out Comp


Power Skid final

Power skid free time

Go To Whoa final

Go to Whoa free time

Burnout free time on pad

Burnout Final.

Exact time schedule and format to be finalised. Mandy spoke about similar events and how many entrants they got at this sort of formatted weekend and it has the potential to be great for our club.

Tanya and Robyn both said about this being a club effort and we need everyone onboard to help with this event. Mandy said she is happy to continue working with Slim and will organise a meeting in regards to this event and will report back after the meeting.

The Race your mates / Burnout comp is cancelled due to the above event coming in to play. Also the Whyalla Dirt Circuit club is planning a burnout comp for the 7th May.

The working bee was spoken about and there was a good turnout with 12-14 people showing up considering the weather we had at the time. Surprise surprise it rained!!! Everything was done by lunchtime and the place is looking good. There is still some track work done. Mark spoke about that last weekend they fixed up the bitumen at the finish line to make it better and safer for the rest of the season and it will be finalised after the last round of the season.

There is also still a good amount of rubber on the track which is great for the upcoming meeting.

We are still looking for helpers for the 20th. If anyone is available let Lia know. To date we have 48 entries but they are still coming in for the 20th. Nige to email Danny.

ANDRA SummitSportsman Series 12th & 13th March 2016

Saturday 12th March:

Gates Open:8am


Drivers Briefing:10.30am


Sunday 13th March:

Gates Open:9am

Drivers Briefing:9.30am


Presentations:After finals have been run

Thanks to Graham Phillis and Jennifer Harrison from ANDRA we have received sponsorship from Whyalla City Council. This is a great job by both these people.

ANDRA are bringing their truck

We will be having displays leading up to the weekend. These displays will only be around Whyalla and not surrounding towns.

We have entrants under control so we need to concentrate on getting spectators there. There will be plenty of advertising in the 3 weeks leading up to the event, we have Radio, Posters, Facebook, Flow FM, Word of Mouth, Whyalla News.

Steve Norman has rounded up several thousand dollars for the club plus in kind from quite a few businesses around Whyalla. These are all towards the Summit Round. Thank You Steve, this is an amazing job.

We will still be doing the marquee in the pits on the Friday night but we will only be doing a Sausage sizzle for a gold coin donation. We have set a budget for the Friday night. We can also have a gathering in the pits on the spectator mound on the Saturday night but not too late due to early start on the Sunday morning.

We are going to leave the BBQ in the pits on the Friday night so the canteen can run a BBQ breakfast in the pits for all the racers and crews on Saturday morning. We will assess how this goes as to whether or not we run the breakfast on the Sunday morning.

Track Prep: We will be starting this at least 10 days out, and we also need to complete the shed down the bottom end of the track and get it ready with the scales for the comp cars. The shed needs to be concreted.

Brian has organised the PFD truck for the Summit round which is great and Steve Norman has organised a coolroom.

Steve has also organised the mobile sign that we can move around town.

Spectator fee will be Adults $20 kids $10

We need at least 15 people to help out and run this event on both days. If you know of anyone that can help on both days please let Mark, Lia or Mandy know.

Mandy to dig out the jobs list from the supercharged event and circulate.

The quad needs some work; it needs a new set of valves and seals. Barry and Archie are working on this for the club.

Robyn and Lia have the trophies in hand for the Summit Round.

There are ANDRA stickers at the clubrooms for anyone who wants them.

It was discussed if we need a catch net at the end of track for the Summit Round and we decided no we don’t need to put this in place. We have 366m of runoff plus 140m of sand trap.

The side of the clubrooms has been tagged with graffiti. Going to try and use the pressure washer to get rid of it.

Mandy has told the club that she and Nigel will not be available to organise or run the Whyalla Show this year. Someone else will have to organise and run this for the club.

Meeting Closed 8.44pm

Next Meeting will be held

Tuesday 1st March2016

7.00pm sharp