Version 2.0 August 2015
Financial Reporting Data Elements
Opening Cash Balance (Opening Fund Balance)-Reference Munis Report- Balance Sheet for 2014 Month 13Munis Code 8739 in column Account Balance. Please note, Munis Code 8739 should also equal Munis Code 0999 found on YTD Budget Report for 2015 Month 13 – Revenue.
Opening Cash Balance (Opening Fund Balance) is the net cash resources available to the school nutrition operation at the beginning of the school fiscal year less current liabilities. Keep in mind, government regulations require that no more than three months of average expenditures may be accumulated in the fund balance. If the net cash resources exceed the three months average expenditures, state agency must require that the school district take action to reduce the excess balance.
Total Revenue- Reference Munis Report -Year to Date Budget Report for 2015 Month 13 – Revenue. Total Revenue is the total of Food Service Fund in column YTD Expended minus Munis Code 0999 in column YTD Expended. (Beginning Balance)
Total Revenue is income received in exchange for goods or services provided by the school nutrition department. Major sources include: student payments for meals and federal reimbursement. Other sources include: state reimbursement, revenue from non-program foods, contracts for other federal programs such as Summer Food Programs, interest/dividends and rebates.
Total Expenditures- Reference Munis Report – Year to Date Budget Report for 2015 Month 13 – Expense. Total Expenditures is the total of Food Service Fund YTD Expended.
Total Expenditures includes all expenses incurred to produce reimbursable meals, expenditures for non-program items/food used, purchased services, equipment purchases, supplies/miscellaneous.
Surplus or Deficit – This field will be auto-populated. A positive total denotes a surplus balance. A negative total denotes a deficit balance. (Total Revenue minus Total Expenditures)
Ending Cash Balance – This field will be auto-populated. Ending Cash Balance should match the total Fund Balance found on Balance Sheet for 2015 – Month 13–in column Account Balance. (Opening Cash Balance plus Total Revenue minus Total Expenses)
Claim Months – Number of monthly claims Sponsor had for SY 2014 – 2015. Claim months include: NSLP, SBP, SFSP, SSO and At-Risk Suppers
Average Monthly Expenses- This field will be auto-populated. (Total Expenditures divided by Claim Months)
3 Month Average Monthly Expenses- This field will be auto-populated. (Average Monthly Expenses x 3)
Excess Balance- This field will be auto-populated. (Ending Balance minus 3 Month Average Expense) Excess Balance will either be a positive balance or a negative balance. If the field is positive, net cash resources exceed the 3Month Average Expenditures. State agency will require the school district to take action to reduce the excess balance.If the field is a negative balance, this denotes there are NO excess funds to be spent.
Salaries- Reference Munis Report – Year to Date Budget Report for 2015 Month 13 – Expense. (The sum total of all Munis Object Codes beginning with 01_ _ in column YTD Expended.)This is direct labor paid from food service.
Employee Benefits- Reference Munis Report - Year to Date Budget Report for 2015 Month 13 – Expense. (The sum total of all Munis Object Codes beginning with 02_ _ in column YTD Expended.) This is all benefits paid by employer.
Indirect Cost Rate – Follow link for your LEA’srate.The school nutrition program’s percent share of general school district’s costs that are incurred for common or joint purposes and cannot be readily identified as a direct cost. The amount covered must be through an approved cost allocation plan. Please note, private schools and RCCIs generally use 10%. Also, this amount must be reported even if your SFA is not charged an indirect cost.
Indirect Cost for Program – This field is auto populated. The school nutrition program’s share of general school district costs that are incurred for common or joint purposes and cannot be readily identified as a direct cost. The amount covered must be through an approved cost allocation plan.
Indirect Cost Expenses for Prior Year –Reference Munis Report - Year to Date Budget Report for 2015 Month 13 – Expense– in column YTD Expended.The amount of indirect cost paid to the General fund from Fund 51.The LEA MAY or MAY NOT charge their SFA this fee. Please note if the LEA does pay Indirect Costs, this is required to be deducted monthly. (Indirect Cost Expense divided by number of Claim Months.)