CS 1316 Final Survey
29 April 2005
1. GTID (9 digit number): ______
2. Gender:
q Male
q Female
3. Ethnicity:
q African American
q Asian
q Caucasian
q Hispanic
q Other:
4. Major: ______
5. Year in School
q 1st
q 2nd
q 3rd
q 4th or more
6. What’s cool about computer science? What in CS is interesting to you?
7. What else about computing would you like to learn more about?
8. Please rate the following homework assignments:
q / HW 1 – New Picture Method / qq / HW 2 – Picture Collage / q
q / HW 3 – Audio Collage / q
q / HW 4 – Weaving Music / q
q / HW 5 – Weaving Pictures / q
q / HW 6 – Animation / q
q / HW 7 – GUI / q
q / HW 8 – Immigration Simulation / q
q / HW 9 – Crowd Simulation / q
Please explain why these were your favorite & least favorite assignments.
9. Have you written programs during this term outside of those required for the course?
q Yes
q No
If so, tell us about your program. What language did you write it in? What did your program do?
10. If you were going to write a program next year for yourself (not required for a course), what would you want it to do and what language would you use?
StronglyDisagree / Disagree / Neutral / Agree / Strongly
11. Computational modeling will be useful to me in my major. / q / q / q / q / q
12. I see myself building computational models in my professional career. / q / q / q / q / q
13. Simulations will be useful to me in my major. / q / q / q / q / q
14. I see myself building simulations in my professional career. / q / q / q / q / q
15. I can program what I want in Python. / q / q / q / q / q
16. I can program what I want in Java. / q / q / q / q / q
17. I consider myself to be a competent programmer in Python. / q / q / q / q / q
18. I consider myself to be a competent programmer in Java. / q / q / q / q / q
19. Python was easy to learn. / q / q / q / q / q
20. Java was easy to learn. / q / q / q / q / q
21. The details of Java are interesting to me. / q / q / q / q / q
22. I want to know more about syntax and method calls in Java. / q / q / q / q / q
23. What about Java are you most interested in learning more about?
24. How did you use the CoWeb this semester? Did you find it useful?
25. How would you compare your use of the CoWeb this semester in CS 1316 with your use of the CoWeb when you took CS 1315? If your usage changed, why?
26. Are you planning on taking CS 1322?
q Yes
q No
If so, when?
q Summer 2005
q Fall 2005
q Spring 2006
q Other: ______
27. Are you planning on taking additional Computer Science courses?
q Yes
q No
If so, are they required for your degree?
q Yes
q No
28. Are you planning to pursue a:
q Computer Science minor
q Computational Media Major
q Computer Science Major
This class is being revised…
29. What is the one thing that absolutely needs to change about this class?
30. What is the one thing that absolutely must stay?
Thank you for your time and participation!