
Jr Wolfpack Football Board Meeting

Call to order 7:00pm

Dan Smoot, Jeff Bearth, Denny Neitz, Justin Langbehn, Dave Floysand, Darren Glazier, Steve Gremmels, Sean Burns, John Johnson, Chris Konechney, Joe Vasterling, Greg Dahling, Sean Burns

Absent: Wendell Morgan, Tim Sward

Wendell Morgan has resigned from the Jr Wolfpack Football Board as he is moving his family out of state. Wendell made a significant impact in the short time that he was with our board. His organization and efficiency regarding our equipment improved the overall experience for our membership and created increased visibility into our current inventory and future purchases. Wendell’s contributions are sincerely appreciated.

Wendell’s vacancy creates an opening for equipment manager. Dr Eric Hahn’s name offered as a possible replacement.

Move to YSB equipment room. Carpet has been installed and shelves/equipment have been moved in preparation of Monday’s equipment handout. Coach Glazier secured certified scale from high school for weigh ins.

Registrations continue to increase.

Flag: Tuesday/Thursday format at Hamlet, starting August 3rd. First week will include evaluations and teams will be announced August 10th. Expect to have 100 kids – 10 kids per team – identifying coaches should not be a problem for this age level.

3rd Grade - 3 head coaches identified - 3 teams.

4th Grade – 3 head coaches identified for 3 teams.

3rd and 4th grade will practice together on Monday and Wednesday nights at Cottage Grove Middle School.

5th Grade – 3 head coaches identified for 2 teams

6th grade – 2 head coaches identified for 2 teams

5th and 6th grade will practice at Oltman M-Thurs until school starts and then move to M, T, TH after school starts.

Fields and Scholarships – Burns has secured CGMS, Oltman, and Hamlet for the season. He has also delivered fields dimensions to the city so they can line the fields. Sean is also working through the scholarship/financial assistance requests.

Picture day – Chris Konechney will coordinate with Cl!x

Evaluations – John Johnson will coordinate preseason evaluations during the Park Football clinic

Golf Tournament – very pleased with the results of the Golf Tournament from a financial perspective and experience perspective. Denny and John are working though the final numbers and will have an update at the August meeting.

VP Update – USA Football Certification and tackling progression conversation

Varsity Coach Update – Skills clinic went well, more clinics starting up next week

President Update – Metro East -# of teams needs to be delivered to MEYFL by July 31 – USA Football Certification via MEYFL for $5 per coach (instead of $25) – Concussion Vital Signs to be renewed – Positive Coaching Alliance – Leadership meeting on July 24th – Double Goal Coaching meeting on August 9th – Equipment handouts taking place over next 10 days (volunteers needed) – Baseball will pay $200 for carpet for equipment room – Background checks need to be taken via cgaa.org for all head coaches –

Motion by Justin Langbehn to approve $500 in Miscellaneous expenses. 2nd by Steve Gremmels – no objections – motion passed.

Meeting adjourned.