Silverton School


Elizabeth Barszcz, principal


Writing workshop—middle school

Really teaching! We’re asked to help; we’re seeing teaching.

Heterogeneous groups.

Half staff here 10+ years. 12 full time teachers.

“Teacher moves”

  1. Parts of lesson
  2. working room
  3. intentional cues—prompts
  4. solid LA methos

Elizabeth’s set up for student feedback

Mr. Zimmerman at the conference table; confident kid, starts strong.Seline—7th, she’s got the stats.

Animas River study and study of war.

Animas Stakeholders Group

They know what the key questions are.

Names of professors visited at FLC for their expedition?

This first activity w/ middle school students is LA methodology.

Teacher control of the lesson parts.

Ms. Shapiro.

Strength—one thing to work.

Soren is a guy’s name. (Like Kierkegaard.)

How solidly aligned these practices are.

Debriefing that with Elizabeth and Kelly.

Morgan talks about “the quality of trust”

Emma: “professional demeanor”

Klley: “my role is high school” (also librarian)

“a three ring circus”


Katie is the language arts MS/humanities teacher

Doesn’t seem like a “lack of resources”

intentional about differentiation

Always a science expedition being worked up.

Always a SS expedition being worked up.

Blended learning model—math. Colorado [illegible] Learning Solutions

65 students

“we’re very relational”

25-30% ELL

70-90% FRL

5 kids on IEPs in EL

2 in upper

7 total

EL brought in to help w/ Silverton School’s performance crisis.

School Reform Model

Kim White writes the grants.

PD via EL

You’ve re-written the protocol.

Management interventions—what do you need? preventative (anticipatory)

Math skills/art/logic!

Teacher—she’s very good at pulling in whol room

“Brain training”

Natural, dynamic teachers-active.


[The whole visit suddenly strikes me as an expedition of our own—they planned an expedition for us.]

Chris was elementary teacher first.

Two questions by the teacher and we’re all suddenly bound in as a class; she’s built a unit THAT FAST.

Sign: “All Mathematics is Based on Patterns”

lucky sticks

Marcy Cook—math, “old school California hippy”

[to think anything “hippy” could be “Old School” is odd…]

Heterogeneous math—3rd grade to calculus here….

Quest for math teacher Chris: do you do the meta-process? Coaching on leaning into a problem? And boom, she points to the hanging Common Core stuff…

Yoga, yoga, YOGA! In the libray/PLCs…

mindfulness time after reading

having a common text.

Doe EL have a way to train teachers? Conferences, of course…

The Third Teacher.

Risk, revise.

Totally different model.

Process: “go slow to go fast”

Staff norms written on the paper hanging in the library:

Come with an open mind and be flexible, adaptable and honor the time/purpose.

Support and encourageeach other: create community connections and assume positive attention.

Look for ways to be grateful and joyful.

Breathe: take care of yourself, others, and our environment.