Teacher: Catherine Hoehn Pendleton County High School Subject: Business Principles
2015-2016 Curriculum MapTextbook: Introduction to Business
Month / Unit / Learning Targets / Activities & Assessments / KOSSA Standards / Essential QuestionsAugust: Time frame 1 Week / Start-up & Literary Review / Classroom expectations
I CAN relate current literature to the world of business. / Who Moved My Cheese?
On-writing demand. / 2005.AA.2 Participate in conversation, discussion, and group presentations / How can the life lessons in this book apply to both your personal and professional lives?
Give an example of when you are active, when you really want to be productive.
Why do you think it is important not to overanalyze or overcomplicate things?
August/September/OctoberTime Frame: 7 Weeks / Unit 1: Business in the Global Economic Environment / I CAN explain characteristics of the free enterprise system and economic growth.
I CAN explain characteristics of the law of supply and demand, role of automation and computers.
I CAN identify and analyze constitutional freedom, responsibilities, and rights of the US citizen.
I CAN discuss business ethics and areas in which businesses are thought to have social responsibility.
I CAN differentiate capitalism, socialism, and communism.
I CAN identify demographic, geographic, and psychographic trends in consumer market.
I CAN describe the concepts of economics and economic activities
I CAN distinguish between economic goods and services.
I CAN explain the concepts of economic resources.
I CAN explain the nature of global trade.
I CAN explain the concept of Gross Domestic Products.
I CAN discuss the impact of cultural and social environments on global trade. / Textbook:
Unit 1: Chapters 1-4
Informal checkpoint assessments.
Formative & Summative Assessments
Projects: Oral & Written / 2005.OF.7 Recognize the impact of economics
2005.OF.8 Understand the economic principles and concepts fundamental to business operations
2005.OE.9 Analyze an employment contract
2005.OF.10 Understand business supply and demand
2005.OH.1 Recognize the legal issues related to managing a business in the global environment
2005.OH.2 Describe global economic factors
2005.OH.3 Examine issues of corporate culture and managing in the global environment
2005.OH.4 Define examples of global involvement
2005.OI.1 Explain the relationship between ethics and governmental regulations / Describe the economic systems of the United States.
What are the main differences among the three economic systems?
Describe the four phases of the business cycle.
Describe importing and exporting activities.
How does licensing differ from a franchise?
What are the four areas of social responsibility that may require the attention of business?
Identify the roles and levels of government.
Prepare a list of possible problems that could occur in a contract situation.
Describe government actions to raise money that might have a positive or negative influence on business activities.
Month / Unit / Learning Targets / Activities & Assessments / KOSSA Standards / Essential Questions
October/November/December Time Frame: 9 weeks / Unit 2: Business Organization and Management / I CAN compare types of business ownerships.
I CAN research and analyze career opportunities in business and marketing and the relationship of education, employment, and wages.
I CAN demonstrate employability and social skills relative to the career cluster.
I CAN describe health and safety regulation in business.
I CAN discuss the role of ethics in knowledge management.
I CAN explain management theories and their applications.
I CAN explain the nature of managerial control and ethics.
I CAN identify and explain basic functions of management, management styles, and criteria used in settings and achieving goals.
I CAN utilize SWOT analysis when analyzing case studies and business plans.
I CAN identify characteristics of successful entrepreneurs.
I CAN describe opportunities and risks of entrepreneurship.
I CAN identify problems faced by many small businesses.
I CAN identify types and sources of financing for a small business.
I CAN discuss when to use the two management styles.
I CAN describe the need for leadership skills and the characteristics of an effective leader. / Textbook:
Unit 2: Chapters 5-9
Compare & Contrast graphic organizer.
Case Studies
Formative & Summative Assessments / 2005.EF.3 Demonstrate effective team skills and evaluate their importance in the workplace
2005.EG.1 Contribute new ideas
2005.EG.4 Locate and verify information
2005.EM.3 Select appropriate technological resources to accomplish work
2005.OA.8 Develop short-term and long-term financial needs of a business
2005.OB.1 Compare forms of business ownership
2005.OB.2 Describe types of organizational structures and management levels
2005.OB.3 Identify the factors that influence an organization’s structure
2005.OB.4 Construct an organizational chart
2005.OF.1 Analyze a business organization’s competitive position within the industry
2005.OF.2 Describe ways to increase market share
2005.OF.3 Compare various forms of competition
2005.OF.4 Discuss the importance of benchmarking in the workplace
2005.OF.5 Utilize SWOT analysis with case studies/business plan
2005.OK.1 Review and evaluate a sample business plan / What are the six basic activities completed by all businesses?
Which form of business ownership is the most complex and difficult to form? Why?
What problems can result from the use of a functional organizational structure?
Describe opportunities and risks of entrepreneurship.
Describe the elements of a business plan.
Think of a business in your community, what level of management do you think exist there?
How is tactical management different from strategic management?
What leadership qualities do you possess and are there others that you think you could develop?
Think of a manager, coach, or teacher you’ve enjoyed working with. What characteristics made it easy to follow his or her lead?
What are the core values of an organization?
Identify important planning and staffing activities.
Why would a business choose to not advertise a job opening?
What are the advantages a manager might experience by gaining employee input?
Why do managers and leaders need effective human relations skills?
Month / Unit / Learning Targets / Activities & Assessments / KOSSA Standards / Essential Questions
January/ FebruaryTime Frame: 8 weeks / Unit 3: Business Marketingand Operations / I CAN identify the seven functions of marketing and explain the economic value of marketing.
I CAN identify and explain the 4 P’s of the marketing mix.
I CAN explain marketing and its importance in a global economy.
I CAN explain the role of promotion as a marketing function.
I CAN use computers and technology to collect, organize, and communicate information.
I CAN demonstrate problem-solving and decision-making skills as they apply in economics, personal finance, human relations, distribution, or product service planning.
I CAN use and understand basic computer terminology.
I CAN discuss the importance of effective business operations.
I CAN describe tools used to manage business operations.
I CAN describe ways that businesses can deal with risks.
I CAN describe several types of business insurance.
I CAN describe why some businesses are uninsurable. / Textbook:
Unit 3: Chapters 10-14
Case Studies
Group Work
Oral Presentations
Formative & Summative Assessments / 2005.OF.5 Utilize analysis with case studies/business plan
2005.OF.7 Recognize the impact of economics
2005.OF.8 Understand the economic principles and concepts fundamental to business operations
2005.EG.4 Locate and verify information
2005.EM.3 Select appropriate technological resources to accomplish work
2005.OA.8 Develop short-term and long-term financial needs of a business
2005.AE.2 Identify the components of a budget and how one is created
2005.AE.4 Use financial services effectively
2005.AE.5 Demonstrate ability to meet financial obligations
2005.AG.1 Use technology appropriately to enhance professional presentations
2005.AH.1 Select and use appropriate devices, services, and applications to complete workplace tasks / Why should a markdown be considered a pricing mistake?
Describe how technology might affect the operating costs and profits of a company.
How is computer aided design (CAD) used by businesses?
What are possible business activities currently performed by people that might be performed in the future sing a computer system?
Describe three types of business budgets.
What must be considered when establishing a sales price for your product?
Describe the components of a business’ payroll system.
What does it mean if your company’s net income ratio increases from one year to the next?
List the three steps in financial decision-making?
What is the difference between custom manufacturing and materials processing?
Would continuous process improvements affect the prices that consumers pay for products?
What can retailers do to recover losses suffered from shoplifting?
Why must management create strategies that encourage employee involvement?
Describe why some business risks are uninsurable.
Month / Unit / Learning Targets / Activities & Assessments / KOSSA Standards / Essential Questions
March/April/May Time Frame: 10 weeks / Unit 4: Personal Financial Management / I CAN explain wise buying actions.
I CAN describe the four main types of shopping locations.
I CAN explain seven consumer rights.
I CAN describe consumer responsibilities.
I CAN explore how spending, saving and values impact your finances.
I CAN set financial goals that are specific and measurable.
I CAN apply strategies to be mindful about spending decisions.
I CAN create a spending plan to reach my goals.
I CAN figure out ways to maintain a positive cash flow.
I CAN weigh the benefits and risks of borrowing money.
I CAN explore the rights and responsibilities of borrowers and lenders
I CAN explore the payoffs of investing in yourself.
I CAN explore how saving and investing can be used to build wealth.
I CAN protect my personal account information.
I CAN select banking tools and technology to handle personal business transactions.
I CAN demonstrate how to manage spending and banking transactions.
I CAN justify reasons to be insured.
I CAN investigate how insurance works.
I CAN compare auto insurance options. / Textbook:
Unit 4: Chapters 15
HSFPP Curriculum: Modules 1-6
Group Work
Oral Presentations
Formative & Summative Assessments / 2003.OB.1 Define credit and credit terms
2003.OB.2 Complete credit forms and applications
2003.OB.3 Possess general knowledge of the following: checking, savings, loans, certificates of deposit, investments, IRAs, customer services, trust services, ATMs, credit/debit card
2003.OB.4 Understand the Federal Reserve System
2003.OB.5 Understand the role of FDIC
2003.OB.6 Describe the check clearing system
2003.OG.4 Understand debits and credits
2003.OA.4 Apply the concepts of maintaining a checkbook and reconciling a bank statement
2003.OG.2 Compute simple and compound interest
2003.AC.1 Utilize critical-thinking skills to determine best options/outcomes (e.g., analyze reliable/unreliable sources of information, use previous experiences, implement crisis management, develop contingency planning)
2003.AC.3 Implement effective decision-making skills / What decision-making steps should be taken when making a purchase?
Explain seven consumer rights.
What are the five characteristics of an effective budget?
Provide an explanation of the main types of endorsements.
Explain the bank reconciliation process?
What are the main advantages and disadvantages of consumer credit?
Which kind of loan schedule would be best for very large loans paid back over a number of years?
Describe each of the three C’s of credit and explain their purpose.
What is the purpose of the Fair Credit Reporting Act?
What are the four factors to consider when selecting an investment?
Explain how economic factors affect stock prices.
Why might insurance rates be higher on certain kinds of vehicles?
Why do people’s insurance needs change at different times in their lives?
Develop a plan of action to build a good credit reputation.
Set SMART financial goals for yourself.