Minutes of Monthly Meeting held on 16th September, 2013 at Mornington House, Summerhill Road, Trim, Co. Meath at 2.30 p.m.

Members Present: -

Cathaoirleach Cllr. Fox

Cllr. Carey,Fegan, McElhinney and O’Shea

Officials in Attendance: -

Area Manager:Des Foley

Area Engineer:Vincent Collins

Staff Officer:Triona Keating

Apologies: -

Area Administrator:Fiona Skehan

1.0Confirmation of Minutes of Meeting held on the 15thJuly, 2013

Proposed by Cllr Carey and Seconded by Cllr O’Shea.

2.0Matters Arising

Cllr Fox asked that a pedestrian crossing in Summerhill as raised by Cllr. Carey and himself be included in the minutes.

Cllr. Fox advised he had spoken to the Area Engineer who was in touch with Planning and the NTA, that it was on a list but yet to make the cut.

Area Engineer advised that there was mention of a proposed footpath in Summerhill from Hillview to where the new road was built, but it is not going ahead this year.

The Area Manager advised that he would take the matter up with Planning.

Cllr. Carey advised that this matter has been raised since the sewerage scheme took place. They were told when new surfaces were done the street would be marked and Pedestrian Crossings would be looked at.

The Area Manager advised that the allocation of a footpath was re-distributed to Knightsbrook for a bus stop. He would hope they could do both if they got the NTA on board.

Cllr. Carey stated that he would object if the allocation didn’t do both.

Cllr. O’Shea asked for an update on Trim Graveyard.

Area Manager informed that he had discussed it with the Environment Section. He is to meet with the Engineer who has returned from leave and will get the current status. He advised that there is a possibility of ground on the other side of the road which could be used as an extension.

Cllr. Fegan stated that he was informed that there is only 5 years or less left in the existing graveyard in Trim. Family members who own land opposite are amenable to having a submission made in the Draft Trim Development Plan to a piece of land to be used as an extension. The land is currently zoned commercial.

Area Manager advised that the CountyManager has had a look at this site and feels there may be access issues and the OPW might not be pleased to have a graveyard on their doorstep.

Cllr. Fegan advised that the family may come in for a portion close to the edge of the road to be used as a burial ground.

Cllr. Fox stated that the suitability of the land may be an issue.

Cllr. O’Shea informed the Members that Loreto Guinan is going to have a look at the stained glass window in St. Patrick’s Cathedral and try to preserve it.

3.0Expressions of Sympathy and Congratulations

Sympathy was expressed to the following by Cllr O’Shea;

  • The death of Mr Stokes, pedestrian who was killed in Trim on Sunday night.

Congratulations were expressed to the following by Cllr . O’Shea:

  • Trim Tidy Towns on retaining a silver medal in the National Tidy Towns Competition.
  • Each festival which took place in Trim this year.
  • Under 15 girls from Trim Celtic who took part in the Community Games Competition and won the title.
  • Organisers of the Race Around Ireland which took place on Sunday last.

Congratulations were expressed to the following by Cllr . Carey:

  • Enfield Tidy Towns who came first in their category.

4.0Correspondence and Matters raised by the Manager.

The Town Manager advised the Members that the Trim Draft Development Plan is on public display until the 18th November. The closing date for submissions is 4.00 p.m. on the 18thNovember. He thanked the Members for their co-operation and support in getting the plan to this point.

5.0Statutory Business


6.0Update on works ongoing from Area Engineer

Area Engineer updated the Members on works carried out since the last meeting.

Area Manager advised that the Roadworks Programme was almost complete.

Cllr. Carey raised the following:

  • Commended the Engineer on verge trimming as it seemed more was done this year than usual.
  • Advised that he received a letter from a young man in relation to maintenance of signage at Ardrums.

Cllr. Fox stated that he had referred the matter to the Dunshaughlin office who had carried out the works.

7.0Any other Business

Cllr O’Shea raised the following issues: -

  • Concern from residents regarding speeding on theLackanash Road.

Cllr. Fox suggested that if the guards or speed van were on the road a few times it would reduce speed.

Area Engineer advised if funding stretched to another crossing they could do so. Separate funding comes from the NTA for crossings. Other funding is to maintain what you already have. Otherwise enforcement is needed to reduce speed.

Cllr. Carey stated that as time goes on we are going to have to rethink our attitude to speed ramps. We were resistant to them for years. They are the only thing that will make people slow down.

Area Engineer stated that speed ramps is a choice and it can be done, however if we do so we are punishing the majority of road users for the sins of a few. If funding becomes available for a crossing and the Members wish, the crossing can be raised.

  • Asked what the views were in relation to the new junction layout at Marcy Regans.
  • Plaque for Maudlin Vale.
  • Hump on the road at the weeping ash on the Kilcock road.
  • Number of accidents at Friar’s Park on the Dublin road.

Cllr. Fegan stated that the bend on the road is very deceiving.

Area Engineer will look at realigning the centre line of the road and putting double yellow lines on either side.

  • Cul de sac at the BoyneCommunitySchool – three houses are blocked in due to cars stopping and using it as a drop off point.

Area Engineer advised that he received correspondence from the Gardai stating that they would enforce it. If necessary he will paint yellow lines to allow the Gardai to prosecute.

  • Trim Sports and Leisure Centre. There is a fault on the bowling green. The Contractor and sub contractor are gone into liquidation. Asked if the Council could check to see what the surface problem is.

Area Engineer advised funding would be required as they would need to dig up the green to ascertain what the problem is and then try and fix it.

Cllr. McElhinney raised the following issues: -

  • Potholes in need of repair at Shanco from the Trim side in.

Area Engineer advised that works were carried out in that area last Thursday and Friday.

  • Potholes in need of repair at Drummond on the way to Longwood at StonyfordBridge.
  • Asked if the Engineer could report the Frayne Road in Athboy to the Kells Office.
  • Strong chlorine taste of the water in Ballivor.
  • Asked if the area around the speed limit signs coming into Ballivor village could be strimmed.
  • Asked if the key to St. Kinneth’s Church could be given back as they have no access to the building and requested a letter to say they have permission to access the building.

Area Manager will speak to Ciaran Mangan regarding the keys to the building.

  • Requested an update on Gray’s plant in Killyon which is still very messy.
  • The wall in Earls Meadow is still very shaky.

Cllr. Fegan raised the following issues: -

  • Illuminated traffic bollard at the Navan lights was replaced with a narrow bollard. He asked if it could be highlighted as it is under the eye level of the door of a car coming from Navan heading towards Athboy.
  • The new road layout at Marcy Regan’s is causing a backup of traffic on the bridge.
  • Gullies on the ring road in need of cleaning.
  • Flooding at Ballinderry.
  • Asked who he would speak to in relation to a court case last Friday between Meath County Council and the legal operator of a stock car track at Coolronan.

Area Manager advised that planning section would be in a position to assist.

Cllr. Carey raised the following issues: -

  • Thanked the Area Engineer for the cleaning job at Castlerickard Graveyard.
  • Verges at Kilcorney to JordanstownChurch need to be cut.
  • Asked if the sequence of traffic lights could be looked at in Enfield.
  • Road is gone at the verges of Lower Rathroane and is in need of attention.
  • Asked about the legalities of the Traffic Management Plan for Enfield.

Area Manager advised that he has spoken to Rory McEntee on this matter.

  • Sewerage problem at the apartments in Blackwater Close.

Area Manager advised he would follow up on the matter.

Cllr. Fox raised the following issues: -

  • Asked about a crossing in Summerhill.
  • Asked about a footpath from Newtown to Marcy Regan’s.

Area Engineer advised that this has been put forward as a proposal. There is some land we need to retain.

  • Wheelchair access at CastlejordanChurch.

Area Engineer advised that he hopes to provide wheelchair access in the coming week.

  • Drainage on the Rathkeenan road.
  • Coolronan bridge very narrow and two cars cannot meet. Some signage is needed.
  • Reqested an update on Killyon/Clonard cow plot.

Area Manager advised that Killyon Hurling Club accepted the offer and the matter is progressing.

  • Clonard GAA – Asked what the status is for housing.

Are Manager advised that the matter was being followed up by the Director for Housing.

  • Taking in Charge of housing estates appears to be at a standstill.

Area Manager will request an update as to where it is at.

The next Area Committee meeting is to be held on Monday 21st October following the AGM at 2.30p.m.

This concluded the business of the meeting at 15.35.