Get Motivated: Peter Lowe 10/25/2010
Kari Michaelson Todays Hostess Speaker
Dr. Robert Schuler Achievement
Take out the word impossible.
In 84 years he’s seen the impossible become possible.
Man has gone to the moon.
Author of over 40 books.
Make your dreams big enough for god to fit into them.
Funny story: about a young minister being presented to the church by the
bishop. The bishop was arrogant and the young minister took the podium and
started his sermon. I’m human, your human, the bishop is human. I can sin, you can sin, the bishop can sin. I can go to hell, you can go to hell, the bishop can go to hell.
Dare to dream!
Steve Forbes Business Skills
Funny story: about how most people can’t be rich by inheriting it from their grandfather. His grandfather became a news writer by offering his services for a limited time for free. If he was good enough then he would be offered a job. He did this for multiple companies at the same time and was offered multiple jobs.
His grandfather then bought several expensive suites and took a room at the Waldorf Astoria famous hotel. His friends thought he had gone over the edge. However, it was his way of meeting market maker and establishing business contacts by being in the same environment.
Take Risk!
Eat well – Sleep well – But you can’t have both.
Business stories of IBM, Walmart, Starbuck, Bottled Water, and Vodka.
Went into detail about Ray Kroc and McDonalds, Ray was a milkshake equipment salesman. After seeing the business the McDonalds brothers were doing he bought the company. He then took it State wide, then National, and finally Global.
Stop trashing the dollar.
17% flat tax
Bill of Rights 753 words
Declaration of Independences 2,500 words
Bible 775,000 words
US Tax Code Over 10 million words
Terry Bradshaw Competitiveness
Starts off by saying I’m not sure what you people are going to learn from a guy
that has a bachelor’s degree in PE from Louisiana State. He emphasizes all the
other real speakers have something to offer. He says having a Petroleum Engineering degree really hasn’t helped him as much as he thought it would.
Simple things work!
Thank God you wake up every day, and you’re not taking a dirt nap.
He asked everyone in the audience to shake hands with your neighbor, then he said to hug your neighbor, then he said to kiss your neighbor.
Smile be happy no matter what.
He talked about having A.D.D., going through three divorces, and playing in a city he wasn’t thrilled to be in. He would have been happy playing for the Saints.
He talked and joked about Peyton and his millions of dollars, and said you’re never going to see Peyton come talk to you guys again after this next contract. That’s why we’re stuck with him as a speaker, after winning four super bowls the most he ever made in a season was $150,000.
Kristi Durham Motivation
Originally from India, he is a converted Christian living in Dallas TX.
People ask him if the “Grass is always greener on the other side”, his response is
there is no grass on the other side.
Dreams do come true, 20 years ago he came to the US with less than $100 and now he is head of Ziglar International.
Political correctness will be the death of this country.
Around the world he’s asked Equality or Fairness. Most people want Equality with the US, they don’t care about Fairness.
He asked the audience to raise their right hand as high as it could go, then he said raise it higher and everyone did. He then said why didn’t everyone do that the first time as I asked?
He left the stage saying he was the father of his sons name and the husband of his wife’s name and it was a great exit.
Bob Kittell Business Skills
Started off by showing how to motivate people, he offered a $5 bill for one group of the audience for 10 seconds for a $1 bill, he got two participants. Then he went to the opposite side and offered a $20 bill for 10 seconds for a $10 bill, and got one participant. He then showed a $100 bill and said what do you think I’m crazy. He then asked if anyone was really down in life and needed help. One gentleman was selected and he got an ovation like a rock star from the crowd. He also received the $100 bill. The guy was smiling ear to ear.
The demo showed three type of action, do nothing, confusion, or action.
Group Rotation
Wealth Magazine (Investools).
Talked about Covered Calls.
Rudy Giuliani Perseverance
He was the first republican mayor in 25 year in New York.
In the 80’s and 90’s New York had worse unemployment then today.
He created the Job Center and put New Yorkers back to work.
He reduced crime and unemployment by 60 percent in New York.
Information Revolution – Bigger than flight.
Big fan of Ronald Reagan, Reagan issues “Communism was evil”, and “Government has too much control”.
Two piece of advice; Don’t be afraid of the internet, and use Online Education.
Four major points: Read, Listen, Write down, and stop and take time to reflect each day.
Zig Ziglar Motivation
One of Zig’s daughters guided Zig through a conversation on stage. Apparently, he had an accident and fell down a flight of stairs and needed some help focusing on the questions at hand.
They did a video tribute to Zig showing forty years of his highlights. The biggest two clips where “Little Johnny”, and “Prime the Pump”.
Funny store: Little Johnny is in school Friday and the teacher says if anyone does anything exciting over the weekend to tell the story first thing Monday morning. So, Monday comes and little Johnny is first in line to tell his story. Him and his dad went fishing and caught 75 catfish weighing 75 pound apiece. The teacher looks at little Johnny and says that can’t be true. He says yes the story is really true. So, the teacher says would you believe me if I told you a big old twelve foot bear was chasing me and a dog jumped up and bit it on the nose and the bear turned around and ran off. Jonny says yes, that’s my dog.
Kristi Durham Motivation
Tri-Celtic - Mental, Physical, Spiritual
Emotion Quotient
Colin Powell Leadership
He started out by saying he loves Indianapolis. He was able to drive the Pace car for the Indy 500 back in 2005, and he likes to say he lead the race for three laps. After being certified in the Corvette he was given a half hour of unlimited track time. He and his son started going around the track faster and faster, final they reached a speed of 140 mph. His son started chanting the old man is going to kill us.
Hometown is Harlem New York.
It doesn’t matter where you start in life, it’s where you finish.
The one thing he misses most about not being in government is his Boeing 757 plane. It’s Hillary’s now and he’s never going to see it again.
As a country we can’t be afraid of some guy in Pakistan.
Goals, Missions, Purpose
Tools, Skills, Training
When he became Joint Chief be purchased over 44,200 PC’s.
You’re a leader or a follower, but you must have their trust.
Funny story: A Sergeant at Fort Benning looks at Lieutenant Powell and said Powell I think you’re going to be a good officer and leader the men will follow you. If, for no other reason than just general curiosity.
Don’t sell the United State short.
Funny story: Every time he’s in New York he loves to walk down Park Place to get a hot dog. While Secretary of State, he would have six body guards and usually three NYPD squad cars follow him everywhere. The vendor of the hot dog stand see all the NYPD police cars and start yelling I’m here legally, and Powell says calm down their here for me.
Laura Bush Guest Speaker
She talked about George and Barbara, both doing well. George skydived again for his 86th birthday into a church lot in Kennebunkport Maine. Barbara said that was nice and if anything goes wrong they can just move him directly to the church for his service.
Both Daughters are successful in their own careers.
Both she and her husband have books coming out now.
Their working a lot on the Presidential Library at SMU.
James Smith Finance
Our problems are other countries solutions.
Next 5 years we will have major inflation.
Washington DC “Flush the toilet and start over”.
Don’t waste time with TV and watching “Dancing with the Dorks”.
God made man first and then he got it right and make woman.
Men are Ugly and Women are works of art.
1 out of 3 retiree’s will make less than 900 a month.
People age 50 have a net income of <= $40,000.
Most people are 4 paychecks from disaster.
Money is the #1 reason for divorce.
1 out of 3 people have bad credit.
Bankruptcy this year over 2,000,000 +
Foreclosures this year over 5,500,000 +
Game of Life
Have multiple sources of Income.
Danica Patrick Excellence
Takes after her father who was a race driver, that’s why sometimes she gets so irritable in certain situations.
She doesn’t want to be seen as an underdog. She wants to be the best, not just the best girl driver.
She is happy with making achievements. However, she is causes about setting goals.
Steven Pierce Motivation
Internet Wiz
His story was about dropping out of high school, getting shot for running an illegal pharmacy outside of Washington DC (Selling illegal drugs in the wrong neighborhood).He got his life together and started making a career off the Internet.
Joe Montana Teamwork
Didn’t stay for!
Jim Richardson’s comments, the seminar had these things in common:
God, Dream, Computer (Internet), You, and Republican.