Science 8 Course Outline: Spring 2018Mr. Oberhoffner

Science 8 addresses a wide variety of learning outcomes across four main topics, as described in the B.C. Ministry of Education’s new curriculum: ( goal of this course is to help you build & connect your understanding of science in the context of your daily life.

Please read through the information below as a guideline of what to expect for the semester.

Unit Topic / Big Idea
CHEMISTRY: Particle Model & Atomic Theory / The behavior of matter can be explained by the kinetic molecular theory and atomic theory
BIOLOGY: Cells & Micro-organisms / Life processes are performed at the cellular level.
PHYSICS: Optics / Energy can be transferred as both a particle and a wave.
EARTH SCIENCE: Plate Tectonics / The theory of plate tectonics is the unifying theory that explains Earth’s geological processes.
Homework: 35%
Labs, Investigations 25%
Quizzes 20%
Final Exam 20%


ATTENDANCE Before the second bell rings, students are responsible for being in class, on time, with all materials for that class, and in proper uniform.

ABSENCE Students are responsible for catching up on any work missed.
-Up to two days absence: Find a way to gather missed work so you can be ready for the next class. Class activities, assignments, and quizzes are posted under Course Updates on the school website.
-Extended absences of two or more classes requires some teacher consultation for catching up. Do this as soon as you can.

HOMEWORK These are small assignments due the next class. The teacher expects it to be completed as the student’s own work (not copied), unless the assignment was intended for completion in groups. If homework is not completed and brought to class, expect to complete it at lunch in Homework Club (Room 206).

ASSIGNMENTS/LABS Assignments and lab reports are worth more marks, and are to be completed over a greater period of time. The teacher will check off completed assignments when they are handed in. Do not hand in parts of an assignment later. If a student is absent on a due date, hand in the assignment to the subject teacher on the first day of return. Hand in all assignments to the subject teacher, not the office or to another teacher.

Please sign and return this sheet, which also includes the section which permits the use of e-mail.

I have read and understood the class expectations outlined in this handout.

Parent/Guardian (sign) ______e-mail ______

Student (print)______(sign)______

Course(s) ______


January 29, 2018.

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Due to concerns over the security of email communication, we require your permission to communicate progress regarding your son or daughter via email.

Therefore, if you wish to communicate with the undersigned teacher regarding issues regarding this class, your signature will indicate to the teacher that you are aware of the risks of using email and that this information could be seen by a third party. Specifically, there can be no guarantee that any email communication is 100% secure and thus specific information, such as marks, could be compromised.

By signing below you are authorizing the teacher to submit sensitive information via email to yourself at the email address listed below.

Thank you for your cooperation.

I understand that email cannot be considered as 100% secure and am authorizing the undersigned teacher to provide information on the progress of my son/daughter to me via the email.


(Parent Name: Please Print)(Parent signature)