Lab: Food Intake Around the World

GGS 12 Lab: Food Intake around the World /30

Name: ______Due Date: ______


To analyze average food consumption and malnourishment patterns around the world by creating a chloropleth map.


The dietary energy consumption per person is the amount of food, in kilocalorie per day, for each individual in the total population.

It is considered necessary for a human to ingest a diet of 2770 kilocalories (kcal)/day to remain healthy. Therefore, to calculate the percent of the required intake use the following formula.

kcal / person / day x 100%

2 770

Example: Canada 3 590 kcal/person/day x 100% = 129.6 %

2 770 kcal/person/day

Therefore, Canadians have on average a diet that is 130% of what is required. On average we consume 30% more than what is necessary for survival.


1.  Use the formula above to calculate the percentage of required food intake for the one hundred countries given in table one. (10 points)

2.  Create a chloropleth map using the following categories. (10 points)

Country Data Not Included = white

Under 85% = brown/black

85% - 100% = green

101% - 115% = yellow

Above 115% = red

Remember to include a title and colour key on your map.


Table One: 2001 World Food Intake by Country (Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations).


/ 2001 Dietary Energy (kcal/person/day) / Required Food Intake (%) / /


/ 2001 Dietary Energy (kcal/person/day) / Required
Food Intake
Albania / 2860 / Japan / 2770
Algeria / 3040 / Jordan / 2680
Angola / 2070 / Kenya / 2150
Argentina / 2980 / Kuwait / 3060
Australia / 3120 / Latvia / 3020
Austria / 3740 / Lebanon / 3170
Bangladesh / 2200 / Liberia / 1940
Barbados / 3110 / Madagascar / 2040
Belarus / 2960 / Malaysia / 2870
Belize / 2840 / Mali / 2230
Bosnia and Herzegovina / 2710 / Mexico / 3180
Botswana / 2180 / Mongolia / 2250
Brazil / 3060 / Namibia / 2260
Bulgaria / 2850 / Nepal / 2450
Burundi / 1640 / Netherlands / 3440
Cambodia / 2060 / New Zealand / 3200
Cameroon / 2270 / Nicaragua / 2290
Canada / 3590 / 129.6 / Niger / 2160
Chad / 2160 / Nigeria / 2700
Chile / 2860 / Norway / 3480
China / 2940 / Pakistan / 2340
Colombia / 2580 / Peru / 2570
Côte d'Ivoire / 2630 / Philippines / 2450
Croatia / 2770 / Poland / 3370
Cuba / 3190 / Portugal / 3750
Czech Republic / 3240 / Romania / 3520
Denmark / 3450 / Russian Fed. / 3080
Djibouti / 2220 / Rwanda / 2070
Dominican Republic / 2290 / Saudi Arabia / 2820
Ecuador / 2710 / Senegal / 2310
Egypt / 3350 / Sierra Leone / 1930
El Salvador / 2560 / Slovakia / 2830
Ethiopia / 1860 / South Africa / 2940
Finland / 3150 / Spain / 3410
France / 3640 / Sri Lanka / 2390
Gambia / 2280 / Sudan / 2260
Germany / 3490 / Sweden / 3160
Ghana / 2650 / Switzerland / 3500
Greece / 3680 / Tanzania, / 1960
Guatemala / 2210 / Thailand / 2410
Haiti / 2090 / Turkey / 3340
Honduras / 2360 / Uganda / 2380
Hungary / 3500 / United Arab Emirates / 3220
Iceland / 3240 / United Kingdom / 3440
India / 2440 / U.S.A. / 3770
Indonesia / 2880 / Uruguay / 2850
Iran, Islamic Rep. of / 3090 / Venezuela / 2350
Ireland / 3690 / Viet Nam / 2580
Italy / 3670 / Zambia / 1930

Analysis Questions:


a.  Which continent has the greatest proportion of overnourished people? (1 point)


b.  Name four countries that have above the necessary food intake. (1 point)


c.  What do most of these countries have in common? (1 point)


d.  Why are the people in these countries consuming more food than they need for survival? (1 point)



a.  Which continent has the greatest proportion of undernourished people? (1 point)


b.  Name four countries that have under the necessary food intake. (1 point)


c.  What do most of these countries have in common? (1 point)


d.  Why are the people in these countries consuming less food than they need for survival? (1 point)


Conclusion: (2 points)
