Risk Assessment for UK Fieldwork Activities (including Health & Safety Checklist)
The risks associated with most UK field trips are usually less than those overseas (knowledge of that environment may be limited). However, it is still important that an assessment is completed for all School fieldwork. By recording the assessment, you will be able to demonstrate that you have actually considered the safety of your fieldwork activity.
The template below provides general guidance. Where additional information is required it should be included. Please save and share in the Google Drive Risk Assessment database.
Group / Course Leader’s Declaration:
●I will provide full safety instruction and information (including written safety protocols where required) for all those involved in the fieldwork activity (see Appendix 2 for record)
● I will provide appropriate supervision to enable work to be conducted within acceptable safety standards
Group / Course Leader Name / Group / Course Leader Signature / DateOverseen by Area Safety Manager: I am satisfied that the group / course leader has prepared a suitable and sufficent risk assessment.
ASM Name / ASM Signature / DateAssessment Review
Review and update the assessment when either a significant change to the work activity occurs, or when there is evidence that a review is necessary e.g. following an incident or accident
Proposed destination:
Description of
fieldwork activity:
(include reference to similar previous activities)
Risk Statement: / LOW RISK:
The fieldwork activity presents a low risk. The assessment below highlightsthe most significant hazards associated with the work andmeasures needed to reduce risks to an acceptable level
The fieldwork activity presents higher risks (e.g. fieldwork expeditions in remote places) requiring specific, more detailed planning & assessment. The assessment below will be used to highlight key hazards associated with the work and measures needed to reduce risks to an acceptable level.
Please state whether the fieldwork activity is Low Risk or Higher Risk?
Group / Course Leader:
Fieldwork Risk Assessment
The nature and complexity of the risk assessment will vary with the type of activity, and should therefore, be commensurate with the actual risk that the identified hazards pose in the particular circumstances. Where applicable, use the table below to highlight the key hazards associated with the fieldwork and detail the measures needed to reduce risk to an acceptable level. See Appendix 1 - Guide to Risk Level Rating to help assess the severity and likelihood of the risk. Many UK based fieldwork activities will be low risk. However, even for low risk activities, it is still necessary to highlight the most significant hazards and summarise how these will be managed.
Hazards / Comment / DetailIdentify & describe the nature of all significant hazards associated with the fieldwork & how harm could occur / harmful effect of the hazard identified / Measures to prevent or minimize risk
Identify the key control measures, proportionate to level of risk (i.e. likelihood + seriousness of harm occurring), needed to reduce risks to a low & acceptable level
See Appendix 1: Guide to Risk Level Rating / Severity / Likeli
hood / Risk rating
S / L / RR
Personal safety:
e.g. driving to & from site, off-road driving, lone working, security of accommodation
e.g. extreme weather, exposure to heat & sun,
mountains, cliffs, caves, mines and quarries, forests / woods, freshwater, sea & seashore, marshes & quicksands, roadside,
work at height
e.g. dangerous animals, plants, pathogenic microorganisms (e.g. cause of Lyme disease (transmitted by ticks), Tetanus, Leptospirosis)
e.g. chemicals associated with the fieldwork activity, agrochemicals, dusts, chemicals on site
Mechanical & Electrical:
e.g. equipment, tools, machinery & vehicles
Other Hazards:
Communication (no mobile signal)
Emergency / Contingency Planning:
Students / staff getting lost:
Actions following an accident: (traffic / personal)
Supervised student fieldwork:
Describe arrangements (‘safe system of work’) for supervision of students during fieldwork activities:
Lone Working / Unsupervised fieldwork:
●Describe arrangements for maintaining contact between students and Group Leader / Supervisor / Contact
●Describe other arrangements that will be applied to safeguard fieldworkers (consider what means of communication will be used and who will be made aware of fieldwork itinerary in case of emergency (see Appendix 3 ‘Field Safety Emergency Contact Details’)
Describe the First Aid Arrangements: (first aid guidance)
Training / Instruction / Information:
All individuals involved in fieldwork trips must receive appropriate instruction / information on significant hazards and appropriate precautions necessary to reduce risk to a low and acceptable level. Appendix 2 should be used to record that appropriate information & instruction has been provided to all fieldworkers.
Emergency Bag: First Aid kit and documentation.
Names, gender split, medical issues, student contact name and number.
Somebody available at time of field trip
BSU contact phone number
Appendix 1: Guide to Risk Level Rating
Field / Rating / Score / DescriptionSeverity
of Harm / High (H) / 3 / Hazard capable of resulting in death, severe injury or illness, or major loss to equipment or buildings.
Moderate (M) / 2 / Hazard capable of resulting in injury or illness requiring absence from work, or equipment damage.
Low (L) / 1 / Hazard capable of resulting in minor injury requiring first aid, or inconsequential loss.
Likelihood / High (H) / 3 / Likely to occur imminently – hazard exists permanently.
Moderate (M) / 2 / Likely to occur in time – hazard exists intermittently or the hazardous operation occurs occasionally.
Low (L) / 1 / May occur in time – hazard exists infrequently and there is a low expectation of occurrence.
None (N) / 0 / Hazard removed completely or effect of potential hazard made impossible by design (applies only to residual risk).
Final Risk Rating
SxL / High (H) / 6, 9 / Priority risk. Must be reduced to a level that is acceptable through practical and effective control measures.
Moderate (M) / 3, 4 / Lesser priority risk. Should be assessed to see if further control measures can be applied to reduce to low risk.
Low (L) / 0, 1, 2 / No further action is required.
Appendix 2: Fieldwork Training Record
Sign off sheet for all participants (include emergency contact information?)
All those people taking part in the field work must sign below to indicate that they staff and students
●have read the risk assessment and relevant sections of the departmental code of good fieldwork practice
●have been given adequate safety information & instruction relevant to their fieldwork
●have been provided with written safety instructions/documentation where relevant
●agree to abide by any restrictions identified
●will report any concerns they have as to the safety provision, training to the Group Leader or directly to the Safety Health & Environment Advisor
Name / Signature / Date / Contact number at time of trip (staff and students)Appendix 3: Field Safety Emergency Contact Details
To the fieldworker:Please complete this form and hand the details to the Group / Course Leader ______This person must be available to carry out the emergency contact procedure in the event that you do not return at the time stipulated below. NB: Please remember to telephone if you are likely to be delayed to prevent the emergency contact procedure from being initiated.
To the holder of the contact details (Group / Course Leader):
If the fieldworker has not returned after 2 hours from the estimated time of arrival then the following procedure must be followed:
- Call the emergency services giving the field worker's itinerary, type of habitat to be visited and the University contact telephone numbers.
- Call the University contacts to alert that there may be a problem.
- If there has been an accident, call the field worker's next of kin.
Name/s of fieldworker/s:
Estimated date and time of return:
Contact Details:
Field Worker's mobile phone number:
University contact (e.g. Group Leader / HoS / Security):
Next of Kin (name / address / phone number):
Fieldwork Leader’s Health and Safety Checklist
Fieldwork CourseDates
Name of Fieldwork Leader
The emergency kit is to be kept with the leader at all times and staff and students informed of its whereabouts.
Please omit tasks if not applicable
Timescales / Arrangements / Completed / CommentSection 1
Tasks to be undertaken at least 1 month before trip
1 / Fieldwork risk assessment prepared to identify significant hazards and appropriate risk control measures
2 / Itinerary for trip prepared
3 / Travel arrangements organised
4 / Travel insurance organised
5 / Drivers registered with University and minibus drivers trained
Permission to work on site agreed
6 / Provision for disabled organised
7 / Suitable accommodation organised
8 / Itinerary for trip prepared and communicated to all fieldworkers
9 / Participants briefed on the likely hazards associated with the field trip and practices that need to be followed to adequately control the risk
10 / Participants trained to use equipment required for their work activities
11 / Competent leaders
12 / Health questionnaires completed to check fitness and health of participants
13 / Vaccinations (if necessary)
14 / First aiders available
15 / Appropriate staff to student ratios
16 / Management responsibilities (including deputising arrangements)
17 / Appropriate protective clothing (eg waterproofs, sun hats, walking boots)
18 / Appropriate safety equipment (eg gloves, hard hats, life jackets)
19 / Communication system
20 / Documents / passports / visa /consent form (permission to take action incase of emergency eg. blood transfusion) / medication details (availability of replacements)
21 / Insurance checks
22 / Other considerations:
Section 2
Tasks to be undertaken at least 1 week before trip
1 / Protocol for safe working (including emergency action) prepared plus where the emergency pack is found containing kit and documents
2 / Review of health questionnaire to determine no changes in condition
3 / Appropriate first aid kit available and fully stocked
4 / Survival kit
5 / Vehicles checked for roadworthiness
6 / Staff made aware of their responsibilities to the University, staff and fellow students as part of the safety briefing before the field trip.
7 / Other considerations:
Section 3
Tasks to be undertaken at least 1 day before the trip
1 / Emergency food
2 / Other considerations:
Section 4
Tasks to be undertaken at least 1 hour before trip
1 / Visual vehicle check for roadworthiness
2 / Students made aware of their responsibilities to the University, staff and fellow students as part of the safety briefing before the field trip.
3 / Other considerations:
Useful Information:
●Accident Reporting - Accident Reporting FormAccident Reporting Guidance
●Emergency Management Framework -
●SHE website -
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