Complete Solved Tutorial based on Class Lecture notes. There may be some intentional mistakes / bugs which students are expected to correct by mostly referring Class lecture notes.
Q1A :by entering into microprocessor age , narrate the history of microprocessor evolution and revolution your own words . While going through this evolution and revolution, compare:
- Word length -clock speed -addressing range - number of transistors - major application- execution speed in terms of MIPS and cache memory for the following microprocessors:
Word length / Clock speed / Addressing Range / Number of transistorIntel 4004 / 4 bit / 1MHZ / 4 byte / 2,300
Intel 8080 / 8 bit / 1MHZ / 64KB / 150,000
Motorola 6800 / 8 bit / 1MHZ / 64KB / 150,000
Intel 8086 / 16 bit / 4.47-10MHZ / 1MB / 30,000
Pentium with MMX / 32 bit / 66-200MHZ / MB / 1900000
Pentium III xeon / 64 bit / 600MHZ / MB / >3,000,000
Pentium IV / 64 bit / 2.3GHZ / MB / >3,000,000
Major appl. / Execution speed in terms of MIPS / Cache memory
Intel 4004 / Power tool controllers , simple controller and computer peripheral / 50 KIPS / 8 KB
Intel 8080 / Toys ,video games, programmable robots, video display, printer / MIPS / 16KB
Motorola 6800 / Personal computer, telephone ,TV. / MIPS / 8 KB
Intel 8086 / Networking/servers and pc / 2.5MIPS / 16KB
Pentium with MMX / Networking and server computer / MIPS / 16KB
Pentium III xeon / Personal computer and networking / MIPS / 512KB, 1MB
Pentium IV / Video conferencing / MIPS / 512KB,1MB
Q1 B : what is the key characteristic that differentiates an 8-bit microprocessor from a16-bit microprocessor? What other differences typically exit between the two classes that are not specifically related to word size ?
8-bit microprocessor:
Word size is 8-bit, that can address up to 64k, and its compatible with TTL, the first 8-bit µp is 8008.
16-bit microprocessor:
word size of 16-bit µp is 16-bit, it can address up to 1MB (1024K),its faster than 8-bit µp, speed of 60 to 233 MHz, 16-KB Cache Memory (8 k for instruction +8k for data), it has more instruction than 8-bit µp. the first 16-bit µp
is 8086.
Q2 (a): literature on specific microprocessor contains several common features . by
Exploring the data sheets write down the information about :
- Microprocessor Architecture
- Instruction Set
- Minimal system using microprocessor
- Control Signals
- Pin functions
- Microprocessor architecture : No of register (ACC,IR,PC,SP) Address bus/ data bus size and control unit and ALU ,flags
- Instruction set: listing of operation microprocessor van perform
- Minimal system using this microprocessor: how other devices are connected with microprocessor? Example … minimal system containingMPU, ROM, RAN, I/O PORT, CLOCK, ADDRESS DECODER, power supply.
- Control signal : write /read, CS ,interrupts (these signals directed other IC
- Pin function : address pin, tatpins, controlpins, power supply, clock I/P ,interrupts serial data I/O
Q2(b) : Briefly define the role of following registers of 6800 microprocessor :
- Program Counter
- Instruction Register
- Accumulator Register
Program counter: program counter is 16 bit register that always hold the address of next instruction to be executed.
Instruction register: it is special purpose register to hold the instruction fetched from memory.
Accumulator register: accumulator register hold the data for manipulation like logic ,store, output, input ,arithmetic ,load
Q2(C): Briefly define following pin function of 6800 microprocessor :
- R/W
- DBEdata bus enable pin number 36:
This pin input controls the data bus drives in the 6800 microprocessor, A high input on the DBE pin enables the data lines, whiles a low input disables or three –state the data lines , because data transfers to and from memory and I/P occurs during the time the Q2 clock is high ,the DBE pin is many times connected to the Q2 lines of the clock.
2. R/W: read/write control, pin number 34:
This pins output is control line that signals an external device (Ram, Row, PIA, Whether the 6800MPU is reading or writing. A HIGH output from the R/W line signals a read whereas A LOW output signals that a write operation is under way.
3. CLOCK (Q1 and Q2) pin number 3 and 37
These input pins receive non overlapping clock signals from the external system clock circuitry.
4. TSC Three state control pin number 39
When the TSC input pin is driven high by an external device , all address lines and R/W line will be three stated. The TSC line is used with DMA configurations. When DMA Is not used the TSC pin may be grounded.
5.IRQ Interrupts request line
Themicroprocessor can be interrupts from the normal execution of instruction and asked to execute some other instruction.
When reset pin id driven from high to low, the 6800 microprocessor sets the I flag to 1 and jumps to the rest or restart interrupts service routine pointed to by FFFEH AND FFFFH.
The reset input is typically used to initialize or restart the system.
Q3 (A): Program can generally be developed much faster using high –levellanguages than using assembly languages. You have to counter this advantage with number of advantage assembly languages.
The high level language is a medium of communication that is independent of a given computer. Programs are written in English – like words, and they can be executed on a machine using a translator (a Compiler or a translator), they are easy to understand.
The program written in high level language when converted into machine code by the compiler , yields many unnecessary instructions , the program written in directly in assembly language is usually is usually shorter and faster than the one converted from a high level language by the compiler.
Q3 ( B): Briefly describe pipeline architecture of 8086 microprocessor. Mention the jobs performed by Bus Interface Unit (BIU) &Execution Unit (EU).
The only difference between the 8086 and the 8088 microprocessors is that BIU
of 8088 can transfer only 8 bits data at one time.
Two main parts to the microprocessor
1-The bus interface unit (BIU)
2-The execution unit (EU)
Jobs performed by bus interface unit ( BIU ):
- It is interface to the outside world.
- It is performs BUS operation such as
- instruction fetching
- reading operand from memory
- reading operands to memory
- Inputting or outputting data to I/O peripherals.
- Its jobs also include instruction queuing & address generation.
Jobs of execution unit:
- Fetching instructions.
- Fetching operands from general purpose registers
- Executing instructions
- Generates operand addresses & passes them to the BIU.
Q3 C : Draw the software model of 8086 microprocessor.
Q4 (A) : What is the word shown in figure below ? Express the result in hexadecimal form . Is it stored at even or an odd address boundary?
Address Memory(Hex) (Binary)
0072C 1111 1110
0072B 1010 1010
The most significant byte of the word is stored at address 0072C and equals to
11111101= FD H
Its least significant byte is stored at address 0072B and is
10101010=AA H
Togetherthese two byte give the word
11111101101010101= FDAA H
Expressing the address of the least significant byte in binary from gives
0072B= 00000000011100101011
Since the rightmost bit (LSB) is logic 1 , the word is stored at an odd address boundary in memory.
Q4 (b): what would be 'offset' required to map to physical location 002B3(16) if the segment base address is 0029(16).
= 002b3 -0029= 0299H
PA= 002B30
SR= 0029
0029 H
Q4 (C): calculate the value of the physical address that follows. Assume all number as hexadecimal umbers.
(1) A200: 12CF (ii) B2C0:FA12
(1) A200:12CF
(d) B2C0:FA12
Q4 (D): A data segment is to be loaded from address A0000(16) to AFFFF(16) . what value must be loaded in to DS?
Addressis: 0000 H
Q 4 (C) : How large is the 8088 memory address space?
1 Mbyte.
Q5(A): A microprocessor- based weighing bridge in a sugar mill requires 4K memory plus 2 I/P &2 O/P ports. Choose a suitable memory allocation to minimize the I/P &O/P address decoding for this up –based system .draw neat &clean diagram showing the connectivity of microprocessor with program memory,address decoder ,and I/P ports .
Program required = 4k
This can be stored within bottom 32 k
A15 = 0 Then ROM will selected
=1 Then I/O is selected.
A0 / A1 / Are decoded to select one of 4 interfaces0 / 0 / I/P1 is selected
0 / 1 / I/P2 is selected
1 / 0 / O/P1 is selected
1 / 1 / O/P2 is selected
- A2- A14 are not connected to I/O interface
A15 / A14 / A13 / A12…………….A3 / A2 / A1 / A0 / SELECTED
0 / X / X / XX…………XX / X / X / X / ROM/RAMMEMORY
1 / X / X / XX…………XX / X / 0 / 0 / I/P1
1 / X / X / XX…………XX / X / 0 / 1 / I/P2
1 / X / X / XX…………..XX / X / 1 / 0 / O/P1
1 / X / X / XX………….XX / X / 1 / 1 / O/P2
]Q6 (A): Distinguish between data addressing modes & memory addressing modes?
Answers :
The data- addressing modes include register operand addressing mode, immediate operand addressing mode where the operand to access is specified as residing in an interval registers of the microprocessor while memory address mode a physical address (PA) of the operand and the initiate a read or write operation to this storage location.
PA= segment base: base +index +displacement
Q6(B):Identify the addressing modes used for the source and the destination operands in the instruction that follow:
(iii) MOV [DI],AX
(iv) MOV DI,[SI]
(v) MOV [BX+SI],BP
(vi) MOV CL,[BX+4]
(vii) IN AL,P8
(viii) OUT DX,AX
(x) MOV EAX,[BX]
Destination / Sources / InstructionRegister / Register / MOV AL,BL / 1
Register / Immediate / MOV AX,OFF H / 2
Indirect / Register / MOV [DI],AX / 3
register / Indirect / MOV DI,[SI] / 4
Register / Based index / MOV [BX+SI],BP / 5
register / Relative / MOV CL,[BX+4] / 6
Immediate / IN AL,P8 / 7
Immediate / OUT DX,P8 / 8
Based relative index / Register / MOV ARRAY[BX+SI],DX / 9
Scaled index register / Indirect register / MOV EAX,[BX] / 10
(c)What is label? What do the symbol [ ] indicate?
Label: the left most fields which are used which is used to store a symbolic name for memory location that it represents all labels begins with a letter or special character.
The [ ] symbols denote indirect addressing
Q # 7
Explain the indexed addressing mode and based indexed addressing mode.
Give illustrative example in each case.
Index addressing mode:
Index addressing mode:
Uses the value of the displacement as a pointer to the starting point of an array of data in memory, and the contents of the specified register as an index that selects the specific elements in the array that is to be accessed.
Eg: MOV AL, [SI] +2000H
SS 8-bit,
PA= ES : DI + 16-bit
DS SI Displacement
Base- indexed addressing mode:
Combining based addressing mode together with indexed addressing mode, can be used to access complex data structure as two dimensional arrays.
Eg: MOV AH, [BX] [SI] +1234H
CS 8-bit,
PA= DS : BX + SI + 16- bit
SS BP DI Displacement
Q. # 08 (A) Write a short program to transfer a word from an input device whose address is 10A0 H, into DX.
(B) Provide a complete interpretation of the content of CS: 0050 H , including an appropriate diagram.
The source segment base value is the code segment CS register and the source of the offset is 0050H so the PA = CS:0050H
Q # 09 (A) List the differences between 8086 and 8088 microprocessor.
The only difference between an 8088 microprocessor and an 8086 microprocessor is the BIU. In The 8088, the BIU data bus path is 8 bits wide versus the 8086's 16-bit data bus. Another difference Is that the 8088 instruction queue is four bytes long instead of six.
The important point to note, however, is that because the EU is the same for each processor, the Programming instructions are exactly the same for each. Programs written for the 8086 can be run On the 8088 without any changes.
Q #09 ( b) Is 8086/8088 TTL compatible? Explain your answer?
Yes, 8088/8086 microprocessor is compatible.
if the noise immunity figure is de-rated to 350 mv from 400 mv.
( C )What information appears on the address / data bus of the 8088 while ALE is active?
Address bits A7-A0
( D ):- Explain the operation of the TEST pin and the wait instruction?
TEST pin is input which is tested by WAIT.
(E )Describe bus buffering and latching.
- Before the 8088/8086 microprocessor can be used with memory or I/O interfaces, their multiplexed bus must be demultiplexed.
- Buses need to be buffered for large systems. Because the maximum fan-out is 10, the system must be buffered if it contains more than 10 other components.
- 74LS 373 Latches are used to demuliplex the address /data bus (AD7_ AD0) connection and multiplexed address/status connection ( A19/S6 – A16/S3 )
Q# 10 (A) Why it is essential to understand bus timing ? Draw a blockdiagramin which clock generator (8284A) and 8086 microprocessor illustrates the connection for the clock and reset signals.
It is essential to understand bus timing beforechoosing a memory or I/O device for interfacing with 8086/8088 microprocessor, and it is provides insight into the operation of the bus signals and basic read and write timing of the 80886.8088.
( b) illustrate and explain simplified 8086/8088 write bus cycle.
The three buses of the 8086 and 8088 address bus ,data mcontrol fuction exactly the same way as those of any other microprocessor .if data are written to the memory , the microprocessor outputs the memory address on the addressbus,oututs the data to be written into memory on the data bus , and issue a write ( WR) to memory and =0
The 8086 and =1 for the 8088 .
( c ) compare minimum mode versus maximum mode of operation for the 8086/8088 microprocessor
There are two available mode of the operation for the 8088/8086 microprocessor, Minimum mode and Maximum mode. Min mode is obtained by the connection of the selection pin MN/MX to + 5 v and max. Mode is selected by grounded.
Maximum mode is used when ever a coprocessor is connected to the system.
In Minimum mode the signal of the I/O is generated by the processor so it costs less minimum mode allow the eight – bit peripherals to be used with the 8088/8086 without any special consideration.
Q #. 11 (a)Explain the characteristics of I/O interface
Interface devices are grouped according to several different characteristics
1. Analog/Digital: if the device uses a digital data format this simplifies the interface to the computer, but most nature signals occur naturally in analogue form. There is need to process signals using an A/D converter ( I/P) and D/A converter (O/P) in order to connected the computer/ microprocessor to the outside world.
2- Electrical characteristics: of the device to be connected to the to the computer may vary enormously.
3- Operating speed: the speed of operation of the device affects the interface design
4- Data availability: the interface may be able to provide or receive data continuously or data transfer may be restricted to discrete time intervals.
5. Data timing: data may need to be transmitted to or received from the computer at regular time intervals or irregularly.
(b)Contrasta memory mapped I/O system with an isolated I/O system
Memory mapped I/ O:any instruction that reference to memory can accomplish the I/O transfer.
Isolated I/ O: the data transfer between microprocessor and the I/O device takes places using special I/P instruction IN & OUT
( c )Explain the term handshaking as it applies to computer system.
Handshaking :
Many I/O devices accept or release information at a much slower rate than the microprocessor; another method of I/O control called Handshaking or polling synchronizes the I/O device with the microprocessor. An example device that requires handshaking is a parallel printer that sends 100 cps . its clear that the processor can send 100 CPS to the printer , so to slow the processor down to match the speed of the of the printer .
The computer printer devices is facilitated using parallel I/O device PPI .As the printer is an output device , one can program port B of PPI as output port in handshake mode ( i.e. mode 1 ) in this case m few lines of port C serve the purpose of handshake line , where as the printer can intimate the computer about its status on port A of PPI , which is programmed as simple input in mode 0 . the printer port physically appears to the near of CPU casing as female D-Type 25 Pin connector .
( d ) Draw the I/O map of personal computer illustrating many of the fixed I/O areas.
Q# 12. ( a ) write a series of instruction that will output AA16 to an output port located at address C000H of the I/O address space
MOV DX,C000 ; DX register must be loaded with address of the output port .
MOV AL, AA ; Data to be output must be loaded into AL.
OUT DX,AL ; Data is sent at output address C000H.
( b ) suppose data are to be read from two byte wide input ports at address FF H and A9 H respectively and then output as word wide output as word output port at address FAFD H . Write a sequence of instruction to perform this input/output operation.
IN AL.AA ; first read byte from the port address AAH into AL.
MOV AH, AL ; and move it to AH
IN AL, A9 ; other byte can be read into AL
MOV DX, FAFD ; load DX with variable address
OUT DX, AX ; send contents of AX at output FAFD
Q# 13 ( a ) the 82C55 PPI has how many programmable I/O PIN CONNECTION . list the pins that belong to group A & group B in the 82C55. Also mention two pins which accomplish internal I/O port section.
- The 82C55 has 24 programmable I/O.
- Group A consist:
1-port A
2-upper half of port C (PC7-PC4)
- Group b consist from :
1-port B (PB7-PB0)
2- lower half of port c(PC3-PC0_
7- GND
. Two pins accomplish internal I/O port address is A0 and A1
(b ) what three modes of operation are available to the 82C55 PPI? Mention the purpose of STB signal is strobes input operation of the 82C55
Mode 0:Latched I/O
Mode 1:strobes I/O
Mode2:bi-directional I/O.
(c)How is the interrupt request pin (INTR) enabled input mode of operation of the 82C55?
The INTR pin becomes logic 1 when the STB input returns to logic 1, and it is cleared when the data are input from the port by the microprocessor.
(d) In strobe output operation of the PPI, what is the purpose of ACK signal?
The ACK signal is an output that signals that the data have been removed from the port.
Q.# 14 By considering all aspects of microprocessor based application design explain
- System specification
- block level system design
- Software design
- Hardware design
- Hardware and software integration
The specification states that functions that the system must perform but does not necessarily cover how the functions are implemented.
This includes:
- Selecting microprocessor type
- Determination of I/O and memory requirements
- Division of tasks between hardware and software
Software design:
- It is often proceeds in parallel with the hardware design.
- The software may be written in assembly language or in a high level language or in combination of two.
- Depending on the type of the computer used for the softwaredevelopment, it may be possible to debug parts of the software with out hardware.
It consists of selection of:
- Microprocessor
- Memory (RAM & ROM )
- Peripheral IC's
- Design circuitry to connect them together to from the system
- Hardware debugging usually begins by testing the system with short test programs
- After the hardware is able to execute these test program the hardware /software integration begins.
- The actual application software replaces the test programs and the complete system is debugged.
- This can be cheapeningtask, since there are often both hardware and software problems to be found and is not always clear which it which.
- Several types of test equipment are available for assisting in this process:
1-LOGIC ANALYZER:which captures a trace of the bus activity and displays the sequence of bus cycles that were executed?