North to Canada Internet Scavenger Hunt
- When it comes to total land Canada is ranked second in the world. Which country is ranked first?
- The longest continuous road on the planet is The Trans-Canada Highway. How many total miles is it?
- What Italian explorer sailing under the flag of England explored much of Canada’s coast along the Atlantic Ocean and claimed it for England in 1497?
- Which explorer from France discovered the Gulf of St. Lawrencein 1534?
- In 1608 which explorer from France founded the city of Quebec?
- What is the date each year that Thanksgiving is celebrated in Canada?
- An organization that keeps law and order in Canada was founded in 1873. What is this organization called?
- Two Canadians discovered a substance that has saved the lives of many diabetics. Their names were Dr. Frederick Banting and Dr. Charles Best. What is this substance?
- Lucy Maud Montgomery, a Canadian author, wrote a book that became a classic in America. It is about a girl who grew up as an orphan on Prince Edward Island. What is the title of this book?
- In 1876 a Canadian invented the telephone. Who was this person?
- There are 10 states in the U.S. that touch the southern border of Canada. Name the 10 states.
- Canada has 3 territories and 10 provinces which are like states. What are the 3 territories? Which are the two largest provinces?
- What is Canada’s National Capital? This Capital city can be found in which province or territory?
- The Capital building in Washington D.C. houses the United States Congress. In what city does the government of Canada reside in and in what building do they hold office in?
- The St. Lawrence Seaway connects what two large bodies of water?
- What are the two largest cities in Canada and what province or provinces are they in?
- What is the largest of the 5 main landform regions in Canada?
- What large Canadian city is in the province of British Columbia on the western coast of Canada?
- Canada has two official languages. What are they?
- Even though Great Britain claimed large amounts of Canada, the land was mostly settled by people from what country?
- From 1754-1763 France and England fought in the French and Indian War. Which country won and kicked the other country off the North American continent?
- Canada became a country in 1867.Canada celebrates its birthday on what date each year? (Month and day)
- The United States has a president. Canada’s official head of government is whom?
- How many grades do most public schools in Canada have?
- What month do most students in Canadian schools start in? What month do most of the students in Canada get out of school?
- The national anthem of the United States is the Star Spangled Banner. What is Canada’s national anthem?
- Each state in the United States has a leader of the state government called a governor. Each province in Canada has a leader also. What is their title?
- There are 50 states in the United Sates. What are the 10 divisions of Canada called?
- San Francisco is home to the largest community of Chinese in North America. The second largest community of Chinese in North America live in what city in Canada?
- The province of British Columbia has a big island on the southwest edge of the province. What island is this?
- The two littlest provinces in Canada are islands. What are their names?
- Quebec, Ontario, and Manitoba are bordered by a large bay to their north. What is the name of this bay?
- British Columbia and the Yukon Territory are bordered by what U.S. state?
- Which one of the five Great Lakes does not touch Canada?
- In what province can you find the cities Calgary and Edmonton?
- You can see a famous waterfall from both the American and Canadian side. What waterfall is it?
- Kingston, Ontario has an international Hall of Fame for what sport?
- What ocean lies to the north of Canada?
- The national emblem of Canada is a what?
- Alexander Graham Bell has a museum dedicated to his work on what Canadian Island?
- What animal, that populates Canada and much of North America, slaps his tail on the water to warn of an approaching danger?
- Baffin Bay up by the Northwest Territories separates the world’s largest island from Canada. What island is it?
- We have 4 times zones in the United States. How many time zones does Canada have within its borders?
- There are 5 Great Lakes, yet only one Canadian province touches them. Which province is it?
- What ocean borders the Canadian province of British Columbia?
- Canada exports forest products around the world. Which country imports the most of Canada’s forest products?
- A large percentage of Canada’s population lives within 100 miles of the northern border of the United States. What percentage of Canada’s population lives in this area?
- Better known as Eskimos which Indian group lives in the northern part of North America?
- In Louisiana are ancestors of a group of people called Acadians who were kicked out of a French colony by the British. What name are the ancestors living in Louisiana called today?
- What river in Canada is 2,635 miles long? It is Canada’s longest river.