101-814 Goldstream Ave, Victoria, BC V9B2X7
First Name: ______Last Name: ______
Middle Name: ______Mailing Address: ______
City: ______Province: ______Postal Code: ______
Home Phone: ______Cell Phone: ______Work Phone: ______
Maiden Name (last name before marriage): ______Ministry PEN #: ______
Parent / Guardian Name: (Under 19 only) ______Parent Contact: ______
Student E-mail: ______Parent E-mail: ______
Are you currently a distance learning student? Yes o No o Registered at: ______
Student Demographics:
Gender: Male o Female o Birth-date: Day____ Month_____ Year ____
Citizenship: Canadian o Landed Immigrant o Student Visa o Visitor’s Visa o
Are you working? Yes o No o How many hours per week? ______Days o Evenings o Varies o
Do you have any special needs? (hearing, vision, disability, health, learning disability) ______
CROSS-ENROLLED STUDENT- PRIMARY/HOME SCHOOL INFOName of school presently registered: Royal Bay School code: City: ______
Student claimed on Sept. 30 1701: Yes o No o
Reason for enrolling: PLANNING 10 Expected date of completion: JUNE 2018 .
Counselor/Administrator Name: (please print) .
Counselor/Administrator Signature: ______Date: .
Student Signature:
Parent/ Guardian Signature:
By signing I am committed to the learning plan for my son/daughter.
Student under 19 confirms parent / guardian is aware of interview for Student Learning Plan. Yes o No o
All courses follow Ministry of Education learning outcomes and resources available at: www.bced.gov.bc.ca/irp
Online Planning 10 Distributed Learning
We believe at Belmont and Royal Bay that it is our responsibility to ensure that our students are prepared for 21st century learning. In support of that belief our graduation pathway includes one mandatory online course for every student. In School District 62 (Sooke) that course is Planning 10.
Online Learning Strategies 10
All grade 9 students who are intending to attend Belmont or Royal Bay in their grade 10 year are required to complete the Online Learning Strategies 10 course prior to starting their online Planning 10 course. Students will complete this course while still in grade 9 with the support of School District 62 teachers. This course will introduce students to the Moodle Learning Management System. Students will learn how to navigate through an online course, how to contact their teacher if help is required, and how to download, complete and submit assignments in an online course. This course is worth 2 credits towards graduation. Students should complete the Online Strategies course by the end of August 2017 before starting their Planning 10 course.
¨ Belmont Online Learning Strategies 10 (YCAIS10ADL Sec BOL17)
¨ Royal Bay Online Learning Strategies 10 (YCAIS10ADL Sec ROL17)
¨ EMCS Online Learning Strategies 10 (YCAIS10DL Sec EOL17)
Planning 10
Students will attend one or more face-to-face sessions at their home school with their Planning 10 teacher each month during the 2017/2018 school year. The remainder of the Planning 10 course will be completed online with the support and guidance of the Planning 10 teachers. A Planning 10 teacher office is located in each SD62 Secondary School where students are encouraged to go for help with their Planning 10 assignments.
Please select the appropriate Planning 10 option below.
¨ Belmont Planning 10 (MPLAN10DL Sec BOL17)
¨ Belmont Plannification 10 (French Immersion students) (FPLAN10DL Sec BOL17)
¨ Royal Bay Planning 10 (MPLAN10DL Sec ROL17)
¨ EMCS Plannification 10 (French Immersion students) (FPLAN10DL Sec EOL17)
WestShore Centre for Learning & Training/ JDFDL Phone: 250-391-9002 Fax: 250-391-9007