

Intended Program Outcomes / Methods of Assessment and Criteria for Success
Direct Measures / Indirect Measures
Critical Thinking:
Physical Therapy program graduates will demonstrate the ability to critically analyze and use published literature for the foundation of critical thinking, problem solving and evidence based practice relevant to the role of physical therapy practitioners. / Direct Measure(s)
1. Performance on the Division of Physical Therapy Comprehensive Examination will be evaluated to determine the number of students scoring seventy percent or higher.
2. The Ultimate Pass Rate (3-year rate) on the Federation of State Board of Physical Therapy (FSBPT) National Physical Therapy Examination (NPTE) will be evaluated to determine student’s performance on the licensure examination. / Indirect Measure(s)
1. Critical thinking skills of graduating students will be evaluated through an exit interview survey of graduates prior to graduation.
2. Critical thinking skills of graduates will be evaluated by their employers through a survey instrument.
Content Knowledge:
Physical Therapy program graduates will demonstrate the ability to screen individuals to determine the need for physical therapy examination or referral to other health professionals; examine and evaluate a patient/client in order to make an appropriate physical therapy diagnosis; design and manage a comprehensive physical therapy plan of care; monitor and systematically assess outcomes of care. / Direct Measure(s)
1. Each (1-24) performance criteria on APTA's Physical Therapist Clinical Performance Instrument (CPI) will be assessed, progressively, over the course of student’s clinical internships. Performance will be assessed using a visual analog scale (VAS) of 0-10 in which 0 indicates not met and 10 entry-level). / Indirect Measure(s)
1. Graduating student’s performance on Professional Standards will be evaluated by their employers through a survey instrument.
2. Graduating student’s performance on Professional Standards will be evaluated by their patients through a survey instrument.
Professional Behavior:
Physical Therapy program graduates will demonstrate personal
behaviors, attitudes and knowledge of professional standards, values,
laws and ethics that reflect one’s role and responsibility as a
professional physical therapist. Additionally, students will serve as an
advocate for health promotion and disease prevention especially in
underserved segments of the population; recognize the influence of
social, economic, legislative, and demographic factors on the delivery of
healthcare and demonstrate respect for human health and dignity and
accept quality health care as an integral and valuable part of health care
in the clinical and community environments. / Direct Measure(s)
Performance criteria on APTA's Physical Therapist Clinical Performance Instrument (CPI) assessing Professional Behavior will be evaluated, progressively, over the course of student’s clinical internships. Performance will be assessed using a visual analog scale (VAS) of 0-10 in which 0 indicates not met and 10 entry-level). / Indirect Measure(s)
1. Graduating student’s performance on Professional Behavior will be evaluated through an exit interview survey of their knowledge of professional standards, values, attitudes, and behaviors appropriate for entry-level in physical therapy.
2. Graduating student’s performance on Professional Behavior will be evaluated by a survey instrument to determine their level of active membership in professional organizations that promote cultural diversity and equal access or participate in community service activities directed at underserved segments of the population.
Oral Communication: Graduates of the MPT program will demonstrate proficiency in oral and written communications. / Direct Measure(s)
1. Performance criteria on APTA's Physical Therapist Clinical Performance Instrument (CPI) assessing Oral Communication
(criterion 6) will be evaluated, progressively, over the course of student’s clinical internships. Performance will be assessed using a visual analog scale (VAS) of 0-10 in which 0 indicates not met and 10 entry-level).
2. Oral Communication skills of students will be assessed using various evaluation instruments of coursework and assigned learning activities in core MPT courses. / Indirect Measure(s)
1. Oral Communication skills of graduating students will be evaluated through an exit interview survey of graduates prior to graduation.
2. Oral Communication skills of graduates will be evaluated by their employers through a survey instrument.
WrittenCommunication: Graduates of the MPT program will demonstrate proficiency in written communications / Direct Measure(s)
1. Performance criteria on APTA's Physical Therapist Clinical Performance Instrument (CPI) assessing Written Communication
(documentation) will be evaluated, progressively, over the course of student’s clinical internships. Performance will be assessed using a visual analog scale (VAS) of 0-10 in which 0 indicates not met and 10 entry-level).
2. Written Communication skills of students will be assessed using various evaluation instruments of coursework and assigned learning activities in core MPT courses. / Indirect Measure(s)
1. Written Communication skills of graduating students will be evaluated through an exit interview survey of graduates prior to graduation.
2. Written Communication skills of graduates will be evaluated by their employers through a survey instrument
Promote Lifelong Learning: Graduates of the MPT program will demonstrate a commitment to professional development. / Direct Measure(s)
Annual Accreditation Reports and departmental records will be evaluated to determine the number of students who have joined either the APTA, AAPT or NSAH by the completion of the MPT program. / Indirect Measure(s)
Lifelong learning skills will be evaluated through a survey instrument of alumni to assess their level of enrollment in continuing education courses/workshops or attainment of special certifications.
Technology Literacy: Graduates will demonstrate proficiency in the use of spreadsheet programs and advanced word processing and other software technologies. / Direct Measure(s)
Technology Literacy will be assessed using various evaluation instruments of coursework and assigned learning activities, utilizing MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and other software programs, in core PT courses. / Indirect Measure(s)
Technology Literacy will be assessed through a survey of Clinical Instructors, core faculty and an exit survey of graduates.
Research Techniques and Information Literacy: Students and graduates will demonstrate the ability to access and retrieve information from electronic databases. / Direct Measure(s)
Research Techniques and Information Literacy skills will be assessed using various evaluation instruments of coursework and assigned learning activities in core PT courses. / Indirect Measure(s)
Surveyed core faculty and graduates will indicate a level 3 on Likert scale of 1-5 in which 1 was poor and 5 was excellent that they demonstrate appropriate competency using Research Techniques and Information Literacy.