Tool 2.2: Assessments of ICT and ICT-Free Interventions
Assessments for ICT Intervention scenarios and ICT-Free Intervention scenarios
Please complete the following forms for the appropriate scenarios.
o ICT Intervention Scenario
o ICT-Free Intervention ScenarioAssessment of ICT Intervention Scenario
Scenario Details
Scenario Title: ______
Target Priority Area: ______
Extent of advancing national goals and development plans
Low High
Extent of advancing relevant goals and development plans
Low High
Extent of serving specified target populations
Low High
Extent of addressing specified curricular area of emphasis
Low High
Extent of potential acceptance from interest groups
Low High
Extent of potential acceptance from school personnel
Low High
Extent of potential acceptance from decision makers
Low High
Equity Enhancement
Does the proposed scenario enhance equity in educational opportunities and quality of learning?
Enhancement of gender equity
Not at all Very much
Enhancement of socio-economic equity
Not at all Very much
Enhancement of ethnic equity
Not at all Very much
Enhancement of geographic equity
Not at all Very much
Does the proposed scenario require:
A mastery of skills that school personnel does not generally have?
Very Much Not at All
Levels of technical support greater than those already available at the schools?
Very Much Not at All
Changes in the current structure of education?
Very Much Not at All
Investment in infrastructure beyond what is currently available?
Very Much Not at All
Investment in instructional materials and equipment beyond what is currently available?
Very Much Not at All
You may use the spreadsheet Scenario Cost to calculate the capital/development and recurrent costs of scenarios as well as unit costs
Capital development cost (infrastructure, hardware, acquisition and development of ICT-enhanced materials, etc..)
Total Cost ______Cost per Student ______
Annual recurrent cost (Salaries, fees, services, electricity, connectivity, airtime, consumables, maintenance, etc…)
Total Cost ______Cost per Student ______
Are the additional costs affordable?
Very Much Not at All
Is the proposed scenario sustainable over a sufficient period of time to reach fruition?
Not at all Very Much
Not at all Very Much
Not at all Very Much
Purpose of Usage of Technology
Specify the purpose for usage of the technology proposed in the scenario.
Students will use the technology during lab time only to learn how to use the technology (e.g. learn how to type) and on activities related to core content area (e.g. prepare a report using word processor).
Students will use the technology as part of a lesson to demonstrate a concept or provide examples (e.g. a video to enhance a lesson on volcanoes).
Students will use the technology as part of a lesson, to make associations across disciplines and topics (e.g. an Internet search on gases to complement the lesson on volcanoes).
In addition to the above, students will use the technology to participate in national or international projects and competitions.
Consistency with Prevailing Environment
Is the scenario consistent with the prevailing educational environment and practice?
Proposed scenario is not consistent with the current practices at all.
Proposed scenario is consistent with some but not all current practices
Proposed scenario is consistent with current practices
Proposed scenario surpasses current practices
Assessment of ICT-Free Scenario
Scenario Details
Scenario Title: ICT-Free Scenario
Target Priority Area: ______
Extent of advancing national goals and development plans
Low High
Extent of advancing relevant goals and development plans
Low High
Extent of serving specified target populations
Low High
Extent of addressing specified curricular area of emphasis
Low High
Extent of potential acceptance from interest groups
Low High
Extent of potential acceptance from school personnel
Low High
Extent of potential acceptance from decision makers
Low High
Equity Enhancement
Does the proposed scenario enhance equity in educational opportunities and quality of learning?
Enhancement of gender equity
Not at all Very much
Enhancement of socio-economic equity
Not at all Very much
Enhancement of ethnic equity
Not at all Very much
Enhancement of geographic equity
Not at all Very much
Does the proposed scenario require:
A mastery of skills that school personnel does not generally have?
Very Much Not at All
Levels of technical support greater than those already available at the schools?
Very Much Not at All
Changes in the current structure of education?
Very Much Not at All
Investment in infrastructure beyond what is currently available?
Very Much Not at All
Investment in instructional materials and equipment beyond what is currently available?
Very Much Not at All
You may use the spreadsheet Scenario Cost to calculate the capital/development and recurrent costs of scenarios as well as unit costs
Capital development cost (infrastructure, hardware, acquisition and development of ICT-enhanced materials, etc..)
Total Cost ______Cost per Student ______
Annual recurrent cost (Salaries, fees, services, electricity, connectivity, airtime, consumables, maintenance, etc…)
Total Cost ______Cost per Student ______
Are the additional costs affordable?
Very Much Not at All
Is the proposed scenario sustainable over a sufficient period of time to reach fruition?
Not at all Very Much
Not at all Very Much
Not at all Very Much
Consistency with Prevailing Environment
Is the scenario consistent with the prevailing educational environment and practice?
Proposed scenario is not consistent with the current practices at all.
Proposed scenario is consistent with some but not all current practices
Proposed scenario is consistent with current practices
Proposed scenario surpasses current practices