
I am asking for your support of a crucial issue affecting health care in the state of Michigan. Weare anticipating that a new bill will soon be introduced that willclearly define the role of a nurse practitioner (NP) and would enable NPs to practice to the full extent of their education, national board certification, training and experience. The bill includes authorizing NP’s to write prescriptions independently for medications that the NP determines are indicated, without restrictions. The bill would also give NP’s authority to write prescriptions for physical and/or speech therapy.

Numerous studies over the last 40 years have demonstrated the high quality treatment provided by NPs. Many studies indicate high patient satisfaction levels with regard to the care they receive from NPs.

If you are happy and satisfied with the care that you receive from your NP, would you be willing to send a letter of support? These letters will then be forwarded to the Michigan legislators who will be voting on these bills in the near future.

There are 3 ways that you can show your support of NPs in Michigan:

  1. If you would like to write your own letter, expressing why you support NPs, the care that they provide, and changes to the Public Health Code; simply write a letter, print and sign your name and address, and send it to:

Michigan Council of Nurse Practitioners

P.O. Box 87934

Canton, MI 48187

Phone: 734-432-9881

Fax: 734-432-9884

  1. You can complete the letter below.Simply fill in the blanks on the attached draft letter and send the MICNP address above.
  2. Finally, you can email your letter to nd we will forward it to the appropriate legislators.

If this legislation passes and the Public Health Code is updated, NPs will continue to provide excellent, low-cost, effective, autonomous, and compassionate care to the citizens of Michigan but without the current restrictions currently limitingour practice in Michigan.

Please feel free to call or email with any questions that you have. Thank you so very much.

With kind regards,

Please fill in the blanks and place a √ mark next to all the responses that apply:

To (Whom It May Concern),

I am writing to express my support of legislation which would allow NPs in Michigan to practice to the full extent of their education, training, and scope of practice.

I have been a patient of a Nurse Practitioner for:


I choose to have my health care provided by a Nurse Practitioner because the care that Ireceive from my NP has been:

_____Comparable to the care I have received from other health care providers

_____Better than the care I have received from other health care providers

_____The best care that I have received from a health care provider

Nurse Practitioners provide standard medical and nursing care but with a unique kind of treatment and approach which focuses on:

_____Health and wellness_____Prevention

_____Nutrition_____Teaching and educating

_____Holistic care which addresses the whole person and not just the disease state

_____Partnering and collaborating with the patient to reach health care goals

As a health care consumer, I want health care which is:

_____High quality_____Cost efficient


_____Allows me to choose thehealth care provider that best meets my needs

I ask you to pass this legislationbecause it is good for me as a health care consumer and good for Michigan!

Your name (please print)______

Your home address______


Your signature______
