Held at: Coffee Club 209 Boundary St West End
10am Tuesday 15th November 2016
The chairperson, Tanya Sherlock opened the meeting at 10.00am
Chairperson’s welcome to members.
Introduction of guestChristine Lawrence from Aspire to Succeed
Apologies for non-attendance:
1 / Annette Rose Crows Lodge / 2 / Linda Beaumont, Wamuran Park HomeAttendance:
1 / Tony and Tanya Sherlock, Tarampa Lodge / 5 / Damien Negus, Herston Lodge2 / Brett Emblem, Palmville Group Homes / 6 / Anne Rentoul, Willow House
3 / Teresa Faraone Murray Lodge / 7 / Cathy Patterson, Fairhaven Care Centres
4 / Lee Reynolds, Thornfield Cottages / 8
1.Vacancy List
Some members were not happy with the decision made at the General Meeting on 11th October whereby if members didn’t respond with the number of vacancies in time for the vacancy list to go out, the list would show ‘0’ vacancies for their facility. It was decided that we would issue a new Vacancy list a couple of weeks early so it resolved the concern of those that had zero beside their facility.
Damien will send an email to the people concerned clarifying SAPA’s position and that the decision would remain as is.
2. Unregistered Level 3’s
It was decided that Supported Accommodation facilities must be registered to join SAPA. If they want to join SAPA, links and information to become a registered provider would be sent to them
3.NDIS Preparation
Christine Lawrence presented what she can do to assist members to become NDIS ready. There are 6 standards within the Human Services Quality Framework (HSQF). Christine presented a template of one of the standards (Complaint Handling Policy) and what is required to meet the NDIS legislation. This is attached to these minutes.
The committee agreed to pay Christine to develop a template for all 6 standards. Tanya will put through a proposal to Christine. $5000 has already been approved in the general meeting to go towards this.
Once the standards are in place, members need to complete a self-assessment workbook to get a certificate of compliance.
When SAPA members apply to become a provider under the NDIS, they will be considered a new provider. They need to go to PRODA (NDIS Provider Digital Access) and select services.Once approved, they then do a self-assessment and internal audit which will identify which standards they conform to/don’t conform to or only partially conform to. The Department of Community Services will process this information.
All providers must have a continuous quality improvement register. So if they don’t conform or only partially conform they document how they plan to conform and by when.
Dept of Community Services will organise a desk audit and go through a check list. This will probably be done by Jas-ANZ.This procedure is detailed in the booklet ‘NDIS’ which is attached to these minutes.
Forms must have our own logos on them but can be standardized by SAPA. Individual members will need to ensure the information is what they are actually doing, any anomalies will be picked up during the audit process and repercussions may occur if there are any discrepancies. An example of “Release of personal information” form was handed out and is attached to these minutes.
It was also suggested that SAPA have a policy to review NDIS policies and use Christine to do this in the future.
Separate bank accounts should be opened so that NDIS money is kept separate from normal business bank accounts. These could be set up in a different business name. Transactions for the NDIS should be kept separate to normal day to day business.
It was also discussed that Christine provide an advisory service to SAPA members on the NDIS with the first 15 minutes of advice for free then a quote could be provided if needed. Christine will prepare a proposal and it will be taken to the Christmas Party/Meeting to be voted on by members.
Damien proposed that any expenses paid by Tanya with regards to NDIS are to be paid by SAPA. Tanya is to forward any invoices to Teresa for reimbursement. This was seconded by Teresa and Cathy.
Individual SAPA members can engage Christine independently to assist them to become NDIS ready.
Damien also suggested to meet with RSAB re NDIS with regard to Policies and Procedures. Damien will organize this meeting
4.Dianne Jeans
- Dianne is a solicitor/barrister and has a consultancy business. It was suggested she chase up the fire sprinkler grant by gathering information to put before the government. Boarding House and L3 Action Group are willing to sign a letter of support if we draft the letter. Tanya with Lorraine’s help to draft letter
- Should Dianne be engaged to do a report prior to NDIS on the viability of the industry and then after NDIS to show any improvements from the NDIS. Tanya to ask Dianne if she is interested in doing this and if so to present a proposal.
- Common Ground – why isn’t community visitor accessing DSQ funded services. Same clients. Damien presented an evaluation snapshot report of Brisbane Common Ground which shows the people who live there feel connected, safe, supported and 93% felt ‘at home’. Damien suggested we do a survey of our residents for the same type of criteria as we look after the same demographic of people. Tanya to ask Dianne to draft a proposal to complete, at the same time, a viability study
- Current Funded DSQ services don’t need to comply with Building requirements MP5.7 and MP2.1 – this should change once we comply under HSQF the same as these services Damien to follow up with RSAB
- Lack of credibility still from Government Depts. Level 3’s are not included in the closure response teams rehousing of residents from non-complying services. Listing level 3’s on the Governments internal referral list. There was a question regarding ‘unworthy’ members and a suggestion to introduce a star rating. This would be down the track. Government should be lobbied to see where there may be a double up on legislation for us. We have to get the message to them that SAPA make the community safer. Damien to include with meeting RSAB
5. SAPA Executive Emails
We need to set up , , so that they can be passed onto others. Passwords would just have to be changed at each AGM if there is a change of person to maintain privacy.Cathy to advise Tanya of web person
6. SAPA Website
The website needs to be upgraded to include a login for all members where they can access forms, templates, update their vacancy numbers, see preferred suppliers, get links to legislation, links to approved providers, links to training, NDIS, update their own details, have a link back to each facility’s website etc Cathy to advise Tanya of web person
Suggestion was made for members to have different levels of access to the website where the chairperson has authority to change anything and ordinary members can only change information about their own facility and download forms.
All members would need to sign a non-disclosure agreement or confidentiality agreement regarding the distribution of SAPA forms and information. Tanya will get a form
7. Dropbox
Need to set up dropbox for SAPA to preserve historical information. Executive to get password and this changes at each AGM. Damien to pass onto Tanya everything he has electronically to be stored in Dropbox.Tanya to supervise web person to set up
8. SAPA Promotional Items
Tanya suggested we get some promotional items such as name badges, pens, bags and a table cloth for promotional tables. At the Christmas dinner, there will be a quick vote for Tanya to get up to $2000 a year to spend on promotional items. If this is approved, Damien to order 500 pens. Teresa has a contact for getting other promo items.
9. Nutritionists
The nutritionists are keen and out of 10 facilities only 3 responded. They want to come to address members at the next meeting. Damien to invite them for the last 10 minutes of the next meeting on 7th February 2017.
10. General Business
- Damien has a guy looking for building work. Contact Damien for details.
- Preferred Suppliers – Tanya will compile a list of preferred suppliers that shows their insurance. Damien will ask body corp for a template.
11. Correspondence
In – Housing First membership forms. Damien to complete
Out – Email 2nd November between Damien and Madonna from Shayne Neumann’s office regarding Disability Links Expo at Brassall. Tanya and Cathy are attending.
Meeting closed at 12.15pm
Next committee meeting will be Tuesday 14thMarch 2017 (venue to be advised)
General Meetings will be:Tuesday 7th February 2017
Tuesday 11th April 2017
Tuesday 13th June 2017
Tuesday 8th August 2017
(venue to be advised – Cathy to call around libraries)
Annual General Meeting:Tuesday 10th October 2017
Action Register
Date / Who / Action15/11/16 / Damien / Send email to concerned members re responding to request to update vacancy list. Update vacancies list to have a tick box if vacancies remain unchanged
15/11/16 / Tanya / Send email to Christine Lawrence confirming her engagement to:
1)Develop the 6 standards for NDIS, policies and procedures, templates as discussed for SAPA.
2)Present a proposal to become an advisory person for the NDIS to SAPA members with first 15 minutes free, updates on legislative changes for (suggested) $1500 annually.
3)Offera fee for service to do pre-audit checks, individual consultations and assistance to individual facilities
15/11/16 / Tanya / Tanya to forward any invoices relating to costs incurred on behalf of SAPA members to Teresa for reimbursement
15/11/16 / Damien / Meet with RSAB re NDIS with regard to P & P
15/11/16 / Tanya / Draft letter re fire sprinkler grant
15/11/16 / Tanya / Tanya to ask Dianne for a proposal to do a report on impact of NDIS on level 3’s
15/11/16 / Tanya / Survey of level 3 residents (common ground). Tanya to ask Dianne at same time as viability study above – joint ‘analysis’ of the industry with what we contribute and our viability.
15/11/16 / Damien / Damien to follow up MP5.7 and MP2.1 with RSAB
15/11/16 / Damien / Lack of credibility – Damien to pursue with RSAB initially
15/11/16 / Cathy / Advise Tanya of web person
15/11/16 / Tanya / Non-disclosure form for web for people to sign
15/11/16 / Tanya / Dropbox set up
15/11/16 / Damien / Give Tanya all historical electronic SAPA information that can be stored in Dropbox
15/11/16 / Damien / SAPA promo pens
15/11/16 / Tanya / Call for vote at Christmas dinner for $2000 for promo items and Christine Lawrence as NDIS Consultant – Annual Fee
15/11/16 / Damien / Invite nutritionists to meeting 7th Feb 2017 for last 10 minutes
15/11/16 / Damien / Provide Tanya template for preferred suppliers list
15/11/16 / Tanya / Start preferred suppliers list.
Attachments to these minutes
- Complaint Handling Policy for NDIS developed by Christine Lawrence
- NDIS information booklet for SAPA members
- Authority to release information standard form