Important Information for 3rd Grade
Grading Scale
This year students will receive letter grades on assignments, tests, quizzes, projects, etc. These letter grades will be recorded and averaged to determine how each student in progressing. The letter scale that is used is:
100%-92% ~ A.
83 %-91% ~ B
74%-82% ~ C
65%-73% ~ D
64% or below F
Agenda Planner Policy
Each student is provided with a student planner at the beginning of the school year. The planner is a wonderful tool to help students learn organization and responsibility. It is also a powerful tool for parent/teacher communication. It is the student’s responsibility to correctly fill in his/her planner with assignments, homework, and important information and to make sure that the planner goes home every night. Please establish a routine each night of checking your child’s planner with him/her and signing it on the space provided. Each day the student’s planners will be checked for a signature, which ensures that you are aware of how your child is performing in his/her classroom.
Homework Policy
Homework is a very important part of your child’s learning experience. It gives students the opportunity to go beyond the time given in the classroom to practice skills they have learned and it also helps build good study habits. Teachers provide in class time for students to complete assignments, but any work that is not finished becomes homework, and is due the next morning (unless specified by the teacher). If the assignment is late or incomplete, your child will lose recess and will be required to complete the assignment during that time. It is very important that you check your child’s planner nightly to ensure that they are completing homework assignments correctly and on time.
Make-Up Work
Weask that you please establish a positive attendance record with your child. We understand that circumstances arise that will cause your child to miss school. In the event of an absence a student has three school days to complete and return any missed assignments (as stated in the school policy enclosed in your child's agenda planner). Any make-up work that is not returned after three days will be recorded as a zero.
Field Trips
Throughout the school year we anticipate several fun and educational field trips. The purpose of field trips is to incorporate lessons learned in the classroom to real life experiences. We greatly encourage parents to attend field trips and will work to accommodate everyone. Please remember that if you are attending a field trip, you are there as a chaperone to help assist the teacher with the students. Parents may not ride on the buses, as we need all available seats for students. Any parents attending the field trips will be asked to follow or will be given a map of the destination. We also request that siblings do not attend any of the field trips.
Snack Time and Bathroom Breaks
We ask that you please send an appropriately sized healthy snack for your child. Please do not send any candy or coke products, as your child will not be allowed to eat them. We also have several bathroom breaks scheduled throughout the day beginning with a morning break, midday break, and afternoon bathroom and water break.