Anne Scott Fund Application Form

Grants for Young Women

The Olave Baden-Powell Society welcomes applications from young women for financial assistance, where the project or activity concerned directly promotes the Mission and goals of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts.
Preference will be given to young women, or projects and activities involving young women under the age of 30 years.

Guidance for Applicants – 2015

  1. Documents describing the Olave Baden-Powell Society’s grant aid criteria and grant aid procedures are attached. Please read them before completing the application form.
  2. Applications can be submitted at any time to the OB-PS Office, at the
World Bureau. Applications will be considered by Members of the Olave
Baden-Powell Society Board, and applicants will be informed of the outcome as
soon as possible.
  1. To enable applications to be considered in good time, they should be received at least three months before the event.
  2. Assistance will only be given for Girl Guide/Girl Scout activities/events, delivered by or in collaboration with the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) or at one of the World Association’s five World Centres (Sangam – India, Our Cabana – Mexico, Our Chalet – Swiss, Pax Lodge – London, UK or 5th World Centre – Africa)
  3. It will help if as much evidence as possible accompanies the application. In particular, evidence will be required to show that the project complies with all the criteria.
  4. All applications should identify how much of the costs relate to travel and accommodation.
  5. As a condition of receiving a grant, you will be required to send us a feedback form about your special activityincluding photos, within three months of the activity.
  6. Once a grant has been accepted, the Board of Directors reserves the right to publicise details of such applications.
  7. Once an application has been accepted, you will be sent an ‘OB-PS Scholar’ pin. You are invited to wear this to show that you are being supported by OB-PS, and to help you publicise that these grants are available to young women.
  8. If any assistance is required to complete the form, please contact the OB-PS office, where staff will be pleased to help.

Please return completed form, by post or email to: / Anne Scott Fund
World Bureau
12c Lyndhurst Road
London NW3 5PQ

Telephone – 0044 207 433 6477

Applications from Individuals
Contract Address:
Street and house number/name
Post code
Name of project/training
Dates of project/training
(where project/training takes place)
(who is organising project/training)
Your motivation:
(please continue on a separate sheet of paper if needed)
Please give full details of your Girl Guiding/Girl Scouting involvement, including training and projects participated.
Your motivation:
(please continue on a separate sheet of paper if needed)
Why you want to attend this project/ training?
How will your attendance of the project/training benefit your national/regional organisation?
How do you plan to use your new knowledge and skills following this project/training?
(Please indicate all costs in GBP £)
Registration fee
Travel & visa costs
Accommodation costs
Additional costs
Total expenses
Please indicate any other source of income which you have applied to for this project/activity
Please give us details of other fundraising efforts which you are undertaking in support of thisactivity/project
How much sponsorship have you raised?
How did you hear about Anne Scott Fund?
Please attach copies of any supporting documentation, such as the invitation or notification of selection letters, quotations, estimates, annual accounts, etc. Continue on additional sheets if necessary.

Declaration and Signature of Applicant

Signature of support by a Girl Guiding/Girl Scouting Leader / I certify that the information I have given is accurate to the best of my knowledge

Date of Application

World Bureau, Olave Centre, 12c Lyndhurst Road, London, NW3 5PQ, England
 + 44 (0) 207 794 1181 Fax: + 44 (0) 207 431 3764 e-mail:
Grant Aid Criteria

The Olave Baden-Powell Society will only support applications that contribute towards the achievement of WAGGGS’ Strategic Plan.The Strategy is expressed in two Goals:

Goal 1 ~ Provide more opportunities for girls and young women to grow and lead;

Goal 2 ~ Empower girls and young women to be agents of change in the world

Applications for grants to individuals will be considered within the following criteria:

  1. Priority will be given to young women under the age of 30.
  1. Assistance will only be given to young women who are involved in Girl Guiding/Girl Scouting.
  1. Assistance will only be given for Girl Guide/ Girl Scout activities/events delivered by or in collaboration with the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) or at one of the World Association’s five World Centres (Sangam – India, Our Cabana – Mexico, Our Chalet – Swiss, Pax Lodge – London, UK or 5th World Centre – Africa)
  1. The application must be supported by a Girl Guiding/Girl Scouting leader.
  1. Applicants are expected to make a personal contribution to the costs of the event/activity, and/or fundraise.
  1. Successful applicants are expected to submit a short report/feedback form (250 words) and photos of their experiences for inclusion in the Annual Review of the OB-PS or other publications,within three months of the event.
  1. Grants will be in the range of £100 - £400.