Space Systems Engineering References


B. N. Agrawal, Design of Geosynchronous Spacecraft, 1986, Prentice-Hall. This book is about communication satellites. It includes chapters on communications and electronics, orbital and attitude dynamics as well as structural dynamics and thermal control.

A.I.A.A., Design for On-Orbit Spacecraft Servicing, 1991, AIAA. This is a proposed guide with very detailed guidelines and methodology.

Maj M. J. Muolo and others (editors), Space Handbook, AU-18, 1993, Air University Press. The U.S. Air Force's two-volume handbook on everything from space history to orbital dynamics. Part of this is available on the web:

M. D. Griffin and J. R. French, Space Vehicle Design, 1991, AIAA. Similar to Agrawal’s book, but with more on propulsion, and not limited to geosynchronous spacecraft.

W. J. Larson and J. R. Wertz (editors), Space Mission Analysis and Design, 1992, Microcosm, Inc. This is a really handy handbook on all aspects of space systems from astrodynamics to xenophobia (not really, but space law and policy are included). Affordable.

V. L. Pisacane and R. C. Moore (editors), Fundamentals of Space Systems, 1994, Oxford. This covers some of the same technical material as Larson and Wertz, but in more detail. Good technical coverage of individual topics.

D. H. Waltz, On-Orbit Servicing of Space Systems, 1993, Krieger. This book gives extensive coverage of the design and operations concepts required for spacecraft planned for on-orbit construction and servicing.

J. R. Wertz, editor, Spacecraft Attitude Determination and Control, 1978, D. Reidel. This is a monumental tome written by many people. It is quite application-oriented, with many examples, but as the title suggests, it is only about the attitude determination and control subsystem.

Journals and magazines

Acta Astronautica / J. of Guidance, Control and Dynamics
Ad Astra / J. of Spacecraft and Rockets
Aerospace America / J. of the Astronautical Sciences
COMSAT Technical Review / J. of the British Interplanetary Society
Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest / RCA Review

Conference Proceedings
Advances in the Astronautical Sciences (American Astronautical Society)
Progress in Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)

Great Web Site: