The pool area is for the use and enjoyment of all members of the Village Square Homeowners Association.

In accordance with the provisions of Article II of the Declaration of Covenants the right to use the recreation facilities by any owner is subject to the right of the Association to suspend such use for any period during which any assessment remains unpaid and for a period not to exceed 30 days for any infraction of its published rules and regulations. Remember that assessments for each month are due by the first of that month.

The following rules are for the safety and enjoyment of all swimmers. Your full cooperation in observing and enforcing them is requested.


1. The lifeguard shall have COMPLETE AUTHORITY over the pool and grounds. The lifeguard shall have the power to take immediate action to suppress dangerous or disorderly activity, even to the point of ejecting the responsible person.

2. The Board of Directors retains the right to deny pool privileges to anyone who violates the rules and regulations as set forth here-in including harassment of lifeguards.

3. These rules and regulations may be revised at any time by the Board of Directors. Requests for changes or variances shall be made in writing to the Board. The Board may make changes or variances to the rules as deemed appropriate.

4. The Village Square Homeowners Association, Inc. will not be responsible for the loss of, theft of, or damage to any property brought upon the recreational premises.

5. Anyone found damaging any property will be held liable.


1. Pool, weather, lifeguard availability, and other conditions permitting, planned hours for the pool to be open are:

May 27 through May 2911 am to 8:00pm

May 30 through Jun 1 4 pm to 7:00 pm

Jun 23 pm to 8:00 pm

Jun 3 through Jun 411 am to 8:00 pm

Jun 5 through Jun 94 pm to 7:00 pm

Jun 9 3 pm to 8:00 pm

Jun 10 through Jun 1111 am to 8:00 pm

Jun 12 through Jun 154 pm to 7:00 pm

Jun 16 3 pm to 8:00 pm

Jun 17 through Jun 1811 am to 8:00 pm

Jun 19 through Jun 214 pm to 7:00 pm

Jun 22 through Jul 311 am to 8:30 pm

Jul 411 am to 8:00 pm

Jul 5 through July 911 am to 8:30 pm

Jul 10through Jul 3011 am to 8:00 pm

Jul 31through Aug 1311 am to 7:30 pm

Aug 14through Sept411 am to 7:00 pm

Earlier morning lap swim hours and/or swimming lesson hours may be added, depending on the level of interest, and other changes may be made as determined to be needed by the Board of Directors. Anyone interested in lap swimming or swimming lessons should leave a note with a lifeguard.

2. Every hour on the hour, the lifeguard will perform the chemical check. The lifeguard will clear the pool of swimmers for chemical check and any pool operation and maintenance activities.Usually such activities would take less than 10 minutes. The lifeguard will clear the pool at any time when the lifeguard needs to leave the pool deck area.

3. If sufficient interest is shown,ADULT SWIM will be heldfor swimmers 18 years of age or older from 11 am to 12 noon every day the pool opens in the morning. If there are no adults to swim at the start of adult swim on any such mornings, younger swimmers may use the pool until such time adults want to swim. If the lifeguardis notified that one or more adults want an adult swim after younger swimmers have been allowed to use the pool, the lifeguard will make provisions for a lap swim area in the pool sufficient to accommodate the number of adult swimmers.


1. All residents must sign the resident sign-in register upon entry to the pool facility and sign out when they leave. Please assist lifeguards with their record keeping for the Health Department by using one line on the sign-in sheet for each person being signed in.

2. Children

a. Children must be 12 years of age or older during the calendar year to be admitted to the pool unchaperoned. The same meaning for 12 years of age shall apply wherever the age of 12 is referenced in these rules.

b. Resident children and young adults aged 12 to 17 may swim without adult supervision provided that aForm for Emergency Contacts and Pool Use Permissions is on file and signed by a parent or legal guardian or foster parent. A copy of this Form is attached and additional copies will also be available at the pool sign-in table.

c. Resident and guest children under 12 years of age must be continuously supervised by a parent, guardian or adult. For this supervision, adults will include young adults18 years of age or older. References to young adults 18 years of age throughout these rules means 18 years of age on or before date of the activity described in the rule.The only exception from this continuous supervision requirement is when children are taking a scheduled swim lesson under supervision of their instructor.

d. All residents are required to fill out a Form for Emergency Contacts and Pool Use Permissionslisting:(1)the home and work numbers for responsible parents, legal guardians, foster parents, or other responsible adults for use in case of an emergency (2) the names and ages of any of their children under 18 years of age who may use the pool and (3) the names and ages of any guest children they or their older children are anticipated to invite to use the pool to the extent known.

3. Renters may use the pool facilities only if the assessment on the residence has been paid to date and if the owner has provided written permission. This permission must be on file at the pool. The attached Form or Emergency Contacts and Pool Use Permissions can be used for this written permission.

4. Running, climbing on fences, and playing with frisbees and with footballs, basketballs or other hard balls are prohibited within the entire fenced-in pool area. Horseplay, shoving or wrestling on decks, ladders, or in the pool or dressing rooms is prohibited. No handstands, cartwheels, or other unsafe jumping off the pool edge.

5. Diving and running jumps into the pool are not permitted.

6. Only the following swimming equipment may be taken into the water by swimmers: noseplugs, swimming goggles and masks, snorkels, ear plugs, bathing caps, and swim fins. Lifeguard approved diving rings, balls, noodles, paddle boards, and other toys may be used at the lifeguard's discretion. Flotation devices may be used with the approval of the lifeguard. Flotation devices will be permitted for aslong as the lifeguard on duty judges the number of people in the pool to be few enough as to not jeopardize the safety of those using the flotation devices.

Children with limited swimming skills will be allowed to use flotation devices as instructional devices for as long as a qualified adult swimmer is standing or swimming in the pool within arm’s length of the child or children and directly supervising each child who is using the flotation device. In such cases the children and must remain at the shallow end, no further out than the rope at the five-foot depth. Should the lifeguard determine that an adult is not adequately supervising a child or that a child's safety is being endangered, he/she may refuse permission for continued use of the flotation devices by that child.

7. Individuals with skin eruptions, open wounds, sores or bandages,diarrhea, or any contagious diseases are not permitted in the pool.

8. Patrons may not engage in any unnecessary conversations with the lifeguard on duty whenever there are any swimmers are in the water.

9. NO GLASS containers are permitted in the pool area.

10. Food is permitted to be eaten in the fenced pool area, provided that the residents eating in the area keep it clean. No food is allowed to be taken into the pool.

11. Smoking is not allowed within or around the pool area.


1. All guests must be continuously accompanied by a resident (except as stated below.)

a. Pool use levels and other conditions permitting,guests will be allowed the use of the pool unchaperoned by their resident host if written permission has been given by the resident and filed with the lifeguard.

b. Resident children, ages 12 to 17, when at the pool unaccompanied by a continuously supervising parent, guardian or adult, may bring in up to two guests 12 years of age and older at the lifeguard's discretion, considering pool use levels and compliance with pool rules. When adult residents can anticipate who these guests of their children will be, they are asked list the anticipated guests on their Form for Emergency Contacts and Pool Use Permissions. If the guests were not anticipated and have not been listed on that Form, the host children should take a copy of the Form home to be updated to include guests that are likely to return.

c. Off duty non-resident lifeguards may use the pool and may bring up to two guests, conditions permitting. Non-resident lifeguards may bring up to two guests to the pool when on duty, provided that these guests do not sit next to or converse with the lifeguard when anyone is in the pool.

3. Adult residents 18 years old and above may bring a reasonable number of guests. Resident households desiring to bring more than 10 non-resident guests to the pool will need to complete an Event Form for prior approval by the Pool Committee and/or Board of Directors.

4. All guests must sign the guest sign-in register upon entry to the pool facility and sign out when they leave. Please assist lifeguards with their record keeping for the Health Department by using one line on the sign in sheet for each person being signed in.

5. The conduct of guests of all adult and child residents is the direct responsibility of the resident homeowner or authorized renter of the residence of the sponsoring adult or child. All rules apply.

6. The lifeguard reserves the right to refuse admittance to guests due to an overcrowded situation at the pool or to request guests to leave due to overcrowding or failure to comply with pool rules.

7. Non-resident babysitters are considered guests. Sitters will not be allowed to bring in any guests, other than the children in their care and the babysitter’s own children. Parents who employ a sitter for their children must include the babysitteron their household’s Form for Emergency Contacts and Pool Use Permissions Formsand the babysitter’s children if applicable.


1. All persons using the pool facilities do so at their own risk.

2. If the lifeguard is in doubt of a bather's well-being, the bather will be asked to take a safety test and/or a rest period will be required at the lifeguard's discretion. For use of the shallow end side, the safety test may include a swim across the width of the pool. For use of the deep end, the safety test may include a swim for the entire length of the pool

3. All persons are forbidden to enter the pool water when a lifeguard is not on duty and outside on the concrete deck.


1. Bathing attire is required for all ages. No nudity permitted.

2. Children: swim suits only, no diapers other than those especially made for swimming. Please change diapers in rest rooms only. Diaper pails will be available in each rest room.

3. Adults: swim suits only (no cut-offs – fringe can clog pumps)


1. Proper conduct and respectful language and behavior must be observed at all times.

2. Any infractions of the rules may result in a warning or immediate suspension from the pool and pool area at the lifeguard's discretion. Repeat offenses and offenses of a more serious nature will be brought to the attention of the Pool Committee and/orBoard of Directors for further action. When a child is ejected from the pool area the second time, a Board member will notify one of the child's parents. If the child is ejected from the pool area for the third time, generally the child will lose the privilege of using the pool unaccompanied by a parent. More serious measures may be taken depending on the seriousness of the misbehavior.

3. No children upstairs during pool hours unless accompanied by an adult.

4. Any grievances about the pool rules should be addressed directly to any Pool Committee member listed below. Grievances should not be addressed to thelifeguards.

Tom Fiesinger


Pam Ginder



5. The Pool Committee or Board of Directors may grant a waiver to any of the Pool Rule provisions if the Committee or Board determines that adequate justification has been provided for such a waiver.



A. For any emergency or serious matter affecting residents and guests of the following address: (street address) ______

Please contact: (Print Name) ______cell: ______

Home phone:______Work phone: ______email:______

Or contact: (Print Name)______cell: ______

Home phone:______Work phone: ______email:______

B. The following resident children and guests under 18 years of age (a)under the care of or (b) anticipated to be guests of the resident(s)of the above address may be using the pool owned by the Village Square Homeowners Association in 2017. Thoselisted children and guests 12 years of age or older this calendar year have my permission to use the pool unsupervised by an accompanying adult. These older resident children have read the rules and understand their responsibilities. Please circle R for resident or G for guest.

Child’s Name ______Date of Birth: ______R-G

Child’s Name ______Date of Birth: ______R-G

Child’s Name ______Date of Birth: ______R-G

Child’s Name ______Date of Birth: ______R-G

Child’s Name ______Date of Birth: ______R-G

Child’s Name ______Date of Birth: ______R-G

Child’s Name ______Date of Birth: ______R-G

Child’s Name ______Date of Birth: ______R-G

Child’s Name ______Date of Birth: ______R-G

Child’s Name ______Date of Birth: ______R-G

Child’s Name ______Date of Birth: ______R-G

Child’s Name ______Date of Birth: ______R-G

Child’s Name ______Date of Birth: ______R-G

Child’s Name ______Date of Birth: ______R-G

Child’s Name ______Date of Birth: ______R-G

Child’s Name ______Date of Birth: ______R-G

C. The following renter(s) and adult guest(s)(including guest babysitter(s) when caring for resident children)have my permission as owner or authorized renter of the home at the above address to use the pool owned by the Village Square Homeowners Association in 2017 unaccompanied by an adult resident of my residence.

Name: ______Check: Renter ___ Guest ___ Dates: ____ to ____

Name: ______Check: Renter ___ Guest ___ Dates: ____ to ____

Name: ______Check: Renter ___ Guest ___ Dates: ____ to ____

Name: ______Check: Renter ___ Guest ___ Dates: ____ to ____

Name: ______Check: Renter ___ Guest ___ Dates: ____ to ____

Name: ______Check: Renter ___ Guest ___ Dates: ____ to ____

Name: ______Check: Renter ___ Guest ___ Dates: ____ to ____

Name: ______Check: Renter ___ Guest ___ Dates: ____ to ____

Name: ______Check: Renter ___ Guest ___ Dates: ____ to ____

Name: ______Check: Renter ___ Guest ___ Dates: ____ to ____

Name: ______Check: Renter ___ Guest ___ Dates: ____ to ____

Name: ______Check: Renter ___ Guest ___ Dates: ____ to ____

Name: ______Check: Renter ___ Guest ___ Dates: ____ to ____

Name: ______Check: Renter ___ Guest ___ Dates: ____ to ____

D. For rental properties, by signing below the owner of the subject residence authorizes the following renter(s)named here ______to complete an additional Form for Emergency Contacts and Pool Use Permissions with respect to renter(s) and children and guests of the renter(s).

Print Name*:______Signature: ______Date: _____

*Name of homeowner or renter authorized to sign by homeowner.