Purton Liaison Committee Meeting 26-09-2008
E Dodd / (Hills) / EDCliff Carter / (Hills) / CC
B Fitzpatrick / (Hills) / BF
Tim Fediw / (EA) / TF
Ron Harris / (PPC) / RH
Tony Price / (PPC) / TP
Tricia Portch / (Braydon) / TrP
Richard Pagett / (Ps & Qs) / RP
Godfrey Fowler / (PPC) / GF
Previous minutes were not agreed.
CC Will reconcile minutes to include notes from TrP;in the future if there are discrepanciesin the minutes circulated these should be notified to CC prior to the meeting by e mail.
Hills will endeavour to produce draft minutes within 4 weeks of the meeting.
Outstanding Actions Carried Over.
Planning Permission for vehicle movements at Purton Depot.Action ED
There is no restriction on commercial vehicle movements to and from Purton depot. Vehicles cannot turn right except for access to the restricted zone. There is no restriction on operating hours which is based on the operating licence
RP and TP have concerns about the vehicle movements and the relation to planning permissions. Have Hills undertaken survey? Hills will produce statement with regards to clay export movements. Action ED
Clay planning limitations outlined on amended attached schedule, which also supplies information relating to other activities.
Activity / Control through specific planning condition / Not restricted but estimated HGV numbersParkgate Farm Haz Landfill / 50,000 tonnes / 9/day
Parkgate Farm Non Haz Landfill / 100,000 tonnes / 36/day
Clay Mineral Export / 40,000 cubic meters / 14/day
Purton HRC / ------/ 4/day
Consented, but not yet Operational / Purton Concrete Plant / ------/ 30/day
Consented, but not yet Operational / Parkgate Composting & Tyre Recycling / ------/ Avg 18/day but seasonal
Additional businesses on Trading Estate / Vehicle Maintenance and Skip Depot / ------/ 22/day
Booths Fabrication / ------/ 3/day
BP / Handy Gas / ------/ 25/day
Hills Property / ------/ 4/day
Handy Gas lease expiry date is due December 2014.
Action ED
DVD for tyre shredding. Ongoing
Action CC
Meeting Minutes
Landfill Operations
Contractors are ongoing with the construction of Hazardous andStable Non Reactive Hazardous Waste (SNRHW) Cells 2. The area of capping works is smaller this year as the amount of restoration and re-profiling required is less. ED stated that the tonnage inputs are likely to be effected by current economic climate due to the slow down in the construction / land development sectors.
RP had further query regarding vehicle movements. ED stated that Hills have not undertaken survey of traffic movements and that it is the duty of WCC Planning Enforcement team to monitor the situation as well as Hills to maintain the business within planning or permitting limitations.
RH asked if it was correct that domestic batteries were to be included within the domestic waste stream. CC and TF elaborated on the current position, and confirmed that batteries should be included within the domestic waste stream.
ED re-iterated that the construction of access roads into the planning permission area for the Tyre / Green waste shredding area will be constructed.
The following information is included within the minutes, but was not available at the meeting:
The construction of the road / access into PGF wood shredding and compost area will only commence once the design is approved by the County as part of planning permission.
Application will be submitted(to PPC) to vary stand off for hedges and trees as current wording is unworkable and overly restrictive particularly where access is required. This will be in the form of Section 73 variation of planning permission (submit to PPC).
The following are conditions that are yet to be discharged relating to the tyre shredding permission. As stated, in the meeting, the access road will be constructed this year.
- Surface water attenuation scheme including pollution prevention measures
- Access details
- Planting on the boundary
- Fencing to be used to protect hedges and trees on the boundaries
RP also stated that Hills should be aware that there is significant work and time (by volunteers) when consulted on planning applications partly due to there complex and technical nature (i.e. concrete plant). When these permissions are not developed on, there are frustrations and potential anxieties (as high lighted by TrP) from local residence as to what is going on.ED stated that the planning permissions have an expiry period and that they involve significant work and cost for industry to produce. Hills do not submit applications for development lightly and do not submit these without the intent to use the permission. The planning process is a system that both industry and the public need to work with and it is far from ideal. Hopefully a representative of WCC planning team can be present next time to add to the debate?
Tyre and Compost operation is not at a point of being operationally developed at this time.
Recycling Operations
Committee was provided with annual review for Wiltshire Waste Contract 2008. GF will circulate at PPC Meeting.
RH asked about sendingrecyclables abroad. CC will forward WRAP report on Carbon Foot prints in relation to the movement of waste.ED outlined that hard plastics are being sent to Brazil for processing. Currently this is diverting from Landfill. RP noted that labour regulations and standards in Brazil my not be as high as Europe.
TP raised issue of the surface at the mini recycling centre at the village hall and is there potential to use landfill community fund to assist in funding 50% of the cost. CC to discuss with Community First.
Action CC
ED asked whether any clarity was required regarding the Hills / Purton Liaison meeting. It seemed that there was agreement as to the focus of the meeting which should be the communication of information relating to Hills activates in Purton and that this should not be deviated from.
GF suggested that it may useful for all parties if Hills to attend PPC for a guest slot and provide presentation.
Action Hills
CC also stated that he would if requested attend Braydon meeting and provide broader information about Hills and Wiltshire and recycling in general.
Action TrP / CC
Discussions about a possible Hills open day took place. Hills will review this and consider over the next year.
Action Hills
TF mentioned the EA role in flooding and flood management. CC provided e mail from Jaqui Lay regarding some flooding issues and the meeting that had been held at Purton on 30th June specifically about flooding. ED alsostated that if there were specific issues that required more input, meetings can be arranged outside of the Liaisonmeeting to discuss these.
RH asked why the Mopes Lane ditch was partially cleared. BF stated that initially there was a bird’s nest that stopped progress and then the ditch was saturated. BF will progress.
Action BF
Purton LiaisonMeeting 26/09/08