Elma Shearer Award


Excellence in Community Occupational Therapy (Housing)

Presented by COTSS-Housing annually to a COTSS-Housing Member

who has been recognised & nominated by his/her peers

for promoting Occupational Therapy to the highest possible standard

The award to be presented at the Annual Conference

Nominee must:-

  • be nominated by a COTSS-Housing member
  • be seconded by relevant person who knows of their work (e.g. service user/MP/other professional)
  • meet 3 of the following criteria, explaining how the nominee has promoted OT in the 3 areas chosen, with relevant examples, evidence & supporting information.

Promoting the profession locally:

  • Keeping the housing agenda at the forefront of discussion at a local level e.g. will have good testimonials at a local level etc.
  • Increasing awareness of occupational therapy as a profession & service amongst the general public, policy makers, partners & stakeholders e.g. events for OT week, keynote speaker or invited guest at local events, a named worker or policy maker on local documents, a member of a Health & Wellbeing Board etc.
  • Received a community award
  • Presentation or workshop at regional study day

Developing the profession nationally:

  • Keeping the housing agenda at the forefront of discussion at a national strategic level e.g. on a national committee being influential in positive change to policies, lobbying government productively, creating & achieving positive outcomes for the profession etc.
  • Devised competencies for development of the profession
  • Have written a housing publication / chapter / book
  • Been offered a national award outside Occupational Therapy
  • Presentation or workshop at a national conference

Educational and research development

  • Working with occupational therapy students & staff members, both qualified & unqualified, to enhance the OT service provided either locally &/or regionally e.g. testimonials from students & or colleagues, instrumental in arranging agendas for training days etc.
  • Carrying out an educational programme recognised by BAOT
  • Sharing of reflective logs on courses attended & how it can benefit other colleagues
  • Involved in research projects e.g. contribution to genHOME project

Proven record of excellence in service provision

  • Enabling service users & carers’ involvement & keeping this philosophy at the forefront of their work e.g. increased access for user groups
  • Co-production / co-working with disabled people / service users

Elma Shearer Award 2016


Excellence in Community Occupational Therapy (Housing)

  • Nominations to be received by 14th October 2016
  • The successful OT will be chosen by a sub-committee of the National Executive Committee.

The successful OT gets to keep the shield for a year - to be returned for the following AGM/Conference for which they will also be awarded a free delegate place. They will also be presented with a paperweight and certificate to keep.

Nomination Form

Please complete the information requested and provide further information on the three categories that qualify your nominee for this award along with your reason for the nomination.


Member no.

Nominated by:

Member no.

Seconded by:

Reasons for nomination:
Cont.: Reasons for nomination
Category 1
Category 2
Category 3

Return the completed pages, along with any further supporting evidence you wish to send,

in confidenceto Housing Chair:

Many thanks for your nomination.