Supplement data
Supplement table S1: Primary Antibody List
Antibody Name / Company / Cat No. / SpeciesTACSTD2 / R&D / AF650 / human MAb
ki67 / Millipore / Ab9260 / human
Active-caspase3 / R&D / AF835 / human
Cyclin D1 / Santa cruz / Sc-718 / human
Rabbit antigoat IgG / Millipore / Lv1580857 / goat
Goat antirabbit IgG / Thermo scientific / Lb140737 / rabit
Goat antimouse IgG / Thermo scientific / Lc143098 / mouse
Table Legend: Primary antibodies were listed in the table. MAb is monoclonal antibody. Unless otherwise designated,all antibodies were polyclonal antibodies.
Supplement table S2: RT-PCR Primer List
Primer ID SequenceTap63 forward primer / 5'-GTCCCAGAGCACACAGACAA-3'
Tap63 reverse primer / 5'-GAGGAGCCGTTCTGAATCTG-3'
Np63 forward primer / 5'-CTGGAAAACAATGCCCAGAC-3'
Np63 reverse primer / 5'-GGGTGATGGAGAGAGAGCAT-3'
Krt5 forward primer / 5'-CTTGTGGAGTGGGTGGCTAT-3'
Krt5 reverse primer / 5'-CCACTTGGTGTCCAGAACCT-3'
Krt10 forward primer / 5'-AGGGGGCAGTTTCGGAGGTG-3'
Krt10 reverse primer / 5'-AAGTAGGAAGCCAGGCGGTCATT-3'
Tacstd2 forward primer / 5'-GCGGGCTCTTTAAGGCCAA-3'
Tacstd2 reverse primer / 5'-CCCCAGCAGTGTTCACACA-3'
Gapdh forward primer / 5'-TGCCAAATATGATGACATCAAGAA-3'
Gapdh reverse primer / 5'-GGAGTGGGTGTCGCTGTTG-3'
Cd95 forward primer / 5'-TTGCTGCCATCTGGTAGTGTG-3'
Cd95 reverse primer / 5'-TGGTGCAGTGAATGCTCGAAG-3'
Bax forward primer / 5'-CCCGAGAGGTCTTTTTCCGAG-3'
Bax reverse primer / 5'-CCAGCCCATGATGGTTCTGAT-3'
Sfn forward primer / 5’- GTGTGTCCCCAGAGCCATGG-3’
Sfn reverse primer / 5’-ACCTTCTCCCGGTACTCACG-3’
Ivl forward primer / 5’- TAGAGGAGCAGGAGGGACAA-3’
Ivl reverse primer / 5’- AGGGCTGGTTGAATGTCTTG-3’
Dsc2 forward primer / 5’-TGTACTCGTCCTGTAGATCGTG-3’
Dsc2 reverse primer / 5’-AGTGCCCACTCTGCAATTTC-3’
Table Legend: RT-PCR Primers were listed in the table.
Supplement Figure 1:
Supplement Figure 1 legend:Quantification of TACSTD2 Stainingon Cervical Tissues
In order to quantitate the loss of TACSTD2 positive cells, theareacoveredby epithelial cells with membrane staining of TACSTD2 (PA) and the total epithelium area (TA) were circled by blue and red dotted line respectively, and the areas were measured using Image J software.The TACSTD2 negative cell ratio, defined as (1-PA)/TA, was calculated for each sample.
Supplemental Figure 2:
Supplement Figure 2 Legend:Increased TACSTD2 positive cells associated with thickening of epidermis in response toinjury.
The upper layers of the dorsal skin ofpostnatal 1-month-old C57 mice wereremoved by tape-stripping as previously described(Taljebini et al., 1996).Normal dorsal skin, dorsal skins of 0 days and2 days to 4days after tape-stripping were harvested and prepared for TACSTD2 immunofluoresent staining as described in Material and Method.(A) In normal skin before tape-stripping,TACSTD2 was present in the upper layers;(B) In skin collected right after stripping,TACSTD2 staining was not detected in the undifferentiated basal or parabasal cells;(C) In skin collected 4days after stripping,TACSTD2 positive cell layers were significantly increased, associated with thickening of the skin; (D) In skin collected 10days after striping, the thickness of the skin and the number of TACSTD2 positive cells gradually recovered toward the normal status.Dotted lines delineate basement membranes.
Taljebini, M., Warren, R., Mao-Oiang, M., Lane, E., Elias, P.M., Feingold, K.R., 1996. Cutaneous permeability barrier repair following various types of insults: kinetics and effects of occlusion. Skin pharmacology : the official journal of the Skin Pharmacology Society 9, 111-119.