R&D Consortia: A Benchmark Study, by Francis W. Wolek, 2014
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The title of this book calls it a benchmark; meaning that the data collected and the discussion relates to a specific period of history. That period, the mid-1970s, was one of exceptional activity on national R&D policy. President Carter was elected in 1976 and built on that interest with a host of programs to stimulate science and technology. The initiative of most relevance was a Domestic Policy Review on Industrial Innovation (DPR). The DPR was led by a dynamic advocate for an active role of government in innovation – Dr. Jordan Baruch, Assistant Secretary for Science and Technology at the U.S. Department of Commerce. I was fortunate to be Jordan's Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary and a deputy director for the DPR.
Cooperation between industrial firms on technical innovation was of particular interest to both government and industrial officials at the time of the DPR. Fortunately, I had received a National Science Foundation grant for research on R&D industrial consortia. The report on that grant was a major input into the conceptualization and development of a major new initiative of the Commerce Department: The Cooperative Generic Technology Program (COGENT).
This book is essentially a professional rewrite of my National Science Foundation report. The data and the policy thinking behind the report are the same as the NSF report. This book has neither updated the data nor reconsidered the report's conclusions in light of more recent research and discussion. As such, the book is true to the 1970s in content and tone. It is my fond hope that a clear review of that data and thinking will help modern scholars work on this ever promising idea of stimulating productive cooperation on industrial science and technology.
Francis Wolek
June, 2014
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction
Aims of the Study
Scope of the Book
Definition of Consortium
The Questionnaire Survey
The Interview Survey
Context for Research
Chapter 2: Who Does Cooperative R&D and Why?
Who Does Cooperative R&D?
Why Do Industries Support Cooperative R&D?
Is Cooperative R&D Growing?
Those Who Don't Do R&D and Why Not
Chapter 3: The Work of Consortia
The Context for R&D
Consortia R&D and the Innovation Process
Characteristics of R&D Projects
Consortia and Basic Research
The Value of Consortia
Role of Consortia in Textile Technology
Role of Consortia in Energy Technology
Opinions of Government Policy
Chapter 4: The Potential of Consortia
R&D Contractors and Consortia Laboratories
Laboratories and Technology Planning
Laboratories and Technology Utilization
Laboratories and the Regulatory Process
Consortia Laboratories and Basic Research
Government and Consortia in Noncompetitive Industries
Chapter 5: The Promise of Consortia Laboratories
Principles of Collaborative Innovation
Principles of Consortia Organization
Principles of Consortia Strategy
Government Impediments to Consortia Laboratories
Government Inducements
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About Frank Wolek
My interests and style were strongly influenced by where I was born, raised, and initially educated. I was born in 1935 in Brooklyn, New York; educated in Brooklyn Technical High School, the Colorado School of Mines (Geology), and Harvard Business School (doctorate in the management of science and technology). I’ve spent most of my career as a Professor of Management at several universities mostly at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and Villanova University (now an Emeritus Professor of Management). My contributions to others include service as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Science and Technology at the U.S. Department of Commerce and some 75 publications. I am happily married to Gloria Peez Wolek and we are proud of our four children and four grandchildren. I divide my time equally between homes in Florida and Philadelphia.
Books by Frank Wolek
Administering Research and Development with Charles Orth and Joseph Bailey, Homewood, IL: Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 1964.
Technology and Information Transfer, with Richard Rosenbloom, Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Division of Research, 1970.
Innovation Policy: Western Provinces of Canada, with Jean Eric Aubert, Francis Bonnet, Michael Proctor, and Veikko Vuorikari, Paris, France: OECD, 1988.
Cooperative Innovation: Key to a New Agriculture, Villanova: Villanova Center for Agricultural Commerce, 1989.
Operations Management, with Matthew Liberatore and Robert Nydick, Villanova, PA.: LNW Publishing, 1998.
Federal Innovation: You and New Agriculture, Audubon, PA.: Palantine Books, 2015.
R&D Consortia , 2014, is available as an ebook on:
The ISBN is: 978 1311 399 274
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