Table S1. Bacterial strains and reference phage strains used in this study

Strains / Source and origin / Reference or source
Erwinia amylovora
Ea1 / Malus domestica, Hungary / Hevesi 1996
Ea2, Ea24, Ea25 / Cotoneaster sp.;Hungary / Lab collection*
Ea3, Ea4 / Mespilus sp.;Hungary
Ea5, Ea6, Ea7, Ea8, Ea10, Ea14, Ea15, Ea18, Ea19, Ea20, Ea30, Ea31 / Malus domestica; Hungary
Ea11, Ea12, Ea13 / Cydonia oblonga;Hungary
Ea9, Ea17, Ea28, / Crataegus sp.; Hungary
Ea21, Ea22 / Pyracantha coccinea; Hungary
Ea26, Ea27 / Pyrus communis; Hungary
Ea1/79 / Cotoneaster sp.; Germany / Falkenstein et al. 1988
Ea1/79del100 / Cmr, deletion of ams cluster / Bugert and Geider 1995
Ea1/79Sm / Smr spontaneous mutant of Ea1/79 / Bellemann et al. 1994
EaDS02 / Germany / Lab collection*
EaDS05 / Cydonia oblonga; Germany / Lab collection*
EaRW1/06 / Cotoneaster floccosus; Germany / Lab collection*
Ea63/05 / Pyracantha coccinea;Germany / Lab collection*
EaOR1/07 / Malus domestica; USA, / Müller et al., 2011a
CFBP1430 / Crataegus sp.; France / Paulin and Samson 1973
Erwinia billingiae
Eb661T / Malus domestica; UK / Mergaert et al. 1999
Erwinia persicina
CFBP3622T / Lycopersicon esculentum;Japan / Hao et al. 1990
Erwinia rhapontici
CFBP3618T / Rheum rhabarbarum; UK / Hauben et al. 1998
Erwinia tasmaniensis
Et1/99T / Malus domestica;Australia / Geider et al. 2006
Pantoea agglomerans
NB2 / Hungary / Lab collection*
MB96 / Zea mays; Germany / Müller et al. 2011a
JCM1236 / UK / Gavini et al. 1989
Pantoea vagans
C9-1 / Malus domestica; USA / Ishimaru et al. 1988 via Stockwell
Tatumella citrea comb. nov.(former Pantoea citrea)
CCM 4319 / Citrus reticulata; Japan / Kageyama et al. 1992,
(Brady et al. 2010)
Pantoea stewartii ssp. stewartii
DC283 / Zea mays; USA / Coplin et al. 2002
SW2 / Zea mays; USA / Coplin et al. 1981
Rhizobium radiobacter(formerAgrobacterium tumefaciens)
C58 / Prunus avium; USA / Hamilton and Fall 1971, (Young et al. 2001)
Allorhizobium vitis(former Agrobacterium vitis)
F2/5 / Vitis sp;South Africa / Staphorst et al 1985, (Young et al. 2001)
Escherichia coli
DH5α / USA / Hanahan 1985
Xanthomonas campestris pv. zinniae
XCZ-1 / Zinnia elegans;Hungary / Schwarczinger et al. 2008
Pseudomonas cichorii / Lactuca sativa;Hungary / Lab collection*
Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae
H9 / Prunus cerasus;Germany / Süle and Seemüller 1987
Pectobacterium carotovorum ssp. carotovorum / Solanum tuberosum;Hungary / Lab collection
Pectobacterium carotovorum ssp. atrosepticum / Solanum tuberosum;Hungary / Lab collection
Erwinia amylovora phages
ΦEa1(h) / USA / Ritchie and Klos 1979
ΦEa100 / USA / Schnabel and Jones 2001
ΦEa116C / USA / Schnabel and Jones 2001

*Bacterial culture collections of the Julius Kühn-Institute, Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants, Germany and Plant Protection Institute, Centre for Agricultural Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences


Bellemann, P., Bereswill, S., Berger, S., & Geider, K. (1994). Visualization of capsule formation by Erwinia amylovora and assays to determine amylovoran synthesis. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 16(6), 290-296.

Brady, C. L., Venter, S. N., Cleenwerck, I., Vandemeulebroecke, K., De Vos, P., & Coutinho, T. A. (2010). Transfer of Pantoea citrea, Pantoea punctata and Pantoea terrea to the genus Tatumella emend. as Tatumella citrea comb. nov., Tatumella punctata comb. nov. and Tatumella terrea comb. nov. and description of Tatumella morbirosei sp. nov. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 60(3), 484-494.

Bugert, P., & Geider, K. (1995). Molecular analysis of the ams operon required for exopolysaccharide synthesis of Erwinia amylovora. Molecular Microbiology, 15(5), 917-933.

Coplin, D. L., Majerczak, D. R., Zhang, Y., Kim, W. S., Jock, S., & Geider, K. (2002). Identification of Pantoea stewartii subsp. stewartii by PCR and strain differentiation by PFGE. Plant Disease, 86(3), 304-311.

Coplin, D. L., Rowan, R. G., Chisholm, D. A., & Whitmoyer, R. E. (1981). Characterization of plasmids in Erwinia stewartii. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 42(4), 599-604.

Falkenstein, H., Bellemann, P., Walter, S., Zeller, W., & Geider, K. (1988). Identification of Erwinia amylovora, the fireblight pathogen, by colony hybridization with DNA from plasmid pEA29. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 54(11), 2798-2802.

Gavini, F., Mergaert, J., Beji, A., Mielcarek, C., Izard, D., & De Ley, J.(1989). Transfer of Enterobacter agglomerans (Beijerinck 1888). Ewing and Fife 1972 to Pantoea gen. nov. as Pantoea agglomerans comb. nov. and description of Pantoea dispersa sp. nov. Internaional Journal of Systematic Bacteriology, 39, 337-345.

Geider, K., Auling, G., Du, Z., Jakovljevic, V., Jock, S., & Völksch, B. (2006). Erwinia tasmaniensis sp. nov., a non-phytopathogenic bacterium from apple and pear trees. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 56(12), 2937-2943.

Hamilton, R. H., & Fall, M. Z. (1971). The loss of tumor-initiating ability in Agrobacterium tumefaciens by incubation at high temperature. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 27(2), 229-230.

Hanahan, D. (1985). Techniques for transformation of E. coli. In. Glover D. M. (Ed.). DNA Cloning, A Practical Approach. IRL Press. IRL Press, Oxford, United Kingdom. 1, 109-135.

Hao, M. V., Brenner, D. J., Steigerwalt, A. G., Kosako, Y., & Komagata, K. (1990). Erwinia persicinus. a new species isolated from plants.International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology, 40(4), 379-383.

Hauben, L., Moore, E. R., Vauterin, L., Steenackers, M., Mergaert, J., Verdonck, L., & Swings, J. (1998). Phylogenetic position of phytopathogens within the Enterobacteriaceae. Systematic and Applied Microbiology, 21(3), 384-397.

Hevesi, M. (1996). Az Erwinia amylovora (Burrill). Winslow et al.hazai megjelenése almán. Növényvédelem,32(5), 225-228. (in Hungarian).

Ishimaru, C. A., Klos, E. J., Brubaker, R. R. (1988). Multiple antibiotic production by Erwinia herbicola. Phytopathology, 78(6), 746-750.

Kageyama, B., Nakae, M., Yagi, S., & Sonoyama, T. (1992). Pantoea punctata sp. nov., Pantoea citrea sp. nov., and Pantoea terrea sp. nov. isolated from fruit and soil samples. International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology, 42(2), 203-210.

Mergaert, J., Hauben, L., Cnockaert, M. C., & Swings, J. (1999). Reclassification of non-pigmented Erwinia herbicola strains from trees as Erwinia billingiae sp. nov. International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology, 49(2), 377-383.

Müller, I., Lurz, R., Kube, M., Quedenau, C., Jelkmann, W., & Geider, K. (2011a). Molecular and physiological properties of bacteriophages from North America and Germany affecting the fire blight pathogen Erwinia amylovora.Microbial Biotechnology, 4(6), 735-745.

Paulin, J. P., Samson, R. (1973). Le feu bactérien en France. II.—caractères des souches d’Erwinia amylovora (Burrill). Winslow et al. 1920 isolées du foyer franco-belge. Annales de Phytopathologie, 5, 389-397

Ritchie, D. F. Klos, E. J. (1979). Some properties of Erwinia amylovora bacteriophages. Phytopathology, 69, 1078-1083

Schnabel, E. L., & Jones, A. L. (2001). Isolation and Characterization of Five Erwinia amylovora Bacteriophages and Assessment of Phage Resistance in Strains of Erwinia amylovora. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 67(1), 59-64.

Schwarczinger, I., Vajna, L., & Süle, S. (2008). First report of bacterial leaf and flower spot of Zinnia elegans caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. zinniae in Hungary. Plant Pathology, 57(2), 367-367.

Staphorst, J. L., van Zyl, F. G., Strijdom, B. W., & Groenewold, Z. E. (1985). Agrocin-producing pathogenic and nonpathogenic biotype-3 strains of Agrobacterium tumefaciens active against biotype-3 pathogens. Current Microbiology, 12(1), 45-52.

Süle, S., Seemüller, E. (1987). The role of ice formation in the infection of sour cherry leaves by Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae. Phytopathology, 77, 173-177

Young, J. M., Kuykendall, L. D., Martinez-Romero, E., Kerr, A., & Sawada, H. (2001). A revision of Rhizobium Frank 1889, with an emended description of the genus, and the inclusion of all species of Agrobacterium Conn 1942 and Allorhizobium undicola de Lajudie et al. 1998 as new combinations: Rhizobium radiobacter, R. rhizogenes, R. rubi, R. undicola and R. vitis. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 51(1), 89-103.

Table S2. Sequence of oligonucleotide primer pairs used in PCR analysis of phage isolates

Target genes / Primer name / Primer Sequence / Amplicon size (bp) / PCR program
and annealing temperature(At)
holin / Hol-F / 5’-GCTAACGGTGTCGTCTCATA-3’ / 361 / MM2
lysozyme / Lys-F / 5’-GCTGGACTTCTGGTAGACTT-3’ / 537
terminase / Term-F / 5’-GAAGCTGTGTAAGCCTCTGT-3’ / 1079
peptidase / Pep-F / 5’-CAACTGTCCAAGACGGTGTA-3’ / 551
tape measure protein / Tm-F / 5’-CCGAGGTAGTGAATGGCTAA-3’ / 614
ΦEa1(h) HNH endonuclease-like protein / PEa1A forward) / 5’-AATGGGCACCGTAAGCAGT-3’ / 304 / MM3
ΦEa100-HNH DNase-like protein / Ea100-F / 5’-ACTTGCGTGAGTGGTGCAA-3’ / 344
ΦEa1(h) capsid / 1hcap-F / 5’-GGTAGGCACCAATAGC-3’ / 474 / MM3
ΦEaH2 capsid / H2cap-F / 5’-GTATTCTGAACGCGCTGCTG-3’ / 508

F = forward primer, R = reverse primer, bp = base pair, MM2 PCR program: (2 min 94 oC, 35 x (1 min 92 oC, 1 min 47 oC, 1.5 min 72 oC) and 7 min 72 oC), MM3 PCR program: (1 min 95 oC, 35 x (30 sec 94 oC, 30 sec 60 oC or 56 oC, 30 sec 72 oC) and 7 min 72 oC).

Table S3. Sources and origin of Erwinia amylovoraphages investigated

Isolates / Sources / Origin
ΦEaH1A / Blighted quince (Cydonia oblonga Mill. ‘nk’) shoots and fruits / Siófok (Hungary), 2007
ΦEaH11 / Blighted quince (Cydonia oblonga Mill. ‘nk’) shoots
ΦEaH7B / Blighted apple (Malus x domestica Borkh. 'Idared') shoots
ΦEaH5K / Blighted quince (Cydonia oblonga Mill. ‘nk’) flowers / Békéscsaba (Hungary), 2006
ΦEaH4B / Blighted quince (Cydonia oblonga Mill. ‘nk’) fruits and leaves
ΦEaH9B ΦEaH12B / Blighted pear (Pyrus x communis L. 'Conference' ) shoots / Bekecs (Hungary), 2006

‘nk’ not known

Table S4. Morphology of reference phage strains

Family / Isolate / Virion* / Plaque**
head diameter, mean ± SD (nm) / tail length mean ± SD (nm) / tail diameter mean ± SD (nm) / diameter of
(mm) / width of
Podoviridae / ΦEa1(h) / 59.89 ± 1.49 / 0 / 0 / 2.0-3.0 / 0.5
ΦEa100 / 61.42 ± 2.14 / 0 / 0 / 3.0-7.0 / 0.5-3.0
Myoviridae / ΦEa116C / 73.36 ± 1.86 / 114.62 ± 2.28 / 20.41 ± 1.06 / 1.0-2.0 / 0

* Virion morphology: values show mean ± SD (Müller et al. 2011a),

** Plaque morphology on agar layers containing the indicator bacterium EaCFBP1430: data show minimum-maximum values measured in this study (50 plaques / isolate).