Resume of Susann Treston

Personal Details

Name:Susann Treston

Address:42 Hernon Road

Daradgee Q4860

Phone:Home: (07) 40633863

Mobile: 0408 501 274


Placement Objective

My objectives are to work in the welfare and/or community sector and gain valuable practical experience relevant to the Social Work degree I am currently studying. I have a particular interest in the dynamics and functioning of families, children and relationships and would like to work in this area, aiming to assist individuals and groups improve their interactions within their environments which facilitate the building of stronger successful communities.

Tertiary Education

2009 – Current Bachelor of Social Work

Central Queensland University

Expected date of completion: October 2012

2010 Student Mentor

2011 Student Mentor

Third Year Placement:

Queensland Corrective Services, Innisfail Probation and Parole

7 March to June 3, 2011.

2010Associate Degree Welfare Services

Central Queensland University

Completed October 2010 GPA 5.875 (7 highest; 0 lowest)

2008STEPs (Skills for Tertiary Education Preparatory Studies)

Central Queensland University

Microsoft Office 2007, Excel, Transition Mathematics, Academic Writing.

2001 – 2003 Certificate IV Clothing Production

Tropical North Queensland TAFE

Clothing design and production, industrial machining, pattern making, small business management, workplace health and safety.

1983Certificate Computer Programming

Control Data Institute, South Brisbane.

Computer programming and data processing.

Employment History

2011Department of Community Safety

Innisfail Probation and Parole

31 August –

Surveillance Officer AO3 (1)

2011 Department of Community Safety

Innisfail Probation and Parole

10 August – 26 August

Reporting Officer: temporary backfill PO1 (7)

Duties: supervision of offenders, brief interventions, other agency collateral checks, referrals, field visits, case notes, filing, administration.

1990 – 2010 T & S Treston

Agricultural partnership: Sugarcane production

Accounts and BAS

2003 – 2009 Self employed Milliner and Seamstress


Specialisation: Millinery design, manufacture and alterations.

2003-2004ACE Adult Education tutor

Tropical North Queensland TAFE

Group work: Design and deliver short courses in Millinery, instruct students in Millinery techniques.

2003 Assistant Tutor

Innisfail State High School

Short program group work : Get Real, 6 weeks part time student instruction for design and manufacture of fashion parade garments.

1999 – 2003Functions Waitress

Innisfail Reception Lounge

Food service, casual.

1983-1986Technical Assistant

Velocity Data Pty. Ltd, Brisbane.

Preparation of geophysical seismic reports, client liaison and data processing.

Professional Associations

2011Innisfail Toastmasters member, Executive position: VPE Programming

2010Innisfail Toastmasters member, Executive position: Sergeant at Arms

2009 – 2010Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW) Student member.

Membership no. 431093


2009 Police and Criminal History check.

2009 Commission for Children and Young People Blue Card.

No. 887683/1 expiry. 07 December 2011

C Class Queensland Drivers License.

No. 20 188 928 expiry. 09 June. 2014

Professional Development

2011 AASW Conflict Management Workshop

June 9 Cairns

2011 Working with Marginalised Women Workshop

May 9 Sisters Inside Inc.


2011Public Speaking Course (6 sessions)

May17 – June 21Innisfail Toastmasters

2011Workplace Conflict Resolution(2 day workshop)

April 13 and 14Dept. Justice and Attorney General (Queensland)


2011AASW Legal Education Seminar for Social Workers

April 1Cairns

2011Mental Health First Aid (2 day workshop)

January 17 and 18: Innisfail Community Health

2010Random Acts of Counselling and Communication Skills

December 2: P & P Training & Consultancy


2010What’s Your Poison? Understanding Substance Use and Abuse

November 30: P &P Training and Consultancy


2010Understanding Disruptive Behaviours and Disorders

November 29: P &P Training and Consultancy


2010Cross Cultural Practice Development (2 day workshop)

November 24 & 25: Community Services Skilling Plan


2010 Public Speaking Course

March – April Toastmasters

2010 Suicide Prevention Course

March 27: Community Response to Eliminating Suicide (CORES)

2009‘Mindful Conversations’

November 27: FNQ Volunteers


2011 Child Safety Day

Central State School, Innisfail

10 September

Face painting: design, co-ordinate and apply to children 1- 15years.

2010 Community Support Centre Innisfail (CCSI)

13-17 Donald Street


Volunteer duties: Reception and Administration, information and referral, client bookings for community services.

2005-2009Green Ant Inc. (GAI)

Conservatorium of Music

McGowan Drive,


Volunteer duties: Administration and office duties, telephone, banking, correspondence.
Festival and events team member involved in event co-ordination and delivery of the Innisfail Harvest Festival and various community events held at Conservatorium of Music
Publicity Officer, media liaison, media releases, archival of paper media records.

GAI Assets and Financial Grants delivery, acceptance, recording and dispersal.

2005-2007 Journalist and Photographer
Promotion of Cairns Amateurs Racing Carnival for UK Hat Magazine

2 published articles.

2008Headwear Hardware Exhibition (June- July 2008)
Cairns Regional Gallery, Cairns

Exhibition co-ordinator and co-exhibitor.

Professional Attributes

Professional Competencies

  • Work within time frames and towards goals.
  • Independent and collaborative team worker.
  • Resource awareness and management.
  • Ethical information and document management.
  • Computer literacy including MSOffice, Excel, PowerPoint
  • Written and Numerical accuracy and ability.

Personal Qualities

  • Non-judgemental, culturally relative and respectful communicator.
  • Prioritising workload and completing tasks.
  • Results oriented.
  • Logical and analytical reasoning towards problem solving.
  • Life-long learning in the pursuit of personal development and professional excellence.
  • Integrity, ethical practice,honesty and tolerance.
  • Flexibility and adaptability.
  • Emotional maturity


Maja Smitran

Health Promotions Officer

Queensland Health

Healthy Great Green Way


Phone: Work: (07) 40 619 177

Julie French


Community Support Centre Innisfail


Phone : Work : (07) 40 438400

Joanne Hughes

Innisfail Probation and Parole


Phone: Work (07) 40 483 344

Janet Elders


Green Ant Inc. (GAI)


Phone: Home: (07) 40 645 284

Mobile: 0429 983 525