The Pro Shot Fundraising Camps/Clinics program is for larger programs with multiple teams. This is for well connected coaches that want to raise funds for their program.

Pro Shot’s fundraising policies are based around 20 paid players. Once 20 are paid,the fundraising becomes a 50/50 split after expenses (see expenses at the bottom of this page). There is not a basketball camp in the United States that offers a 50/50 split to the host program.

A Pro Shot Camp and Clinic have never lost money. Many coaches are apprehensive to have us travel a great distance because they believe they will lose monies. This will not happen.

When Pro Shot travels a good distance (Florida, west of Kansas City, Gulf of Mexico and New England) our expectations are to have 30-40+ paid players.

Please review the following table to completely understand how the 50/50 works before the magic number of 20 paid campers…

Paid Players Pro Shot Host School/Program

1-10 100% 0%

11 95% 5%

12 90% 10%

13 85% 15%

14 80% 20%

15 75% 25%

16 70% 30%

17 65% 35%

18 60% 40%

19 55% 45%

20+ 50% 50%


The below prices are flexible and can be brought up or down depending on economics in the region of thecamp. We want to have our camps be accessible to all players no matter what their economic status is. Pro Shot believes that these rates are very comparable to most basketball camps.


3 HOUR $506 HOUR $75

4 HOUR $608 HOUR $100

6 HOUR $75 12 HOUR $125

Camps that are longer in duration (3-5 days) will be negotiated.


At Pro Shot it is crucial we keep our costs to a minimum. OUR expenses are for Lodging and Transportation. We do not expect the host program to pay for anything else (food etc).

Lodging is usually 1-2 night hotel stay if needed. Please let the Pro Shot staff know if you have connections regarding hotel accommodations.

Transportation is usually done by driving on the East Coast, South and Midwest. We will do everything to keep the costs down. This includes trying to book another camp within 200 miles before or after your event. This can save on total traveling expenses up to 50%.

Please keep receipts for YOUR costs which may include making brochures or flyers. You will be reimbursedfor this. Also,let Pro Shot know if there is a cost in the gym and how much it will be. If we need to pay for the gym, this will come out of expenses.