1.1This Service Description forms part of the Agreement under which Optus supplies the Service to you.
1.2Rules of interpretation and capitalised terms which are used in this Service Description are defined either in the General Terms or in the attached Dictionary within this Service Description.
Some important information about the Service:
Service / Optus Mobile Device SecurityOptus company / Optus Mobile Pty Limited (ABN 65 054 365 696)
Owner of the Software / Juniper Networks (US) Inc.
1194 North Mathilda Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94089
2.1The Optus Mobile Device Security (Optus MDS) Service is a monthly subscription based software solution, that helps secure and protect mobile devices from malicious software infections that are downloaded from the internet.
2.2The Optus MDS Service includes the following components, each described in more detail below:
(a)Access to theDevice Administration Software Portal(see section 3)
(b)Use of the Client Application Software(see section 3)
(c)Customer setup and configurationof the Device Administration Software Portal (see section 4)
(d)Access to the Optus Help Desk(see section 8)
3Device Administration Software Portal (Portal) and Client Application Software
3.1The Device Administration Software Portal is hosted by Optus (physical location in Ultimo, Sydney). You can administer Security Policies on Supported Mobile Devices via a Mobile Security Gateway using the Portal.
3.2The following is a list of available functions that can be configured in the Device Administration Software Portal:
(a)Proactive Antivirus/Anti-Malware Protection
(b)Personal Firewall
Some features and functionality may not be available on some mobile devices due to restrictions of different operating systems (please see Supported Mobile Devices in Attachment 2).
3.3The Client Application Software is themobile device security software that is installed and runs on Supported Mobile Devices to implement the Security Policies you have set in the Device Administration Software Portal.
3.4Optus does not support the below functionality within the Device Administration Software Portal or Client Application Software:
(a)Monitor & Control
(b)Backup & Restore
4service configuration (SeT upAND traininG)
4.1To enable you to use the Device Administration Software Portal, Optus will:
4.1.1Set up your Enterprise Account and apply the default configuration of theOptus MDSSoftware.The default configurations may be altered by the System Administrator once a handover has been performed.
4.1.2Hand over the operation of the Device Administration Software Portal to your System Administrator. Your System Administrator is responsible for determining, applying and managingall configuration changes in the future to available functionality listed in Section 3.2 above to suit your organisation.
4.1.3Send you a Welcome Pack which includes credentials for access to the Device Administration Software Portal, a MAC Form and a guide on how to use the functionality within the Device Administration Software Portal. The Welcome Packalso includes a “Quick Start” training pack for your System Administrator which will guide the System Administrator through the various administrative tasks and functions to manage the Device Administration Software Portal. An “Administration Guide” detailing the administration capabilities is also provided within the Welcome Pack which can also be used for future reference to perform these tasks. No onsite visit will be provided.
4.2Requirement for the Client Application Software:
4.2.1You are solely responsible for the installation of the Client Application Softwareon each of your end users devicesto enable the devicesto use the Service.This includes notifying and ensuring all your end users install any Updates of the Client Application Software when these are made available to you by Optus. Optus has no liability to you or your end users if your end users have not downloaded or installed onto their devices the most recent Update.
4.2.2To download the Client Application Software (including Updates) on the end user’s Supported Mobile Device, the end user needs to go to the designated download location by connecting to a hyperlink provided by the System Administrator.The details of the hyperlink to the download location provided to the Systems Administrator as part of the Optus hand over. The System Administrator is responsible for sending the hyperlink of the designated download location to the end users. Alternatively, the System Administrator may first download the applications from the designated download location then upload (if applicable) to your organisation’s own software application repository from which the end users can access the relevant Client Application Software and Updates.
4.2.3To install and register the Client Application Software on the end user’s Supported Mobile Device, the unique Enterprise Licence Code specific to your Enterprise Account needs to be entered into the Client Application Software during installation. Your System Administrator is responsible for providing the Enterprise License Code details to your end users. The end user of the mobile device is required to provide a valid e-mail address as the username and a password to complete the registration.
4.2.4The end user cannot use the generic Junos Pulse application which is found on the Supported Mobile Device application store (e.g. Apple App Store, Android Marketplace) as this will not link back to the Optus MDS Service.
4.2.5To install the Client Application Software on the end user’s mobile device, the device needs to have mobile network or WiFi internet access and conform to the Supported Mobile Devices referenced in Attachment 2.
4.3Optus will endeavour, in a timely manner, to send information relating to Updates (including such as providing you with instructions on how to use a new functionality) for the Device Administration Software Portal and Client Application Software to the System Administrator as the Updates are made available to Optus by Juniper Networks.
5Use of the Service
5.1Once you have received handover of the Device Administration Software Portalfrom Optus, you are responsible for determining and configuring the available functionality of Optus MDS to suit your requirements. Optus is not responsible past this point (handover point)for any chosen settings, outcomesor use of the Software functionality thatyou configure within the Device Administration Software Portal.
5.2When using the Service you mustensure that the Software you use with the Service is properly licensedand you must comply with the Software Licence terms (please see section 9.2).
5.3You must notresell, share or otherwise distribute the Service (or any part of the Service) to any third party without Optus’ prior written consent.
5.4Optus may:
(a)monitor the number of Active Licences which will be automated once the Software has been installed. The Device Administration Software Portal reports on the number of Licences used each month and this information is used for billing purposes;
(b)monitor the usage of the Servicein the Device Administration Software Portalto ensure compliance with the Agreement;
(c)investigate any misuse of the Service and may involve police or other law enforcement agencies in doing so; and
(d)recover from you any costs of investigating misuse.If it is found that the Service has been misused (e.g. if Optus is unable to obtain Software Licence information) or if the misuse causes loss to another user or third party and Optus is required to pay compensation, you agree to reimburse Optus.
6.1The Optus MDS Service is a Subscription forthe use of Client Application Software licenses. This is independent of the number or type of Optus mobile voice and data services.
6.2Licences are sold in increments of 25, 50 or 100 as specified in the Tiering Structure section of the Standard Pricing Table in Attachment 1.
6.3The System Administrator may configure additional licences in the Device Administration Software at anytimewithin the Contract Perioduntil the total number of Active Licences equals the Licence Cap.
6.4The System Administrator nominates a Licence Cap during initial contract signing which allows an organisation to have a designated maximum or threshold number of Licences in which Supported Mobile Devices may register (i.e. become an Active Licence). Once the Licence Cap has been exhausted, the Service will automatically stop further Supported Mobile Devices from becoming an Active Licence (e.g. a customer contracted to 200 Active Licences upfront, the Licence Cap was agreed to be 300 - but there are now 300 Active Licences – therefore the Device Administration Software Portal will not allow you to register any further devices to the Service). If you have exhaustedyour defined Licence Cap and you require more Active Licences, you must request an increase in your Licence Cap via the MAC Form.
6.5The System Administrator may also increase the initial agreed Licence Cap at anytime within the Contract Period by submitting a MAC Form.
6.6The licences which are below the Licence Cap, but not yet Active Licences will not be charged, until a device has been registered to the Client Application Software (i.e. become an Active Licence).
6.7You will be charged a single once off set up fee, then a monthly fee in accordance with the Tiering Structure section of the Standard Pricing Table in Attachment 1.
6.8The monthly charge on your Optus bill will be based on the Tiering Structure in the Standard Pricing Table in Attachment 1and (a) the highest number of Active Licences on your system or (b) the initial number of licences indicated andagreed in your contract, whichever is greater. You will always be charged at the highest number of Active Licences (if this is higher than your initial contracted number of licences), even if you reduce the number of Active Licences at a later stage.
6.9Optus is licensed to provide the Software Licences to you. You purchase the rightto use these Software Licences for the minimum Contract Period of 24 months. At the expiry of the Contract Period and until you re-sign for another minimum Contract Period of 24 months, Optus will continue to charge you based on the Standard Pricing Table shown in Attachment 1.
6.10The standard charges for the Service and any additional amounts payable will be calculated in accordance with the Standard Pricing Table shown in Attachment 1. The charges payable by you will depend on:
(a)Whether you have previously paid any once-off charges, or whether you are yet to be charged;
(b)The relevant tier in which your Active number of Licenses falls (see Standard Pricing Table in Attachment 1).
7.1Optus will conduct routine maintenance of the Device Administration Software Portal in accordance with the following:
(a)Optus requires outages windows to be available for routine maintenance from 2am to 6am every Monday morning Australian Eastern Standard Time / Australian Eastern Daylight Time (as applicable), to be used at the discretion of Optus (“Outage Windows");
(b)the target maximum impact to your Services during each Outage Window if used for routine maintenance is 10 minutes;
(c)the maximum total outage to you due to routine maintenance conducted during Outage Windows for any calendar month is targeted to be no more than 30 minutes; and
(d)you will not be notified of routine maintenance conducted by Optus during the Outage Windows.
7.2Occasionally Optus may conduct preventative or corrective maintenance affecting the operation of the Service. Optus will endeavour to notify you as to the timing of maintenance and schedule such maintenance between midnight and 7am. This may affect the availability of the Service and therefore the availability of Software Security Updates may be delayed during this maintenance period.
7.3Within the Device Administration Software Portal, the Service is "Unavailable" when:
(a)You are unableto access the Device Administration Software Portal and such inability is solely caused by Optus' act or omission; or
(b)Distributed "denial of service attacks" or similar deliberate or malicious attempts by third parties to interrupt the Service;
(c)Any outage due to scheduled maintenance for the Service exceeds the stipulated weekly scheduled maintenance window (as stipulated above in section 7.1).
7.4The Service ceases to be Unavailable at the time when Optus notifies you that the Service is available. The notification from Optus could be in the form of a telephone call, voice message, fax, e-mail or text message.
7.5If it is determined that a Service is Unavailable as advised above, then your only remedy in relation to that Unavailability will be the service rebates (if any) calculated in accordance with the Table below.
7.6Your only remedy in relation to faults in the Service or the Service being Unavailable will be the applicable service rebates (if any) set out in Table 1. The rebates will be calculated on each instance of Unavailability of the Service identified in the Table below. A service rebate is not redeemable for cash.
7.7In any given month the service rebate that may apply for Unavailability of the Service in the Table is capped in aggregate for all claims at 30% of your monthly recurring charge for the impacted Service applying in the month the Service is Unavailable. Service rebates will be applied only to the Service charges payable for the Service for which the service rebate was incurred.
7.8You must claim any service rebate in writing within twenty (20) working days from the date on which it becomes possible to calculate the amount of the service rebate.
7.9Once a claim is made in accordance with clause 7.8, Optus will calculate the service rebate (if applicable) and credit to your account an amount equal to the service rebate.
7.10The service rebate entitlement is calculated in accordance with the Table below – Service Rebates.
Service Rebates
Unavailable Service / Unavailability beyond stated restoration target / Rebate (% of monthly recurring charge)Inability to access the Device Administration Software Portal (excludes the Client Application Software) / 1 day – 2 days / 10%
3 days– 5 days / 20%
Greater than 5days / 30%
7.11Example rebate calculation: Access to the Device Administration Software Portal is restored in 27hours:
27hours restoration time = 27hours unavailability. Therefore, the applicable rebate is 10% of the monthly recurring charge.
e.g. if your monthly recurring charge is $550.00 (inc GST), and the Device Administration Software Portal was Unavailable for 27 hours, the service rebate would be $550 x 10% = $55.00 (inc GST).
8.1Optus will provide customer service to the System Administrator, through a help desk, for the Client Application Software and the Device Administration SoftwarePortal. Optus does not provide any assistance or support to end users.
8.2If your System Administratorexperiences technical or performance issues in accessing the Device Administration Software Portal, or technical issues with the Client Application Software the System Administratorcan contact the customer servicehelp desk by phoning134 315weekdays (excluding public holidays) between 8am and 6pm Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST).
8.3The customer service available with the Service is limited, and does not cover matters such as management of your licences within the Device Administration Software Portal,any end user assistance or onsite support. If you require ongoing management services for matters such as moving, adding or changing users and licences or changing Security Policies within the Device Administration Software Portal, please contactyour Optus Account Manager for more information.
8.4Beyond the maintenance and support services that Optus provides for the Client Application Software for Supported Mobile Devices(including theprovision of Updates), Optus does not provide support for technical issues (e.g., software‘bugs’). Optus will escalate the technical issue to the software owner Juniper Networks for resolution or workaround.
You acknowledge that:
9.1Optus uses services supplied by the Optus Group Company and other third party providers in providing the Service to you. The Service may rely for its operation on services supplied by third parties, who are not controlled by Optus.
9.2The Software owner is Juniper Networks. Use of the Software is subject to the terms and conditions of the Juniper NetworksEnd User License Agreement (“EULA”) a copy of which can be found in Attachment 3. By downloading, installing or using such Software, you agree to the terms and conditions of that EULA. You must ensure that your end users agree to the terms and conditions of that EULA.
9.3The Software (and any Updates) or Service may be subject to laws controlling its import, export, transmission or use. If you wish to use the Software or Service from outside Australia, you are responsible for complying with all applicable controls imposed under Australian law or the laws of other countries. This may require you to obtain a permit or other authorisation. Your EULA may also contain additional requirements or information on controls.
9.4You must provide Optus with a list of Trusted IP Addresses (which are the locations from which your System Administrators will be accessing the Device Administration Software Portal). It is your responsibility to inform Optus if this information changes by providing a MAC Form to Optus.
9.5You are responsible for advising Optus if your System Administrator(s) contact details have changed and to ensure these are kept up to date. This will enable Optus to provide you with all information regarding your Service.
9.6Your System Administrator must be aware when making changes or reallocating Software licenses within the Device Administration Software Portal, that you must first "remove" an ActiveLicense from a user or device beforechanging or updatingto a new user or device.
9.7Your System Administrator is responsible for providing support or assistance to your end users within your organisation with regards to your Optus MDS Service. Optus does not provide any assistance or support to your end users as part of the service.
9.8You are responsible for assessing and monitoring whether Optus MDS and the terms upon which Optus supplies the Service to you meet any particular specification, standard, policy, regulatory requirement or other requirement you may have or may be subject to (including any requirement relating to data storage, control, back-up, accessibility, auditing or security).